IMAGINE: Carlos and you falling in love

“Dude!” You screech as you drop to your knees as the Auradon Prep School mutt races across the lawn. He flies into your arms and you fall onto your back, laughing as he licks your face excitedly. “Dude, get back here, buddy!" A voice calls, running across the lawn. You sit up and see a boy dressed in black and white coming towards you. He stops when he sees you and stares at you, his eyes going wide. You clear your throat and lift Dude off of you. You smile at the very cute boy and stand up. "Hey. I'm Y/N." "Uh, Carlos. I'm Carlos." He says nervously. His eyes move to Dude moving around your legs excitedly. "He seems to really like you." “Oh, Dude and I go way back." You wave a hand in the air. "Isn't that right, buddy?" You grin down at the dog. He wags his tail wildly. “How far back?" Carlos asks curiously. “I used to go to school here, so Dude and I got really close. I moved away for a while and have only just returned to stay." “Oh, I see." He breathes. "I hate dogs." He states suddenly. You straighten and look at him in horror. "What?!" His eyes go big. "No! No! No! That's not what I meant. I used to hate dogs. My mother...she made me hate dogs. But, because of Dude, my opinion on dogs have changed." He rushes to explain. “Ohhh." You breathe. “Well, I think Dude is enough to change anyone's opinions on dogs." You smile. “That he is." Carlos smiles back. "I was just about to take him on a walk. Would you like to come along?" “Yeah, sure, why not?" You smile at Carlos. Carlos and you walk Dude together for an hour, just talking and getting to know each other. He's really nice and sweet, and the way he loves Dude is adorable. You smile at Carlos as he talks to Dude and your hearts lightens. Carlos looks up at you, his eyes bright with delight. "What?" He asks. You flush and look away from him. "Nothing." “No, Y/N, what is it?" He laughs. "You had this peculiar look on your face." You cross your arms, smirking. "You don't know me well enough to know my looks." “No, you're right, but I have known you for the past hour, and in that time, I feel like I've gotten to know you quite well." “Not well enough though." You wink, before starting to walk away. "Wait! Where are you going?" Carlos asks, standing up from petting Dude. "I'm going home." “Will I see you again?" He asks nervously. “Maybe." You smirk. “D-do you want to walk Dude with me tomorrow?" He asks. Your eyebrows raise in surprise. "Uh, yeah, I mean, sure. That would be fun." You smile. “Okay." Carlos breathes with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Y/N." He says. “I'll see you tomorrow." You return the smile. ——— The next day and every single day for the next two months, Carlos and you walk Dude together. Carlos and you have become best friends in the short time that you've known him, and it is one of the best things ever. If you're being honest with yourself, you're also falling in love with him. You believe it started the day you met him. The way he loves Dude, even from day one of meeting him, continuously melts your heart. He is so kind, loyal, protective, caring, and sweet. You're out walking the lawns of the school one afternoon, looking for Carlos and Dude. Where you find one, there you will find the other. You see Carlos disappear behind some trees, Dude no where in sight. Your eyebrows furrow. "Carlos!" You call, running after him. "Carlos!" You call, rounding the trees and running straight into him. You yelp in surprise and fall backwards. Carlos quickly grabs you and whisks you into his arms before you can hit the floor. You clutch onto him, your eyes going wide. "Sorry." You breathe, blushing furiously, your heart pounding at how close you are to him. Carlos stares straight at you, blinking slowly. "No, I'm sorry. I almost plowed you down." He murmurs, setting you gently on your feet. He doesn't let you go though and neither do you. There's a long moment of silence, neither Carlos or you saying anything, just the two of you staring into each other's eyes intensely. “Y/N." He breathes. “Yes?" You whisper breathlessly, feeling like you can hardly breathe. He leans his head forward, waiting for you to pull back if you want to. When you don't, but instead also lean forward, his lips meet yours. You sigh and wrap your arms around him. Carlos pulls you tightly against him, deepening the kiss. A long moment passes and then you both pull your heads back, gazing at each other. You feel dazed and are sure you look it too. “Th-that was incredible." He whispers. You nod, not trusting yourself to speak. "Y/N, I think-I think I'm falling in love with you." He whispers. “I know that I'm falling in love with you, Carlos." You whisper back, cupping his face in your hands, smiling slightly. He laughs with relief, smiling, before kissing you again. [THE END] I hope you liked it!