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IMAGINE: Caspian Finding Out You’re Injured

     You duck as an ax comes whirling at your head. It lodges in a tree as you straighten, bringing your bow up to fire off an arrow at the enemies that are all over the battlefield. “Y/N, I'm going in!" Caspian shouts at you over the roar of battle. “I'll bring up the rear!" You yell back to your fiancé, giving him a nod. You watch as Caspian fights his way in deeper, cutting down the enemies that stand in his way. You pick off soldiers with your arrows, watching them fall. A volley of arrows fly past your head as a group of archers shoot at the enemy. Many fall to the ground, arrows protruding from their dead bodies. The foot soldiers, with their swords, gain confidence and advance further on the enemy, following Caspian. It's getting too crowded to see who is the enemy and who is the friend. You frown. Your eyes scale the small, easily climbable mountain alcoves alongside the battle. Your frown slowly curves into a smile as an idea comes to your mind. You turn to the archers. "I'm getting to higher ground and staying on the sidelines. It's too hard to do anything from this angle." You tell them, before scurrying off.      You climb up the small, yet rocky mountain, moving along the edges that curve around the battlefield. You aren't very high off the ground, perhaps twenty feet or so, but you're able to see much better from this height. You grab your bow, nock an arrow, and fire. In a matter of seconds, it hits its target. You continue to move along the mountain, trying to get better and more precise shots. Suddenly an arrow comes flying at you. Your eyes widen in shock and you jump to the side to avoid it. You land on loose part of the mountain. Before you can jump back up to solid ground, the rock shifts beneath you and completely gives way. You scream as you fall off the mountain, your hands grasping for anything. They scrape against the side of the mountain. You plummet down the mountain, your body hitting off of rocks. Pain flares through you as you watch your life flash before your eyes. You hit the ground with such impact you feel like passing out. You lay there, a pool of your own blood surrounding you, staring up at the cloudy sky, your body numb. You blink and take a gasp of air. You lay there for what seems like an eternity when you hear heavy footfalls and chain mail coming towards you. You turn your head slowly, grimacing in pain, and see two soldiers—your enemies—walking towards you. They look at one another and laugh at their luck. Fear spikes in your heart. You're not going down this way.       You grunt as you turn yourself over. Blood is coming from wounds all over your body, your head especially. You wipe the blood that streams down your face and then reach behind you to pull a sword out of your back scabbard. It feels like it weighs one thousand pounds. You shakily pull yourself up to standing and then close your eyes as you feel like blacking out. You slowly shake your head to clear your thoughts through the fog that clouds your mind. The first man comes at you, his sword swinging. You barely block it in time and gasp underneath the weight, pain radiating throughout your body that it makes you want to scream. You sloppily fight him, fighting like a person who has had too much to drink. The second one comes at you and you feel tears come to your eyes. This is the end. In your heart, in your soul, you know it. But you will keep fighting until the last breath is gone from your lungs. A stray arrow comes out of nowhere and hits the first man in the back, killing him. You stumble backwards in surprise as the second man freezes, staring at his fallen comrade. It takes you a second to advance on him while he's distracted. You nick his upper arm and he swears, snapping out of his stupor. He looks at you angrily and brings his sword around. You duck just in time. He brings his sword up and over yours, knocking it from your hands. It clatters to the stones. “You're dead." He whispers, lunging for you. In a second, you roll away, pulling a dagger from your calf and throwing it at the man. It hits him in the stomach. He clutches it and blanches, his face paling. He leans forward and then falls onto the ground, dead. Exhaustion and pain overtake you and you drop to your knees, wanting nothing more than to be dead in this moment. You lay forward and close your eyes, praying for darkness. ———      Caspian walks the body-strewn battlefield after having declared victory. Some of his men take the wounded off the field while the others search for