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IMAGINE: You, a Resistance fighter, finding out you’re having Kylo’s child

      You roll out of your bed with a groan, sick to your stomach for the fifth day this week. You stumble to the bathroom and lean against the sink. You look at yourself in the mirror and grimace. Dark circles underline your eyes and you're pale. You blanch and rest your head down on the cold sink's ledge while clutching your stomach with your hand. You've been feeling so off the past couple of months. Ever since you left Ben. You lift your head up and stare at yourself in the mirror again. Eight months ago you were dispatched to Starkiller Base as a Resistance spy. Instead of gaining as much intel as possible in order to thwart the enemy, Kylo Ren—or now Ben as you know him—and you fell madly in love. It went against everything you were ever taught, but you couldn't help it. He was the moon, you were the waves, and he pulled you to him. Eventually the Resistance, unbeknownst of Ben and yours feelings for each other, wanted you back because you weren't transferring any useful and important information. Devastated, you had to leave Ben two months ago. While you haven't seen him since, you both have been sending encrypted messages to each other. You're so entangled in thoughts of Ben that when someone knocks on your door, you jump. You run a hand through your hair and straighten. "Come in." You call.      Poe Dameron, your older brother, enters your room. "Hey, Y/N." He says, smiling at you. You turn around. "Good morning, Poe." He squints at you and his eyebrows furrow. "Are you okay? You look really pale." He frowns. “Yeah, I don't feel the best." You breathe shakily, faltering slightly. Poe rushes over to you and wraps his arm around your waist to steady you. "Have you gone to the medic?" You shake your head but then stop when it starts to hurt. "Okay, well I'm taking you there." “Oh, no, no, no, Poe. I'm fine. Really. I just need to rest." You murmur, brushing him away weakly. “Y/N, stop. You're my little sister. I'm here to take care of you." He says, leading you out the door. You don't protest, to sick to even want to. You let Poe lead you down the hall, towards the medical bay. Other Resistance soldiers look at you in concern and you smile weakly at them. "This news is going to spread fast." You grumble. “It's fine. People are just worried about you. They've been concerned for you ever since you left to Starkiller Base. Most of us thought it was too dangerous to send anyone there, especially with Ren being there. And then when you told us you got caught and barely escaped with your life, well...we've all just been worried. You still won't tell us what Kylo did to you. We just don't want you to snap." Poe admits. “I'm not going to snap." You bite out and then instantly regret. "Sorry." You sigh heavily. "I'm not going to snap. I just don't want to talk about it, okay? Some things you just can't tell people." You whisper softly, unable to meet your brother's eyes, half out of guilt and half from fear that your eyes will betray you. You hate lying to your brother, to the Resistance, to the only family you've ever had. But you can't tell them what happened between Kylo and you. You will take that to your grave. ———      You lay on your back as a medical droid examines you. A machine overhead moves over your body, scanning you. Poe sits beside you, holding your hand. “How long have you been feeling sick?" The droid asks. “For almost a week. It only happens in the morning and usually goes away by midday." “Hmm." The droid murmurs. “Is she okay?" Poe asks worriedly, squeezing your hand. The droid looks at Poe and you. "It seems Y/N is with child." You sit up in a flurry. "What?!" Poe exclaims before you can, jumping to his feet. You put a hand on your stomach, your heart pounding triple time as panic threatens to choke the life out of you. “I'm having a baby?" You gasp out. "Yes. I would say in about seven months." The droid replies calmly. Poe stares at you in shock, so many questions swimming in his eyes. You quickly look away from him, feeling like you're going to throw up. “Y/N, who's the father?" He asks slowly, his voice low. You shake your head, not meeting his eyes. "Could you leave us alone for a little while?" He asks the medical droid tightly. The medical droid leaves. Once the door is closed, Poe turns to face you, his arms crossed, and he pegs you with a stare. "Y/N, who's the father?" He demands. "I can't." You whisper, tears coming to your eyes as you look at him. His eyebrows furrow as realization comes to him. Then fury fills his eyes. "Wait...Y/N, Kylo didn't...he didn't....did he?" Poe asks angrily, the question he's asking perfectly clear. "No!" You exclaim in horror. While it would have been easier just to lie to Poe that Kylo did take advantage of you, you can't do that to Kylo. You can't toss him aside as if you didn't give him consent. “Because maybe this is why you don't want to talk about what happened on Starkiller Base...because Kylo..." Poe trails off. You grab his arm tightly. "Poe, no. No. He didn't. Trust me, he wouldn't." You insist.      