IMAGINE: The Doctor Comforting You

You waddle around the Tardis, your one hand on your lower back, the other on your protruding stomach. You walk to where the control panel is and where the Doctor, your husband, is pressing some buttons and flicking a couple of switches. When he hears you come in, he looks up and immediately a huge, proud smile shoots across his lips. You look at him. "Be honest. I look like a beached whale, don't I?" You ask, throwing your hands out. The Doctor's eyes widen, his face a mask of horror as if appalled you could even think that. "Y/N, no!" He gasps, coming over to you and pulling you into his arms. Your stomach is like a barricade stopping you from getting too close to him. "You're absolutely beautiful." He whispers into your hair. “Well, I feel like a beached whale." You mutter. He puts his hands on your shoulders and pulls you back to look at him. "Y/N, you're glowing. Before, I didn't think it was possible for you to get any more beautiful, but now that you're pregnant, I realize I was wrong." You roll your eyes and laugh, flushing. "Well, thank you." The Doctor gently rubs your stomach, concern for you filling his eyes. "How are you feeling? Are you feeling okay?" You shrug lightly. "Yeah, I mean, considering I'm nine months pregnant with our first child." You smile demurely. The Doctor smiles at you and then looks down at your stomach. "Any day now." He murmurs, holding your stomach. You cover the Doctor's hands with your own and look down, smiling happily. “Yeah." You sigh. Suddenly you feel a sharp kick to your side and gasp sharply, your eyes widening. The Doctor laughs in surprise, his eyebrows raising. "Someone's up." You whisper, rubbing your stomach as your child does another roundhouse kick to your ribs. "Ooh, man. Calm down, kid." You breathe, chuckling. The Doctor kneels and puts his head against your stomach. He closes his eyes. "It's okay, little one. Daddy's here. I'm here." He says. Immediately, your baby calms down. You smile down at the Doctor who's still gently talking to your baby. Your heart swells with love for him and you put your hand on his head, running your fingers through his hair. ——— You sit up in the middle of the night and shake the Doctor awake. "Honey, honey!" You whisper. He sits up and practically falls out of the bed. "What! What! Is the baby coming?!" He nearly shouts. You look at him in confusion. "What? No, no, no." You shake your head. "Do we have any potatoes?" The Doctor stares at you. "What?" “I don't know, I just have this really weird craving for a potato." “A potato?" He raises his eyebrows. "Yeah, a raw one." You grin. "Um...okay...I'll go see if we have any." He says, looking at you unsure. You just smile at him. The Doctor leaves the room and, five minutes later, he comes back with a raw potato. He hands it to you. "Are you sure you don't want anything with that?" You shake your head. "No, but thank you." You smile at him before biting into the potato. The Doctor looks slightly horrified but crawls back into bed. You start moving out of bed. “What is it?" The Doctor asks, sitting up in bed. You kind of roll out of bed. "I need some hot chocolate." “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, I'll get it for you. You need to stay in bed, okay?" “Oh, no, no, I can't make you go get me some. It's fine. You're not my slave. I can go get it myself, it's no problem." You wave your hand in the air. “Y/N, let me get it, okay?" The Doctor says, looking at you and raising his eyebrows. You sigh. "Fine, fine." You mutter, sitting back on the bed. “You just rest there and finish your potato." He says, smiling. “I love you." You smile at him. He kisses you softly. "I love you too." He whispers, before disappearing from the room again. ——— The Doctor and you are out walking in the English countryside in 1313. You walk within a half-mile radius of the Tardis, not wanting to be too far if your baby decides to make a sudden appearance. “Oh, this feels wonderful." You sigh, lifting your face to the sun and smiling. The Doctor squeezes your hand. "I knew the fresh air would do you good." You nudge him with your hip. "You are always right." You wink. He grins and pulls you to his side. "Ooh." You breathe, as a sharp pain stabs your lower back. “Are you okay?" The Doctor asks worriedly. “Yeah, it's just my back. It's killing me." You rub it and wince. “Oh, Y/N, I'm sorry." He breathes, rubbing your back for you. “Ooh, thanks." You sigh, the pain easing slightly. You look at him. "I really don't know what I did to deserve you.” You say quietly. “Y/N." The Doctor reprimands gently. Tears burn your eyes. “I'm serious! You're so good to me. You're so good to our baby already. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." You cry out. Before you know it, you're full on weeping. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just so emotional." You sob. “Aww, honey, no, come here. It's okay." The Doctor pulls you into his arms as you cry against him. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You're my forever and always, Y/N. You're my starlight." He whispers. "And you're mine." You smile up at him and kiss him. He cups your face and kisses you deeply. [THE END] I hope you liked it!