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IMAGINE: Loki and You Falling In Love

     "And-and, Ned, this is Thor, the god of thunder." Peter Parker says as he finishes introducing all of the Avengers to Ned Leeds, one of his best friends, at the New Avengers Facility. You watch Ned, a smile on your face. His eyes are wide with wonder, in awe. You're a friend of the Avengers, and you practically live at the New Avengers Facility. A few days ago Peter asked the Avengers if he can bring his friend Ned around to introduce him to everyone. The Avengers agreed. Ned looks around at everyone, seeming like he's going to pass out cold.  "This-this is...amazing." He breathes, looking at all of the Avengers, who are staring at him and smiling politely. ———       Peter gives Ned a tour of the facility, leaving you to talk with Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, and Vision. “I'm surprised Loki is here." You admit quietly, as you rest your arms on the counter, your chin on top of them, as you watch Loki across the room, engrossed in a book. “Thor insists that Loki has taken a turn for the better. He wanted to bring him down to earth to get us accustomed to having him around the facility. I'll admit that it seems like he has changed, but..." Natasha explains, still looking unsure about the whole thing. “Apparently, the Asgardians aren't as forgiving. Thor told us the Asgardians want nothing to do with Loki anymore. They've practically disowned him." Vision adds. “We're all still holding our breath though. We don’t want to trust him only to have him slit our throats when we're all sleeping." Wanda murmurs, narrowing her eyes at Loki. “Surely not." You say in surprise. Natasha, Wanda, and Vision look at you. "I don't-I don't believe Thor would risk our lives and the lives of everyone else on earth if he wasn't absolutely sure that his brother has changed." You say quietly. “That's true." Vision breathes. Everyone stares at Loki. You heart pricks you. There's something about him—something mysterious that tugs on your heart. You sigh and look away from him. ———      You walk past a room and stop when you hear laughing coming out of it. You back up and open the door slightly, watching. Peter and Ned are in front of Steve, Bucky, Thor, and Loki, telling them about Fidget Spinners. “So...what are these spinny-things for? Destruction of enemies?" Thor asks lowly, curiously. Peter and Ned burst out laughing again and you smile. "No, they're-they're just for fun. They're to relieve stress or anxiety. Stuff like that." Ned explains. “I could use one of those." Bucky laughs softly. Ned tosses one to Bucky and he catches it, examining it curiously. “Now what other technologies are you guys completely unaware of?" Ned asks, crossing his arms. You grin and lean against the door frame, watching the insanely adorable scene unfold.      As Ned and Peter show Steve, Bucky, and Thor, all very fascinated, how to work an Xbox, you watch as Loki sifts through a pile of different technology, like phones, iPods, and computers, that Peter and Ned piled on the middle of a coffee table. He picks up a Nintendo Switch and, for a few minutes, you watch him struggle with a Nintendo Switch. “What is this confounded thing?" He mutters with irritation. He presses a few more buttons and, when it still doesn't work, he resorts to shaking it furiously. You laugh softly and then decide to join in on the fun. You push the door open and walk in, no one noticing you as Peter and Ned take animatedly to Steve, Bucky, and Thor about video games. “Hey." You smile, joining Loki on the couch. "D-do you need help with that?" You offer. He looks at you in surprise and then, with a grateful smile, passes it over to you. "Believe it or not, shaking it isn't going to make it work." You admit with a grin. Loki smiles sheepishly. "I know, I just...I was frustrated." “It's okay. My mom is famous for madly and randomly tapping her phone's screen if something goes wrong. It happens to the best of us." You wink at him. Loki flushes and looks away. You scoot a little closer to him and then show him the Nintendo Switch. "Now it goes like this..." You start softly as Loki watches you with interest. ———      The next morning, you're in the facility's kitchen, having stayed the night. By time you finished showing Loki everything you possibly could about the Nintendo Switch, he became even more fascinated with everything else Ned and Peter brought. By time you decided to call it a night, it was past ‪2 A.M.