IMAGINE: Discovering August is Cheating on You

You pull your car into August's driveway and grab the bags of takeout. You shut your car door and hurry up the front steps. After August, your boyfriend, told you about his rough day, you decided to surprise him and bring dinner over. While you're too busy with Special Ops work to make a homemade dinner, take out is the next best thing. You grab your set of keys you have to his house and unlock the door. You walk inside and see no sign of August anywhere. Your eyebrows furrow. You know he's home. You set your stuff down on the table, and that's when you spot an open champagne bottle. You lift it up and your eyebrows lift high. An open, empty champagne bottle. You set it down and move into the kitchen. The house is quiet. Deadly quiet. You can't ignore the feeling of panic that settles over you. You move into the hall and walk towards August's closed bedroom door. You grab the handle, your hand shaking, and push the door open. The sight before you makes your eyes pop, your jaw drop, and your heart plummet. Horror courses through you. Another woman is wrapped tightly in August's arms and he's kissing her passionately. It takes but a second for the horror you feel to turn into hot, burning anger. "What is going on?!" You scream. August and the woman jump apart. August stares at you in shock. "Y/N, what-what-what are you-you-you....." He fumbles. “You've been cheating on me?!" You cry out, feeling like a dagger has sliced your heart in half. “–" He stammers. "August, don't lie to me. This scene pretty clearly states what you do when I'm not around." You hiss. “And I guess now you'll no longer have to worry about me coming around because I won't be doing that again. Ever." You state coldly, before turning on your heel and storming down the hall. “Y/N, wait!" August shouts, coming after you. You don't listen. He grabs your arm and pulls you to a stop right before you can get to the front door. He turns you to face him. "Y/N, please, this is all a big misunderstanding." He says, his face pale. “A misunderstanding? You're kidding, right?" You snort scornfully. You shake your head. "How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through together, after everything we fought against to be with each other, you'd do something like this?" You whisper, glaring at him, tears burning in your eyes. "I am in love with you, Y/N." “You should change that to past tense, August, because if you were in love with me, you never would have kissed another woman. You never would have violated this relationship." “Y/N-" He starts. “I'm glad I meant so much to you, August. I'm glad our relationship meant everything to you." You say sarcastically. Remorse fills August's eyes, as do tears. His hands tighten on your shoulders. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry! Please forgive me. It was a mistake. I know it was. Please. We can start over. We'll have a clean slate. We can overcome this." “How can I overcome something this huge with someone I can't trust anymore?" You ask him simply. He stares at you, silent. "I can't. I just can't." You whisper. You push past him to go into the dining room. “What are you doing?" You grab your bags of takeout off the table. "I paid for this. I'm not letting you have this." You scoff. You wrench the front door open. “Was that for us?" August asks sadly. You look over your shoulder at him. "Yes, it was. I figured maybe it would brighten your day. But I see that the champagne and that woman beat me to it." You answer, before walking outside and slamming the front door behind you. ——— You sit on a park bench, sobbing and eating the takeout food. You never knew how fast things could come crashing down in under fifteen minutes. Everything you thought you knew has changed. You look down at your food. "Please never change." You whimper. You sniff and rub your eyes. "I'm going insane. I'm talking to my food, having a therapy session." You groan. You pull out your phone and look at the millions of calls and texts from August. You sniff and with a sigh, you delete his number from your phone. "I'm sorry, August, but I can't trust you ever again." You whisper hoarsely, before pocketing your phone. You close your eyes and sigh, the pain in your heart not easing. [THE END] I hope you liked it!