IMAGINE: Will Proposing to You

You switch your basket full of goods from your day of shopping to the other hand and open the door to the blacksmith shop where Will, your beau, works and practically runs. You poke your head inside and smile when you see Will working hard. “Knock, knock." He looks up from his work and a massive grin splits across his face. "Y/N, come in." He says, beckoning you inside the dark room. You walk towards him as he wipes his hands on a rag and takes his leather apron off. “I decided that on my way back from doing some grocery shopping, I'd stop by and say hi." You lean forward. "So hi." You smile. Will leans forward and kisses you softly. "Hi." He smiles back. You chuckle. "It's actually a good thing you came here, Y/N. I've been wanting to ask you something." He says, turning away from you. He nervously fidgets with some of his tools. Your eyebrows furrow. You can't deny that seeing him so nervous makes you worry. “Oh?" is all you say. He nods and looks at you over his shoulder. "I-I wanted it to be somewhere else–not in a blacksmiths shop, but I just...I just can't take it any longer. I just have to tell you." He states. He turns to face you fully. There's an eager look in his eye. He walks towards you, takes the basket out of your hands and sets it aside on his work table. He takes your hands in his. "Will, is everything okay?" You ask a little breathlessly. “I think, or hope, everything will be better than okay." He smiles. “Y/N, we've known each other for a long time now, since before we were teenagers. You watched me fall in love with Elizabeth Swann and you watched my heart get broken when she married Commodore Norrington. You were there for me, no matter, always lending a helping hand or picking me up when I felt like I couldn't stand any longer. You continued to show your love for me, but I was so blind to it. I was so unaware of your feelings, yet they never wavered for me. You had hoped that one day I would come to love you as you loved me. The day came when I realized what a fool I'd been. I'd been so devastated from losing a girl I was infatuated with that I never realized that my one true love was here all along. You're my one true love, Y/N. For so many years you were so patient with me, so hopeful that I would come to care for you. It was with your love and patience that I've become the man I am today. Everything I am is because of you." Will tells you desperately. Your eyes sting with tears and you give him a watery smile. "This is long overdue, Y/N, but..." He drops to his knees, still holding your hands. You gasp softly, your eyes going wide. "Will you marry me?" He asks. “Oh, Will, of course I'll marry you!" You cry, throwing yourself into his arms. You nearly topple him over. He laughs and holds you tightly. "Thank you." He breathes into your hair. “I love you so much. You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment." You whisper, hugging him tightly. “I love you too." He whispers back. He pulls back a minute later and searches through his pockets. “What are you doing?" You ask, your eyebrows drawing in confusion. “I'm searching for your ring." “Will, you shouldn't have!" You gasp. “Y/N, it's okay. I made it." He smiles, holding it up. It's a very thin ring made of gold. It's not much, but to you, it's beautiful. Your eyes well with tears. “Oh, Will." You breathe. “I promise you one day, Y/N, I'll get you a beautiful ring. One you deserve." He vows. “No, don't! This-this is perfect." You whisper, fingering the ring. You smile at Will. "Thank you, my love." You cup his face. He smiles at you and kisses your forehead. He slides the ring on your finger and you hold it up. "It's beautiful." You murmur. “You're beautiful." Will tells you. You look up at him, glowing. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you deeply. You sigh softly and bring your arms around his neck, kissing him back. [THE END] I hope you liked it!