IMAGINE: Lee Kidding You About Your Height

You stand on your tiptoes to reach into the cabinet above the microwave. You grunt as you stretch as far as you can to reach your Thermos. You're still out of reach. “Oh, come on." You huff, crossing your arms and glaring up at the shelf. "Why do I have to be so short?" You grumble, reaching again. Your fingers just brush against the cup, moving it farther out of reach. You groan. "Lee! Lee! Can you come here please?" You shout for your husband, who stands at 6 feet 5 inches. He comes into the kitchen. “Yeah, what's up, hun?" “I can't reach my Thermos. Can you get it for me?" You ask. Lee hides his smile but it's too late. "Don't laugh! It's not funny! You just try being this short. The sort of daily challenges I face each day because I'm vertically challenged is sickening." You huff. Lee kisses your head, still smiling. "I got you, babe." He says, easily reaching up to grab your Thermos. He hands it to you. “Thank you." You say. He just smiles cutely at you and you shake your head. "If I wasn't so love in with you, I would hate you. I hope you know that." He starts laughing and pulls you into his arms. Your head barely reaches his chest. "Oh, Y/N, I love you so much. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." He murmurs. ——— Lee and you are at a grocery store shopping. In order to make the trip go faster, you split up the list. Lee is at one end of the store and you're at the other. You walk through the cereal aisle and spot Lee's favorite cereal on the uppermost shelf. Your shoulders drop and you roll your eyes. You reach up with your hands, but you're still too short. You look around and find a plastic milk crate nearby. “Aha." You smile triumphantly. You grab it and bring it over. You stand on it and reach up. It’s still not high enough. “Are you kidding me?!" You groan. You start jumping to try and grab it when you hear laughing behind you. Lee has his hands over his mouth, laughing. "How long have you been standing there?" You ask. “Long enough." He snickers. “Can you-can you get it?" You ask, pointing to his cereal. You jump off the crate, deflated. Without any trouble, Lee reaches up and grabs the cereal before putting it in the cart. You push the cart down the aisle. "I'm starting to think the world has it out for me. Everything I need is on the top shelf. It's like the world wants to see my pitiful attempts to try and get the items off of the shelves." You mutter. “Y/N." Lee sighs, staring at you. "Lee, if you hadn't come along, where would I be?" “Still trying to get that book off the top shelf in the library." He answers, smiling, referencing the moment when Lee and you first met. He had to help you get a library book off a shelf because you couldn't reach it. You laugh softly. "You're probably right." ——— One afternoon, you come into the kitchen where Lee is making dinner. You grab a kitchen stool. "Y/N, what are you doing?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing. “I need hairspray. For some reason, it's up on the highest shelf where I can't reach it. Usually I put all of my things within reach, but no, not my hairspray, or my lotions or my perfume. Everything I need is on the top shelf well out of my reach." You answer. He quickly looks down and goes back to flipping through a recipe book. You stare at him and set the stool down. Your eyebrows furrow. "Wait a've been putting all of my things out of my reach, haven't you?" You ask, realization washing over you. He looks up at you sheepishly. "Lee!" You exclaim, gaping. “Y/N, don't be mad! Please don't be mad! It's just so cute, you asking for help because you can't reach things. So little by little I've been putting some things around the house out of your reach so that you could ask me to help you." “I can't believe this." You breathe. He moves around the counter and puts his hands on your shoulders. "Y/N. please, I'll fix everything, I promise. I'll put everything back." He vows. You look up at him. "You really did it because you liked me asking you for help?" He nods, smiling. "You-you're just so cute, I can't stand it. I love when you ask me for help." He murmurs, caressing your face. "Can you forgive me, Y/N?" “Of course I can." You chuckle. "Just make sure you put everything back though." You add seriously. “I promise." Lee vows. He leans down and you stand up on your tiptoes, wrapping your arms around him. “I love you, Lee." You whisper. “I love you too, Y/N, and I'm glad you're so short." He whispers, smiling. "Vertically challenged." You correct, grinning. He laughs softly and then kisses you softly. [THE END] I hope you liked it!