‬ You have to admit that spending time with Loki and showing him the ropes of technology was the most fun you've had in a long time. You sigh tiredly yet happily thinking of Loki's smile when he bid you goodnight. It doesn’t help that Loki is incredibly charming, handsome, and kind. You throw a piece of toast into the toaster and then rest against the counter, patiently waiting for it to be done. “Y/N." Loki smiles with surprise, coming into the kitchen. Your heart immediately leaps. "Loki, hey. Good morning." You smile. “It is." He murmurs softly, staring at you. He comes over to you. "What're you making?" “Just some toast. You want some?" Loki looks unsure. “Oh, no. No, I'm good." He politely declines. He rests against the counter with you, not taking his beautiful green eyes off of you. "I had fun last night." "Me too." You smile. “Do you think maybe you can teach me some more stuff? There's so much to learn and I have nowhere to begin." “Yeah, of course I'll help you." You agree just as the toaster pops your bread out. It surprises Loki, who has never seen a toaster in action before, so much, that he jumps back in surprise, letting out a little yelp. He accidentally backhands your glass of water, sending it shattering to the floor. He leans against the refrigerator, hand on his chest, looking ghostly white. You stare at him, your jaw dropped in surprise.      "What...was...that...?" Loki gasps, shakily pointing at the toaster. You slowly look at the toaster, back to Loki, your jaw still dropped. "That's a toaster. It toasted my bread." “It-it jumped out at me." He blanches. “It was done toasting my bread." You clarify. “Oh." He breathes, relaxing. You blink a few times and then feel water at your feet. You look down and see water all over the floor, mixed with glass shards. “Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry." Loki murmurs, grabbing a towel. Together you carefully take out the pieces of glass and lay them aside, and then you clean up the water. “You know, perhaps we'd better start out with the basics of toasters." You smile at him, both of you kneeling on the floor, mopping up the last of the water. “That-that sounds good." Loki laughs softly, smiling at you. ———      For the next couple of weeks, you help Loki with the basics of technology like toasters, microwaves, ovens, and television. Every spare minute you have you spend with him—not that you're complaining though. You've started crushing on Loki like there's no tomorrow. It's so cute helping him learn technology and to see his confusion, frustration, and then awe. He seems so innocent when you're with him that you've just fallen head over heels with him. You know Loki feels the same way about you, though he hasn't said anything about it to you. He seeks you out at every possible moment, never seeming to able to spend enough time with you. One afternoon, Loki and you are alone in a small room, playing a multiplayer game together on the Xbox. You're sitting together on a couch, right next to each other. "So...what do you do now?" Loki asks curiously, his eyes glinting. “Oh, here, let me help." You murmur, moving even closer to him until you're touching each other. You lean over and wrap your hands around his which are clutching his Xbox console. While you explain a couple of instructions to Loki, you realize he's not even listening. His eyes are closed, his lips against your hair, as if mesmerized by your scent, by your nearness, by you. Your heart beats rapidly and you can feel his do the same. “Do you understand?" You ask softly, looking at Loki. “Hmm, what?" He asks, his eyes opening. You straighten and turn your head to look at him fully. His eyes search yours before dropping down to your lips. You lean forward, wanting to kiss him more than anything right now. He closes his eyes and leans forward, about to kiss you, when the door flies open. You quickly break apart. “Yeah, I'll get the Xbox warmed up—” Bucky starts and then pulls up straight at the sight of Loki and you. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you guys were playing." “Oh, no, it's okay. I was-I was just leaving." You stammer, standing up. "Loki can play, he knows what to do." You add softly, not meeting Loki's eyes. You quickly hurry out of the room, keeping your eyes averted. Bucky looks between your retreating back and Loki, who's blushing furiously. "Is everything okay?" “Fine." Loki mutters. Bucky looks at him as if not believing him, but just shrugs. ———      You're in the kitchen a few days later, wiping down the counters. "Hey." Loki smiles at you, coming in. You look up at him, a smile blossoming in return. "I haven't really seen you since that day when we were about to the play the Ybox." “Xbox." You correct, smiling. “Yeah, right, right, the Xbox. Is everything okay?" You nod. "Yeah, of course. It was was just awkward when Bucky walked in." “Well, can we try that again?" Loki smirks, moving to you. