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IMAGINE: Finding out Adam is your brother

     You sit on the set of Girls, eating lunch, as you wait for the set designers to finish up a few final touches. “Hey, Y/N." Adam smiles at you as he claims the empty seat beside you. You nod your hello and then swallow. "Hi." You grin. "I'm trying to shovel all of this down before it's time to go on." You laugh gesturing to your bowl of food. “Oh, don't let me interrupt you." You wave a fork in the air. "No, no, you're totally fine." You take another bite of food. "So remember how we were talking about our ancestry and DNA a few days ago?" You ask. He nods. "I ordered an DNA test this morning." You say proudly. “Really? Oh, Y/N, that's so cool! You're going to love it. When I took mine and got the results back, it was eye-opening. It was incredible." He grins excitedly. “I can't wait! Since I'm adopted, I just want to know who I am. I'm tired of not knowing what I am or where my family came from. At least with this I'll be able to see." You smile. “Adam, Y/N, we're ready for you now." The director says. “Shoot." You say, setting down your bowl. You take a gulp of water and then head onto the set, Adam following behind you with a smile. ———     A couple of months later you're at home going through your emails when you get a notification. You nearly jump out of your chair when you see it's the results of your DNA test. You squeal excitedly and open the email. After reading through your results seven different times, you go to the extras tab, where it shows other people across the planet who have closely matched DNA as yours. This is the part you are very interested in. Since you're adopted, you don't know who your biological parents and family are. You hope this sheds some light on someone—anyone—who might be related to you. You take a drink of your water and scroll down to the first name. You start choking on your water, shock ricocheting through your entire body. Once you recover a minute later, you're gasping, half from needing air, the other half from surprise. The first name on the list is Adam Driver. You stare at the name, your thoughts jumbling into one. “Okay, okay, it's probably not the Adam Driver, just an Adam Driver. Sure. There's a ton of them." You try to rationalize. "That's bizarre though." You frown. "Weird coincidence, I guess." You shrug, though something pricks at your heart. The next name is another Driver, this time a female. Your eyebrows furrow. "Does Adam have a sister?" You ask yourself. You grab your phone and dial Adam. He answers on the third ring. "Hey, Y/N, what's up?" He asks. “Do you have a sister?" "Well, hi to you too." He laughs. "And yeah, I do." He adds. Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. You feel like passing out. "Wh-what's her name?" You ask, your voice shaking. “April. Why?" He asks in confusion. The next thing you know the floor is meeting your face.      You wake up to Adam screaming your name. "Y/N, hold on, I will be right there!" He shouts, panicking. You moan and touch your head. "Oh...what happened?" You moan softly. “Oh, Y/N! Are you okay?!" Adam shouts. Then it hits you. "Oh, Adam!" You cry, grabbing your phone. "Adam, Adam, Adam." You weep. “Y/N, what happened?" He asks worriedly. “I got the results of my DNA test back, and you know how there's that extras tab that shows other people around the world who share a lot of DNA with you?" “Yeah? What about it?" “Adam, it was you. It was you and your sister April that were the closest matches." You whisper. Silence is the only reply. "Adam?" You choke out. "What?" He gasps. "How?!" He exclaims. “I don't know! I don't know my parents. I don't know who they are. I think your parents are the only ones who have the answers." “Y/N, you know I don't talk to my dad anymore, not after my parents got divorced." “But your mom. Maybe she has answers. Maybe she knows where I fit into the picture." Tears burn in your eyes. "Please, Adam. I have to try. Please." You beg. “Of course, Y/N. Anything. I'll call my mom and see if she can meet with us." “Thank you." You sigh with relief. ———      Nancy Wright, Adam's mom, sits with Adam and you in a park. You read through both Adam's and your results. Half of your DNA is the same as his, which means either his father or his mother is your father or mother. Mrs. Wright quickly debunks that you're her daughter, so everything points to Mr. Driver. “Please, Mrs. Wright, any insight you have would be greatly appreciated." You breathe. She looks at you and holds your hand. "Oh, honey. I had no idea. Adam's father, Joe, never told me about you or your mother. Maybe he didn't even know about you. You're older than both Adam and April, so it happened way before he met me." She explains. "I'm sorry I wish I knew more." She winces. "I can give you your father's last contact, but don't hold your breath. He doesn't stay in one spot too long and we don't hear a word from him ever.” “Thank you so much." You whisper. You look at Adam and find him already staring at you. "So you're my half brother then and April is my half sister." You whisper, tears coming to your eyes. He nods, smiling. You bury your face in your hands and start weeping. “Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, Y/N." Adam whispers, putting an arm around you and rubbing your back. “I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I have a family. And they've been in front of me for so long." You sob, lifting your head. Adam has tears running down his cheeks. He pulls you into his arms and you hug each other tightly. "I love you." He whispers. “I love you, brother." You breathe, squeezing him tight. [THE END] I hope you liked it!  



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