IMAGINE: Realizing Newt and you knew each other before the Glade

"Zart, I'm taking my break." You announce to Zart, Keeper of the Track-hoes. He nods his okay, and you set down your rake. You are the latest Newbie to arrive in the Glade nearly two and a half weeks ago. You also happen to be the only female here. You walk away from the boys, needing some alone time. You sit on the grass and pull your knees close to you. You pick up a blade of grass and slowly pick it apart as your thoughts wander. You have absolutely no memory of your past since you arrived in the Glade. You don't remember your life before then. Your life, your family, your friends, everything. The panic you felt when you arrived in the Glade still threatens to overpower you. You close your eyes and take deep, steadying breaths. “Hey, Y/N. You okay?" Newt, the second-in-command, asks, sitting beside you. You open your eyes to look at him. There's something about Newt, something familiar about him. From the moment you emerged from the Box, he has looked out for you. There's a strange connection between you. You smile at Newt and nod. "Yeah, I'm good." You lie. “Feeling really overwhelmed, kind of panicky, and predominately overrun by males?" Newt guesses. You stare at him. "How do you do that?" “Do what?" He asks innocently. “I lie, yet you still manage to guess exactly what I'm thinking." You shake your head in wonder. “Well, I guess I just know you too well." He nudges you. “Newt, I haven't even known you for three weeks." You laugh. “We get really close in the Glade really fast. You're no exception." He smiles. “Mmm, no, there's something else, Newt. I've made friends with a lot of the other Gladers but none have even come close to knowing when I'm lying." Newt looks at you and shrugs a little. "I don't know, Y/N. I just feel...connected to you somehow. It's weird, I know." You shake your head. "It's not weird because I feel the same connection with you." You whisper softly. He smiles at you, the wind tugging at his blonde hair. He looks so endearing right now that your heart gives a little skip. You open your mouth to say something when you hear Zart shouting your name. You look over Newt's shoulder and see Zart motioning you to get back to work. You sigh and look at Newt. "I have to go back to work, but I'll see you later, okay?" You smile at him. He smiles back and gives you a nod. ——— You roughly toss in your cot as a strange dream invades your sleep. It's Newt and you together in the basement of a house. His fingers interlace with yours and he pulls you close to him, smiling at you with such a look over love, your heart pounds rapidly. He wraps his arm around your waist. He rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes. “No matter what happens, I will never stop loving you." He whispers. "Please never leave me." You beg. “I promise I will never leave you. Nothing can separate us." He opens his eyes and looks at you. He leans forward and kisses you deeply. You kiss him back and wrap your arms around him. You sit up with a gasp, the dream vanishing, the memory not. You're gasping for breath as you put your hand to your mouth, still being able to feel Newt's lips against yours. You blush at the memory. It felt so real. So lifelike. And so familiar. You glance over at Newt as he sleeps. There's more than just a connection between you two ever since you came to the Glade. You think the connection came way before you even were brought to the Glade. It started in the life you can no longer remember. The next morning you get up early because you specifically want to talk to Newt before both of you have to get to work. "Newt, I need to ask you something." You state as he sits at a table by himself. He looks up at you. "Well, good morning to you too." He smiles. You smile and roll your eyes. "Good morning." You claim the empty seat beside him. "Now I need to ask you something." You put your palms on the table and look at him seriously. "Am I familiar to you?" “What?" He asks in confusion. “Do I seem familiar to you? When you saw me in the Box, did you experience any recognition at the sight of me? Do I look like a person you remember seeing but you can't place where?" You blurt out. He stares at you and nods slowly. "Yes." He whispers. "I thought it was my imagination. I thought I must be going crazy. But I feel like I know you from some place. It's constantly on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember it for the life of me." “I remember you too, Newt, although I don't know from where." Tears burn in your eyes as your frustration mounts. "I want to remember. I want to remember so badly, but I just can't." You whisper. Newt reaches across the table and covers your hand with his, his eyes gazing into yours. "This is why we have such a special connection, Y/N." “We've had a connection since before the Maze. We knew each other before the Maze." You whisper. “What type of connection? Were we friends? Best friends? Family?" He frowns when he mentions family, apparently not liking the idea, and you wince. According to your dream last night, Newt is definitely not related to you, but you definitely don't want to go into detail about that dream so you keep quiet. “I don't know." You breathe. Before Newt can question you about your lie, you pound your one fist into the table, rattling a cup. "I