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you to him. “I'd like that." You murmur. He leans his head down, his lips just an inch from yours when Bucky walks in yet again. “Whoa." He gasps, backing up, his hands up in surrender as Loki and you pull apart so fast you end up stumbling. Bucky looks horrified and embarrassed. "I am so, so sorry." He breathes, before taking off and hurrying away. You sigh, smiling, and shake your head. "A few hours, I'll give you that." “A few hours for what?" Loki asks. "Until all of the Avengers know that Bucky walked in on us about to kiss." You laugh, blushing. “Well, I don't care. I like you, Y/N. I like you so much." “I like you too." You sigh. He pulls you into his arms and hugs you tightly. He kisses your head. “Can we try to finish this kiss, Y/N? I hate leaving things unfinished.” He murmurs. You laugh and lift your head. Loki leans down and kisses you deeply and passionately, his hands sinking into your hair. You sigh and sink against him, wrapping your arms around him, kissing him back. ———      Bucky obviously told Steve what he witnessed because it doesn’t take long for Bucky and Steve to start looking at you with smirks on their faces. “Hey, Y/N, don't you need to go back to the kitchen?" Bucky asks as he passes you in the hall later that night. You stop and look at him in confusion. "No, why?" “I heard you left something." “I did? What?" You ask, patting yourself down. “Loki." Bucky replies, his lips quivering as he tries to bite back a smile. “Ha, ha, ha." You roll your eyes, smiling. You walk away from him, shaking your head. “You're cute together! That's all I'm saying!" Bucky shouts after you. ———       A couple of days later, Steve walks past your room as you're scrolling through files on your computer. “Hey, Steve! Question for you." He stops and comes in, leaning against the door frame. "Yeah, what's up?" “I missed that meeting that Tony held this morning about our trip to Luxembourg about those HYDRA agents. He didn't send me anything about it, so I was just wondering if I needed to bring anything or what." “Ummm...the only important thing Tony mentioned was that Loki and you had better come so that there's something interesting to watch on the flight over to Luxembourg. It usually gets so boring, but this time I think it might be different." He grins. You laugh.” Taking jokes out Bucky’s book, I see.” You grab a throw pillow off of a chair and throw it at him. "You guys are ridiculous. I hope you know that." He shrugs, chuckling. "No, but in all seriousness, I'll just send the files over. There's way too much information in there to repeat.” “Is Loki going on the trip?" You ask curiously. Out of nowhere, Sam Wilson pops up behind Steve. "Oh, Y/N, we made sure he wouldn't miss it for the world." He grins. You face-palm, blushing. ———      Eventually, the jokes and teasing decreases. You flop onto the couch beside Loki, who's busy reading on a Kindle. "You know, I think I prefer physical books to this." He states, laying the Kindle aside. You rest your head in his lap, staring up at him. "I've always preferred the physical as well." You smile. Loki strokes your hair and kisses your forehead. "You know, when we're alone together, we're finally escaping being at the brunt of everyone's jokes." “Until they realize we're both missing. It'll set us up for even more jokes" You smile. "If we just look at each other during dinner, it sets everyone off with incredibly stupid jokes." You snort. “Well, at least we get to be alone here." Loki whispers. “Yeah, I locked the door." You grin up at him. He laughs and kisses you soundly, stroking your forehead. "Then no one is getting in." He murmurs. “It's like we're living with a bunch of nosy siblings, honestly." You laugh. "It's true. There's not a whole lot of privacy here." “No." You sigh. “Unless, of course, you lock the door." He smirks. You grin at him and then pull his head down so that he can kiss you again, beyond happy to finally be able to spend some alone time with Loki. [THE END] I hope you liked it!



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