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IMAGINE: Louis Getting Jealous

     “Do you need anything else while I’m in the kitchen?” You ask Harry, your friend, as you pull a bag of popcorn out of the microwave. “No, I’m good. Thank you though.” Harry responds from the living room. You glance up at the clock and frown. “Do you think the rest of the guys’ll be here soon?” You question, dumping the popcorn into a bowl. You’re best friends with Zayn, Louis, Niall, Harry, and Liam from One Direction. You invited all of them over tonight to hang out. You move out the kitchen and into the living room. You set the popcorn bowl down on the coffee table and sit next to Harry on the couch. Harry shrugs. “I can text them and ask them.” You wave a hand in the air. “No, no, no, it’s fine. They’ll show up.” You say. “Thank you for being the only one to show up on time.” You add with a smile. “Of course, Y/N.” Harry says. “You know, I’m actually surprised Louis wasn’t here first. I thought he’d want to spend as much time with you as possible.” He smirks. You swivel your head to level him with a look, a blush coming to your cheeks. While you’re close to all of the guys, you’re the closest to Louis. You’ve had a crush on him for so long. “W-what’s that supposed to mean?” You stammer. “Oh, come on, Y/N.” Harry rolls his eyes. “What.” You demand, blushing even harder. “Y/N, I know you like Louis. And I mean, like like him.” “Is it that obvious?” You wince. “Only to me because I know you so well.” He winks. “Do you think he knows?” You ask worriedly, your eyes wide. Harry shakes his head. “I don’t think so.” “It’d ruin everything.” “Him knowing?” Harry questions in confusion. You stare at him. “Harry, all of us have been best friends for so long. If he knows that I like him and he doesn’t like me back, there’s going to be this weird, awkward rift between us. It’ll create a chasm between us...between all of us.” “Well, don’t worry, Y/N. Louis would be a fool not to like you back.” You smile and hug Harry. “Thanks, Harry.” You breathe. He hugs you back as your front door opens. Louis walks in and pulls up straight at the sight of Harry and you embracing. “What’s going on?” He demands. Harry and you break apart. “Hi, Louis.” You smile and stand up. Your smile drops at the look on his face. He looks like he’s going to be sick. “Are you okay, mate?” Harry asks, standing up beside you. “What’s-what’s going on here?” Louis asks sharply. “We were waiting for you, Liam, and Niall to show up. You guys are all seriously late.” You say. “Y/N and I just had to chill out all by ourselves.” Harry smiles at you, throwing his arm around your shoulders. Before your eyes, the sick look on Louis’s face turns to fury. “Oh, so I see how it is. The rest of your party didn’t show up so you two decided to get comfortable with each other.” Louis snaps. “Louis.” You frown in dismay, hurt leaking into your face. “Whoa, Louis, no, no, that’s not what it is at all!” Harry protests. Louis stares straight at you, not even paying attention to Harry. “I’m so disappointed in you, Y/N.” He whispers. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. “Louis, I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You shake your head slowly. His eyes shine with angry tears. “Don’t lie to me. Please. Just don’t. I don’t deserve that.” He seethes our tightly. “Louis! What is going on?!” “I thought what we had was special, but I guess I was wrong.” He glares at you, before turning on his feel and stalking out the front door, slamming it shut behind him. You turn and look at Harry, who looks horrified and baffled. “What just happened?” You ask. “I think we just stepped into a mine field.” He whispers. “I-I-what should I do? Do I let him go? Wait for him to cool off?” You stammer. Before Harry can even open his mouth to say anything, you move towards the door. “I need to explain what happened.” You wrench the door open and see Louis stalking down the sidewalk. You close the door behind you and hurry to catch up with him. “Louis! Louis, wait!” You exclaim. He keeps on walking, ignoring you. “Louis, stop acting like a four year old who didn’t get his way, and stop this instant!” You shout angrily. He stops, but doesn’t turn to face you. He’s about fifteen feet from you, the street lamps illuminating his form in the dark. “What is your problem? Why are you being such a jerk to Harry and me for no reason?” You demand, not moving any closer to him. He’s silent. You can tell he’s furious by his rigid stance. “Are you seriously that mad that Harry and I spent time together while we were waiting for everyone else to show up?” You scoff. “What, you wanted us to just ignore each other and not talk to each other while we waited for everyone else to show up? Harry and I are best friends too, you know. You’re not the only one that has a best friend status with me, just so you know.” You put your hands on your hips. “Are you that insecure about yourself and our friendship that you’re actually going to get possessive of me?” You shake your head in disgust. It’s like you’re talking to a brick. You’ve had it. “Louis Willam Tomlinson, what is your problem?!” You yell. Louis finally turns around to face you, stalks over to you, grabs your face in his hands, and kisses you passionately. At first you’re so taken by surprise that you just stand there, frozen, your eyes wide. Then once you realize what’s happening, you sigh happily. You wrap your arms around him and start to kiss him back just as he pulls away with a gasp. “What was that?” You breathe. “You asked what was my problem and that’s my problem—I’m in love with you, Y/N. I saw Harry and you, and I immediately thought the worst—that you two got together. I flipped out. I freaked. All of my hopes and dreams came to a heartbreaking stop. I couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t handle losing you. I’m so, so sorry.” He blurts out. You stare at him in shock. “Louis...I-I-I don’t even know what to say.” You admit. He looks at you expectantly. “I mean...I just...” You breathe, running a hand through your hair. “I’ve liked you for so long. And I mean really like you. I was always to afraid to say anything because I thought you didn’t feel the same. I knew everything would change once my feelings were out in the open, so I just kept quiet.” “I thought about that too, Y/N, but it has gotten to the point where I just don’t care anymore. I am liking you more and more by the day and I can’t contain it anymore.” Louis states, reaching for your hand. You slowly smile at him. “So then what does this mean for us?” You ask tentatively. “A relationship, I hope. More than a friendship...” He trails off hopefully. Your smile widens and squeeze his hand. “That sounds beautiful.” You whisper. He smiles at you and then leans forward to kiss you softly. This time you’re able to kiss him back as he pulls you into his arms. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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