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IMAGINE: Harry and you falling in love

     You get hauled up the stairs, struggling against the crew of the Lost Revenge. "Let me go!" You demand. "Shut your mouth. We're not doing anything until we take you to the captain." One of them spits at you. Once you're at the top level of the Lost Revenge, they throw you to your knees in front of only what you assume to be the captain. He turns around and looks down at you. "What do we have here? A stow away?" He asks. You breathe hard and glare up at him, not expecting him to be so young and handsome and getting angry at yourself for recognizing it. He leans down and cups your chin in his hands. "What's your name, lass?" He smirks. “What's it to you?" You grit out, flushing. “Because you stowed away on this ship for who knows how long. You've gone unnoticed by me and my crew members. You have survived for no earlier than our last port, which was a few weeks ago. How did you even manage it?" He says, not even trying to hide the wonder. “I'm cunning, that's all. And maybe you're all just very unaware." He smirks at you. "I like this girl." He laughs. “What do we do with her, Harry?" One of the crew members asks him. "We make no final decisions until Uma returns. But while I'm temporary captain until she returns, I say we put her to work so she pays for her keep. Then we dump her off at our next port." Harry says, before turning to look at you. “Or maybe she'd like to stay on." He smirks. “Hardly." You glare at him, despite your heartbeat pounding a little quicker. ———      You're below deck organizing boxes and crates. "You really are a rare, unearthly creature." A voice comes from the darkness. You whirl around, your heart in your throat. Harry steps out of the shadows, staring at you. You've been working for him, earning your keep, for three weeks now. It's not as horrible as you thought and the crew members treat you decently. It's Harry that makes you nervous. You don't know if it's because he's so attractive or that he continuously flirts with you, but you're feeling pulled to him and it's making you nervous. You watch him as he stares at you. "Can I help you with something?" “Why are you so scared of me, Y/N?" “Scared? I'm not-I'm not scared. That's ridiculous." You scoff, trying to remain calm. Harry smiles at you and it irritates you that he can see straight through your lies. He circles around you. "Is that so?" He murmurs. You cross your arms over your chest. "Yes." You answer firmly. He suddenly grabs your hand and it feels like electricity moves through your whole body. Goosebumps appear on your skin. He looks at your skin and then up at you deviously. “Oh, I see." He say softly. You wrench your arm from his hand and glare at him. He taps the side of his nose. "I see you, Y/N. And I know you see me." He says. “Because you're standing right in front of me." You reply despite knowing his meaning. He laughs softly and shakes his head. "You're really trying to avoid my attention at all costs, aren't you?" “Is that so wrong?" You fire back. He points a finger at you, his eyebrows raised. “Ah, so you admit it. You do feel something for me." He pinpoints. “I-I do not!" You exclaim defensively. “So then why would you be trying to avoid my attention at every corner if you didn't feel something for me?" “Maybe because I can't stand you and don't want you pay attention to me!" You exclaim. “Ah no. That's not. I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking." You flush and duck your head. "Just leave me alone. Please." You whisper. Harry's eyes soften and he takes a step toward you. He reaches his hand out as if to touch your shoulder but then pulls back. He sighs and then backs away from you, before disappearing upstairs. ———      A few weeks later you're on guard duty at night. You sit on a crate, your one leg swinging back and forth as you watch the open seas. It's beautiful. You love it. You love sailing the sea and getting to live on it. You look around the ship and see Harry at the helm. You swallow. You love Harry. You look back out to the sea. You don't want to admit it to yourself, but you are in love with him, falling harder for him every day. You hear footsteps coming towards you and turn your head to see Harry walk up to you. "How is everything?" He asks. “Good." You answer, smiling up at him before turning to look back out to the sea. "Do you ever get sick of it?" “What? The sea?" He questions. You nod. "Never. I love it. It's home. It's where I belong." He breathes. You smile. "So I'm not crazy then." You murmur. “You feel the same way?" Harry asks in surprise. You look at him. "I feel a connection towards it, as silly as that sounds. I feel an affinity for it. I don't know." You breathe. Harry is quiet for a long moment. "We make port ‪tomorrow afternoon‬." He states. You straighten and your heart nearly stops. "We do?" “And I was wondering..." He trails off and sighs. "You're free to go now if you want. We're not holding you here anymore. If you want to leave, you can. We won't stop you. I...I won't stop you." He whispers. You bite your lip. "What if-what if I don't want to leave?" You ask, your voice cracking, staring at him. He stares straight back. "You mean...?" He asks wistfully. “I don't want to leave, Harry. I love it here. I love being part of the Lost Revenge. I love being part of the sea." You blurt out. "I love being with you." You add softly. “Oh, Y/N." He breathes. He pulls you into his arms and you wrap your arms around him with a sigh. "I'm in love with you." He whispers into your hair. “I love you, Harry." You whisper back. He pulls his head back and kisses you deeply, his hands sinking into your hair. You kiss him back, smiling, finally feeling more at home than ever. [THE END] I hope you like it! 



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