IMAGINE: Falling in Love with Jack

You lay on the couch, your nose in a book, as you wait for Dean and Sam, your twin brother, to get home. You hear someone coming down the hall and see Jack, a boy your brothers Dean and Sam took in, rubbing his eyes tiredly. You lay the book on your stomach and sit up. "Well hello there, sleepy head." You smile brightly. You move your legs so Jack can sit on the couch beside you. “You should have woken me, Y/N." He yawns. “I figured you needed your rest. There was no point in waking you." “Thanks." He smiles tiredly at you. Your heart flips pleasantly and you look away from him. Ever since your brothers took Jack in, you've started to have feelings for him. You spend most of your days with Jack, especially when Dean and Sam go on hunts, like tonight. Jack rests his head on the couch and stares at you, a smile on his lips. "What're you reading?" He asks curiously. “Harry Potter." You reply, holding it up to show him. “Oh. Can I read with you?" Your eyebrows raise in surprise. "Yeah, I mean, sure, why not?" You move closer to him until you're right next to each other. Jack moves even closer, and you hold the book out to him. He grabs one side and you grab the other. You turn your head to look at him and still. His face is a few inches from yours and he's smiling at you. You feel like your heart is about to rip out of your chest. “You-you might be kind of lost because I'm already half-way through." You stammer softly. “That's okay. I'll just ask for clarification if I need anything." He whispers, his eyes staring into yours. You swallow hard and then turn to the book. It's hard to concentrate and read when Jack is so near you, his arm hovering around your shoulders. “I'm ready for the page to be turned now, Y/N." Jack says softly after a few minutes. You snap out of your daze, realizing you haven't read a single word on the page. “Uh, oh, sure." You mutter, turning the page to 394. After nearly a half an hour of your eyes glazing over the pages, you slowly look at Jack and find him already staring at you. "I-I-I think I'd like to be done reading..." You whisper. He nods. "That's fine." He murmurs. Your eyes search his as he slowly lifts a hand up to cup the curve of your cheek. You don't break eye contact, your whole body frozen in place. He leans forward, his eyes closing. You start to lean forward to meet him when you hear a car door slam. You jump up and sink a hand through your hair. "Uh, my brothers are home. I-I-I need to go get dinner started." You stammer nervously, turning towards the kitchen. “I'll help you." Jack stands up and grabs your arm. You turn to face him and put your hands on his chest, stopping him. "No, no, no. That's-that's okay. I've got it." You breathe, before disappearing into the kitchen. When you're alone in the kitchen, you lean against the counter and put your face in your hands, doing some deep breathing to calm your racing heart. “Y/N, Jack, we're home." Dean says, coming into the house. “Hey, guys." You hear Jack say. "Hey, Y/N." Sam says, coming into the kitchen. You whirl around and smile, as if nothing happened—as if you weren't just about to kiss Jack a minute ago. “Hi, Sam." You go to your twin brother and hug him tightly. “Whoa, Y/N, are you okay? You're trembling." He states, pulling back to look at you worriedly. “I'm fine. Just cold." You lie. Sam looks as if he doesn't believe it, but then Dean comes in and wraps you into a hug. ——— For the next few days, you hang out with Dean and Sam in order to not be alone with Jack. Your feelings for him are burning like a wildfire and you're scared. You don't know what to do. You think your brothers will be angry with you for developing feelings for Jack. You're cleaning your room one day when Sam comes in. He sits on your bed, looking at you. "What's up, Sam?" You ask as you fold your clothes. “Is everything all right?" "What are you talking about? Of course everything is all right." You reply nonchalantly. “You just seem...out of it. You're acting really standoffish to Jack." “Oh?" You muse. “Did something happen between you? Something you don't want to tell me about?" He questions. You look at him and open your mouth to blurt out everything, but something stops you. "No, nothing happened." You shake your head. "I just have a lot on my mind, that's all." You smile. “Are you sure?" Sam asks worriedly. "I'm sure." You insist. Sam himself looks unsure. "Stop being such a brother." You roll your eyes. “Hey, just because I'm three minutes younger than you doesn't mean you get to boss me around." He states. You stick out your tongue at him. "Now who is the mature one?" He mutters under his breath, grinning. "Hey." You laugh, hitting him in the shoulder. You glance up and see Jack at the door, smiling at you. You look down, still smiling, and go back to cleaning. ——— A few weeks later you're in the kitchen, laying inside the cabinet under the sink, trying to fix a leaky pipe. "Hey, need any help down there?" Jack asks, crouching down, scaring you. You yelp in surprise and sit up out of the cabinet. He smiles at you. “Geez, Jack, you can give a girl a heart attack sneaking up on her like that." You breathe, a hand on your chest. “Oh, gosh, I'm sorry." He winces. "No, no, it's okay." You brush aside his apology. While you tried to distance yourself from Jack for a few days, it didn't last very long. Jack is like a magnet to you, and you know