IMAGINE: Richard and You Confessing Your Feelings to Each Other

"Y/N, Richard, you're paired up for this dance." Your dance instructor says. At the mention of Richard's name, your heart drops to your stomach. Richard and you are both dance students at a prestigious dance academy. You are in love with Richard. While you're usually paired up with James, your regular partner, for some reason today you're getting paired up with Richard. And that scares you. Though you are usually incredibly graceful and gifted in dancing, being around Richard makes you nervous and awkward. Richard finds you in the room of fellow dancers and smiles at you. It sounds your heart spiraling. "I guess there's a first time for everything." He says. “I guess so." You laugh nervously, rubbing your arm. He leans his head down and peers at you worriedly. "Is everything all right? I know you're used to James, but I promise you I'll try my best." "Oh, no, no, no, everything is fine." You smile up at him, trying to dispel his worry. The music starts playing and Richard steps close to you. He wraps his arm around your waist and you suck in a breath, your heart thundering. Instead of focusing on Richard, you focus on trying to get the dance steps right without stepping on him or tripping. However, it's so hard to focus when his beautiful icy blue eyes are staring at you gently. Richard and you move through the dance beautifully and flawlessly. It is by far one of the best dances you have ever performed. “Wow, Richard, Y/N..." Your dance instructor whistles as she watches you. "I should have you partnered together more often." She breathes. “It's all Y/N." Richard smiles at you. You start laughing and shaking your head. "No, it's definitely not me." You protest. “It's both of you. It's like you were made to dance together." Your instructor states. You duck your head to hide the flush climbing into your cheeks, but not before you see Richard look away from you, his own face blushing. After class, you go the lockers and pack up everything so that you can head home. You swing your bag over your shoulder and head out into the lobby. Richard is leaning against the wall and stands when you appear. "Hey." He smiles at you. “Hey." “Are you doing anything tonight?" “No, I was just going to go home and cuddle with my cats." “His smile widens. "You wouldn't like to do something with me, would you?" Your heart stills. "Like what?" “There's an adorable little dancing pavilion around here. Every so often couples go there to dance because it's...magical. There are lanterns and fairy lights. It's a very romantic setting. I felt such a spark when I was dancing with you, Y/N, and I'd love to do it again." He says softly, shyly. “I think that sounds amazing." You smile happily. “Really?" He asks in surprise. “Yeah, I do. It sounds wonderful. Are you ready to go now?" "Yeah, yeah, of course." Richard says excitedly. You meet Richard at the dancing pavilion a while later. True to his word, it's romantic. It's in the middle of a town square. The surrounding trees are covering in fairy lights, giving a magical glow to everything. The pavilion is lit up with low lighting and lanterns. It's adorable. “This is so cute!" You exclaim, walking out of your car. “Isn't it? It's a gem. I love coming here to just clear my mind." Richard says, walking over towards you. He holds out his hand and you take it. He leads you out to the empty pavilion. He pulls his phone out and starts playing music. You can't stop smiling, and it's the best feeling. Richard wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, smiling down at you. “Y/N, I have to tell you something." He states as you both dance to the music. “Yes?" You ask, trying to remain calm, cool, and collected. “Something that has been on my mind a lot is how much I like—how much I really like you. Today, dancing with you, only confirmed my feelings for you." You stare up at him with wide eyes. "Wait, are you serious?" You ask breathlessly. He nods, wordless. "Oh, Richard. Oh my goodness." You sigh with relief, resting your forehead against his chest. "How I dreamed that you would one day say that to me." You whisper. “Dreamed?" He whispers back. You look up at him. "I have had feelings for you for as long as I've known you. Since the day I met you at the academy. When we were paired together today, I thought I was going to die—half from happiness, half from nervousness." Richard smiles widely at you. "Really?" He asks. You smile, nodding up at him. "Oh, Y/N." He breathes, pulling you tightly into his arms. Your faces are close and you swear you stop breathing altogether. He leans his head down, his blue eyes gazing deeply into yours before he closes them and presses his lips against yours. You sigh, happiness flooding through your whole body. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him back. [THE END] I hope you liked it!