dead. “Has anyone seen Y/N?" Caspian asks worriedly to those around him. They all shake their heads and murmur a no. As he continues to walk through the battlefield, he sees no sign of you. Panic starts to grip his heart like a vise. "Has anyone seen Y/N?!" He asks loudly, unable to help the shake in his voice. People look at him worriedly and say that they haven't seen you. Caspian quickly hurries back to the archers near base camp. They're all gathering weapons. "Have any of you seen where Y/N went? I can't find her anywhere. She's nowhere to be found. No one has seen her." He says breathlessly. “She told us a while ago that she was going up the mountain to get a better view of the battle and do her work there." One archer announces. “And you let her go by herself?!" Caspian exclaims angrily. The archers look at each other. "My lord, you don't give her enough credit. Y/N is more than able to take care of herself." Another archer pipes up. “I know that, but this is war we're talking about! Anything could happen!" Caspian exclaims, before tearing off towards the mountain, some of his men following him.      Some men go up the mountain, other search the grounds. Caspian picks through everything, leaving no stone unturned. “My lord!" He hear someone shouts. He looks up and sees one of his foot soldiers on a small rocky hill, staring at him, his eyes wide in horror. Caspian's heart drops to the pit of his stomach. "No, oh, please, no." He whispers, dashing over. He mounts the small hill and sees you at the foot of it, face forward. "Is she...?" Caspian can't even bear to say the word. “I-I haven't checked. I saw her and called you over immediately." The soldier replies, his face paling by the second. Caspian slowly makes his way towards you. His whole body quakes. He drops to his knees beside you and takes in your bloodied body. Tears fill his eyes and run down his cheeks. “Oh, Y/N, please be alive." He begs in a whisper as he turns you over. You're pale, blood streaked across your face coming from a gash above your right eyebrow. He presses his fingers against your neck and squeezes his eyes shut, unable to bear the thought that there might not be a pulse to meet his fingers. It takes a half second but he feels a slow, low pulse. “Oh, Y/N." He sobs with relief, pulling you into his arms, weeping into your neck. “My lord?" The soldier behind him asks worriedly. “She's alive. She's alive. But she's gravelly injured." Caspian explains. ———      You wake up to sunlight streaming into a room. Your whole body hurts. Everything aches, even opening your eyelids. You look around the room and see Caspian sitting in a chair beside you, his head in his hands, sunlight streaming over his head like a halo. "My love." You croak out. He lifts his head. "Y/N!" He exclaims, jumping to his feet. "H-how do you feel?" He asks worriedly, his eyes moving over your whole body. "Horrible, but grateful." You murmur. “Y/N, we thought you were going to die. It's a miracle you're even alive. You have so many deep cuts and gashes over your body, it was a miracle you didn't bleed to death before we found you." He whispers, his eyes looking hollow. "What happened?" He asks, shaking his head. You relay the whole entire story to him and by time you're finished, tears are pooling in his eyes. "I thought I was going to die. At-at one point...I wanted to." Your voice cracks. “Oh, Y/N." Caspian breathes, sitting beside you. He lightly starts to caress your forehead. "I wish I was there to help you. And here I had no idea what you were going through..." He breathes guiltily. “It's not your fault, Caspian. Don't put this on on you, okay?" You say sternly, staring at him. “Every single day I will look at you, see your scars, and be reminded that I couldn't be there for you when you needed help most." He bites out bitterly. “No, every single day you look at me, see my scars, and be thankful that I survived, okay? I don't blame you. I will never blame you. You weren't the cause of this." You reply, grabbing his hand as firmly as you can. "Please don't blame yourself." You plead in a whisper. Caspian is silent for a moment and then sighs. "I won't." He murmurs. “I love you, Caspian. I hope you know that. I-I was so scared I wasn't going to be able to tell you that again." You state, tears coming to your eyes. He gently kisses you, as if scared he's going to break you. "I love you, Y/N. And I will tell you that each day for the rest of our lives." He whispers, resting his forehead against yours. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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