you're falling in love with him. “So can I help?" Jack offers again. "Oh, sure." You reply, handing him the toolbox. You make room for him and then lay back under the sink. Jack lays beside you. "Wow, that's leaking a lot." He breathes, grabbing a towel and mopping up the water on the bottom of the sink. “I know, right?" You say, grabbing a wrench out of the toolbox. For about an hour, Jack and you work together in trying to stop the leak. "There. I think that's good." Jack says. You both stare at the pipe, waiting for any water to drop out. Nothing happens. “Yay." You smile brightly. "Thanks, Jack!" You exclaim, brushing the hair out of your eyes. "That would have taken me a lot longer to do by myself." You laugh. “Anytime." He smiles at you. His smile fades slightly as he gazes at you. "Y/N, I-I...." He breathes. He put a hand on your arm and moves his head around the pipe to look at you clearly and closely. "I think I'm-I think I'm..." He whispers, his breath on your face. "Me too." You whisper back. You caress his face and lift your head up. His lips are just about to touch yours when Dean walks in. “What's going on here?" "Oh, nothing, Y/N and I are just fixing this pipe!" Jack says hurriedly, moving out from the cabinet, his face flushed. Dean narrows his eyes suspiciously and you come out of the cabinet, smiling sheepishly. “Fixing the pipe, huh?" Dean murmurs. “Yeah, it was-it was leaking." You answer, trying to keep the shake out your voice. “Hmm. Well, Jack, when you're finished fixing the leaky pipe, I need your help with something." "Oh, I'm done now." Jack hurriedly stands. “Thanks for the help, Jack." You tell him. He looks down at you, smiling. "You're welcome, Y/N." "Come on." Dean beckons, all but hauling him out of the kitchen. ——— A couple of weeks later, you sit on the front porch, needing to get some fresh air. Dean and Sam definitely suspect something is going on between Jack and you. They're watching both of you like hawks. Ever since Jack nearly kissed you under the sink, you haven't spent any time alone. Dean and Sam have even taken you on hunts with them, not wanting to leave Jack and you alone. The front door opens and Jack comes out. He sits beside you. "Where are the spies?" You ask curiously, glancing at the windows, expecting Dean and Sam to be watching through them. “Dean is in the shower and Sam is washing dishes." “Ah." You nod. “Y/N, we have to talk." "So let's talk." You reply, putting your head in your hand and staring at him. “I'm in love with you, Y/N." Jack admits. You smile. "You are?" He nods. "I have been for a while now. Ever since that night when we read Harry Potter together, my feelings for you have multiplied. You occupy my every thought and I can't stand being without you. I know if Dean and Sam ever find out..." He trails off. “They'll kill you?" You offer. He nods somberly. "Well they'll have to kill us both because I'm in love with you too." You whisper softly. Jack smiles widely. "Then can we please finish what we've been trying to start?" He asks. You smile and nod. He puts his hand on your knee and kisses you softly. Your eyes close and you wrap your arms around him, kissing him back. He deepens the kiss and pulls you closer. The front door suddenly slams open and Jack and you jump apart, gasping. Dean and Sam are standing in the doorway, their arms crossed. Jack and you glance at each other, before looking back up at Dean and Sam. "Sam, I thought you were washing dishes." Jack states. “And, Dean, you were in the shower." You add. “Y/N, Jack, there is such a thing as lying." Sam says. “Do you think we're stupid? Do you think we didn't realize what was going on?" Dean asks, shaking his head. “No, of course not." You murmur. "We knew all we had to do was give you two five minutes alone and that'd be that. We were right." "Guys, I'm sorry—” You start to say. “No, no, I'm the one who should be sorry." Jack interrupts you. He stands up. "Please know that my feelings for your sister are real. They're 100% real. I'm sorry I didn't say anything to either of you. Perhaps I should have asked permission, but I figured Y/N is her own person and that she can make decisions for herself. Please don't be upset with Y/N. I'm begging you, please don't." He blurts out. Sam and Dean look at each other. “We're not mad, Jack. I think we knew you two had feelings for each other before you even realized it yourselves. While you guys clearly have strong feelings for each other, I don't want you to rush into things or do something you may regret. I just want you both to be happy." Sam says. You stand up and grab Jack's hand, smiling. "And if you dare break her heart, I'll do the same to yours." Dean threatens. Jack's eyes widen slightly. "Yeah, that we won't be able to excuse you from that." Sam agrees. "We'll make your life a living nightmare if you hurt her, I swear we will." “I-I-I won't, I promise." Jack vows. Sam smiles. "Great, then there shouldn't be a problem." "Thank you." You smile with relief. "Come on." Sam nudges Dean back into the house. After they leave, you fall into Jack's arms, sighing with relief. "Um, wow." You whisper. “Wow is correct." Jack laughs softly. “You know that they mean it, every word." You say, pulling your head back to look at him. “Trust me, I know." You cup his face. "You sure you're not scared?" You whisper. He smiles. "Never." He murmurs, before kissing you. [THE END] I hope you liked it!