IMAGINE: Al Asking You Out

"Hey, Al." You smile at the actor as he comes through your grocery check-out line. “Hi, Y/N." He grins at you. "How are you doing this morning?" "Very good, how are you?" You reply as you start scanning the items he's buying. “I'm doing very well." He smiles. Nearly every week, save for the ones where Al is out of town filming, you see Al at the grocery store that you work at. You find yourself really looking forward to the days he stops in. He brightens your day and warms your heart. Once you're done ringing up his items, he gives you the money and you hand him his bags. "Have a great rest of your day!" You exclaim. “You too, Y/N! I'll see you soon." He smiles. “I'm sure." You laugh and his smile grows wider. ——— "You're back." You say to Al in surprise, two days later, as he comes through your check-out line. “I forget something and came back yesterday. However, you weren't working so I decided to come back another day." He grins. “Oh my goodness." You laugh, blushing. "I'm honored." You say softly. "I feel guilty checking out with another cashier that isn't you." He admits sheepishly. You stare at him. "Wait, really?" He nods and shrugs. "I have a connection with you, Y/N. I feel like I can't go to a cashier here if it's not you." You chuckle. "Oh." You flush, moving a piece of hair behind your ear, suddenly feeling nervous. “And here's your change." You say to Al, handing him the change. When your hand brushes his, you feel a shock fly up your arm. You lift your eyes to see if Al felt it too. He's staring at you, not moving. A long moment passes between you, neither of you doing anything. “Uh..." You breathe once you see a line starting to form. You draw your hand back, your face going hot. “Y/N, when do you go on your break?" Al asks. You look at the clock on the wall. "Um, in like half an hour?" "Can I see you then?" A smile crawls onto your lips. "Sure." You say softly. ——— You walk out of the grocery store and see Al waiting on a bench outside. "Hey." You say, sitting beside him. He turns to face you, smiling widely. "Hi." “So...why did you want to see me?" You ask curiously. He grabs your hands and your breath quickens. "Y/N, I'm going to be honest with you. I really, really like you. There's a reason why I've been coming into the store more often. There's a reason why you're the only cashier I go to. I like you. I don't know, I don't even know you that well, but I feel like I've gotten to know you a lot recently. And I really like what I see. So, Y/N, if you're interested, I would love to take you on a date sometime." He blurts out. Your eyes go big and your world stops. Al looks at you expectantly. "Yes. Yes. Oh my goodness, yes. I'd love to!" You say, blinking in surprise. His breath leaves him in a rush. "Really?" He sighs in relief. You nod, beaming. "Yes, I think that would be amazing." He grins and squeezes your hand. "When?" “Um, I'm free tonight after work." “Tonight works." He breathes, nervously smiling. You smile back and look away, flushing. [THE END] I hope you liked it!