hate this! I hate not remembering anything!" You exclaim. You look at him painfully. "I hate not remembering you." You add in a whisper. Newt squeezes your hand. "One day it will be different." He whispers. “Do you really believe that?" You ask, your voice cracking. “I do." He replies, offering you a smile. ——— For the next few weeks, you have dreams about Newt nearly every night. Every single dream is different. You know that before the Maze, before your memory was wiped, Newt and you were in love with each other. Deeply in love. There was such an incredibly deep connection and bond between you that there is no wonder why it couldn't be entirely wiped from your memory. You look forward to falling asleep each night to dream more dreams of Newt. While Newt knows there's some sort of connection going on between you, he doesn't know the extent of the connection. That night you lay in your cot, wide awake. You feel someone's eyes on you and you look to the side. Newt is staring at you. You smile at him. "Is there a problem?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowing. “No, not at all." He smiles back. You laugh softly and shake your head. "Goodnight, Newt." You say, turning your back towards him, closing your eyes. “Goodnight, Y/N." He murmurs softly. That's the last thing you hear before you're taken over by sleep. It doesn't take long for another dream of Newt to come. Instead of the normally peaceful dreams, this one is more intense. Agents are holding Newt back as another group of agents take you away. You're back in the basement again—presumably Newt's place of residence. “Let me go! Let me go!" You scream at them, trying to kick, elbow, and claw your way away from them and back to Newt. Despite Newt's and yours protests, they don't listen. "Newt! Newt!" You sob in panic. “Let her go! Let her go!" Newt shouts at the agents. They ignore him. He fights hard but they hold him even tighter. "I love you, Y/N! I will find you! I will find you no matter what! I will save you!" He screams after you, the panic on his face matching the panic you feel. “Newt." You weep. “I will save you!" Newt shouts as the agents take you out of sight. They shut the door on him and drag you up the stairs. You can still hear his frantic screaming. "Oh, Newt." You cry. You wake up to someone screaming. "I will always find you!" Newt shouts. You sit up in bed and feel the tears running down your cheeks. The Gladers are all getting up to see what the commotion is. You press your hands to your cheeks and looks at Newt as he thrashes around in his cot. “I love you, Y/N!" He shouts. Your eyes widen and everyone looks to you. Is Newt having the same dream as you? You jump off your cot and go to Newt. "Hey, hey, hey, Newt." You breathe, gently shaking him awake. He opens his eyes, his chest visibly moving up and down. “Y/N." He breathes in relief when he sees you. He sits up and pulls you into his arms. You hug him back, squeezing your eyes shut tight. "Are you okay?" You whisper. “I am now." He sighs. You pull your head back and look at him. "Are you crying?" He whispers worriedly, gently touching your face. You open your mouth to pour your heart out to him when you realize all of the Gladers are watching Newt and you with immense interest. You swallow. "We need to talk privately." Newt grabs your hand and gets off his cot. He leads you far out of earshot of the other Gladers. Both of you sit down in the grass, his hands clutching yours. “I haven't been completely honest with you, Y/N." Newt admits. “Neither have I." You wince. “Y/N, I've been having dreams of us lately, ever since that morning you came to talk to me about our connection.” “You have?" Your eyes widen. He nods. "They have been dreams of us...together. You know, love." He whispers the last part. You swallow hard. "Newt, I've been having dreams like that too." You admit. He stares at you in shock. "I didn't want to say anything, but now that I know you're having those same dreams..." You trail off. “Did you have a dream about us tonight?" You nod slowly. "It wasn't as pleasant as the other ones I've had for the past three weeks." “Were you getting taken away by agents?" He asks slowly. You stare at him and nod. "You were screaming for me. You were fighting to get to me." You whisper, tears in your eyes. “I had the same dream, Y/N." Newt says, his eyes never wavering. “Oh, Newt." You cry, throwing your arms around him. “Have we been sharing the same dreams? Is our bond that strong that our minds are linked?" He whispers, squeezing you tight. “I don't know. Is that even possible?" You breathe. Newt and you take the next few minutes briefly running through the dreams you've both had, the memories, and sure enough, they're exactly the same. "So they're memories...they're our memories of each other." You nod. "Our memories were wiped but even that couldn't stop our bond." You smile. He cups your face with his hand. "Maybe one day the rest of our memories of each other will come back." “As long as we keep dreaming, they will." 0In the mean time, we can start creating new memories together." Newt grabs your hand and squeezes it. “I'd like that." You smile. He leans over and kisses you softly. He pulls back and smiles. "I've been wanting to do that since my first memory of you." He admits. You grin and kiss him. [THE END] I hope you liked it!