Poe squints his eyes at you. "And you would know him well enough to know that?" He question slowly. You stare at your brother, silent. It finally hits Poe. ", Y/N. No. No. Tell me it isn't so. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me what I'm thinking isn't true." He breathes, taking a step away from you. "What are you thinking?" You whisper. “That Kylo and you...that're..." He sputters. “We fell in love, Poe! Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? I wasn't expecting to fall in love with him! I didn't even want to! But I couldn't help it. Poe, he's so much more than we believe him to be." You blurt out. Poe stares at you with a look you've never seen before. It's a mixture of horror, disbelief, disgust, and something else you can't quite place. He takes a step away from you, breathing hard. "'re a traitor. That's why you couldn't get any useful information. Here we all thought that you were tight lipped, but were doing it on purpose." He whispers. "You risked everything! You risked us winning this war! If it wasn't for you, we could have been one step ahead of the First Order!" He shouts angrily at you. You jump. "What, are you trading information now with Kylo? Are you being his little spy? To infiltrate us?" He spits. “Poe." You frown, hurt. "You know I'd never do that." “Do I? Do I know that? I thought I knew you, Y/N. I thought I knew you better than anyone else, but yet here we are." He glares at you. You lower your eyes, knowing he's completely right. Poe takes a deep breath. "For the safety of the Resistance and for everyone here, I'm asking that you leave, Y/N." Your head snaps up. "Wait, what?" “You can't possibly stay here. I'm sorry, Y/N. But you need to leave. You're a danger to all of us." He whispers. “You're kicking me out?" You gasp, your eyebrows drawing. He looks away from you and nods. "I am sorry, Y/N. You have to understand." You straighten and jump off the bed. "Oh, I do. It's perfectly clear." You grit out, before stalking out of the room. ———      By time you pack up the bare essentials, the Resistance knows. When you leave your room, you've never been assaulted by so many glares. People that you thought were you friends want nothing to do with you. “I guess we know how far their loyalties go." You mutter to yourself. You walk to the hangar, people muttering about you to those closest to them. You hear words like, "Traitor", "Betrayer, "Liar", and "First Order sympathizer", and those are some of the nicer terms. You duck your head and quickly hurry to the hangar to find your ship. You throw your stuff in and are about to jump in when you hear someone calling your name. You stop and see Poe making his way towards you. You raise your eyebrows at him. “Where will you go?" He asks. “Do you really care?" You retort. “Of course I do." He says softly. "Well when I feel like you should know, I'll tell you." “Y/N." Poe frowns. You get into your ship. "I'll see you around, brother." You say before closing the door. You start up the ship and fly out of the hangar, your brother watching you the whole time, regret cut into his face. ———      You land outside of Starkiller Base at dusk. You open the door to your shop and see Ben running towards you. You smile, the most comfort you felt since you left him coming to your soul. "Ben." You breathe, meeting him halfway. You throw yourself into his arms and he holds onto you tightly. "Oh, my love, what happened? I got your message." He breathes worriedly, cupping your face. “They know. The Resistance knows about us." His eyebrows draw. "How? What happened?" “I'm pregnant, Ben." You whisper. His eyes go big and his jaw drops. "What?" He gasps. “I found out this morning. My brother...he ended up piecing it—piecing us—together." You explain. You tell Ben the rest of the story and by the end, you're in tears. "I didn't know what to do or where to go. This is the only place I could think of coming." “Oh, Y/N." Ben whispers, pulling you against him and cradling you against his chest. "You can stay here. Of course you can stay here. You never have to leave if you don't want to." He breathes. He pulls his head back and looks at you. "We're going to raise this child, Y/N. Our baby. And it will be a blessing to us. It is a blessing to us already." He whispers, smiling. You smile at up at him, tears trailing out of the corners of your eyes. He gently wipes them away. "I love you, Ben." You whisper. “I love you, Y/N. With all of my heart." He whispers back, before kissing you deeply. He puts his hand on your stomach. "And I already love our little one so much." “You beam at him. "You know, for the first time since finding out this news, I really think everything is going to be okay." Ben smiles at you. "It will be okay because we're together." He replies, before cupping the back of your neck and kissing you again. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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