IMAGINE: Sherlock Saving You

You walk down the street with Sherlock Holmes, your closest friend and crush. Sherlock, John Watson, and you work on cases together. You're in forensics and, even though Sherlock swears he doesn't need help, you've helped him crack more than a few cases. Over the past couple of years, Sherlock has come to respect you greatly and even consider you his best friend, next to John, of course. And while he hasn't shown any romantic feelings for you, you hope one day he will return your feelings. “Well, this is where we go our own ways. I can walk home by myself." You say once Sherlock and you come up to the street that leads to your home. “I'll walk you home." Sherlock offers a little protectively. You laugh softly. "Sherlock, you walk me home nearly every night and nothing has ever happened to me. I'll be fine. You go on and get home. It's late." His eyebrows furrow, debating. "I'm serious! I live only five blocks from here. I'll be home before you know it." You reassure him. “I don't know, Y/N..." He trails off. You put your hand on his arm and stare up into his eyes seriously. "Sherlock. I can take care of myself. I appreciate you wanting to walk me home every night, I really do, but it has been a long, busy day for both of us. You need to get home safely as well. So let's both go our separate ways and call it a night, okay?" You say and then smile. “Okay." He sighs, relenting. You squeeze his arm. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." You murmur, before heading off down the dark street. You feel Sherlock's eyes on you until you turn down your street and walk out of sight. You walk down the street and spot your home, two blocks away. A chill is in the air so you wrap your coat more tightly around yourself. That is when you notice a figure on the opposite side of the street walking in the same direction as you. He keeps looking at you. Your eyebrows furrow. Has he been following you since you turned down your street? Your step quickens slightly. So does the figure's on the other side of the street. You hear footfalls ten feet behind behind you as well. You're definitely getting followed. You whip out of your phone and punch in Sherlock's number. Once the strangers see you pull your phone out, they rush at you. You take off running as you wait for Sherlock to answer his phone. “Come on, come on, come on." You plead, getting a little panicky. You run past your house, not wanting to lead the strangers there. Sherlock picks up. "Hello, Y/N. Is everything okay? Are you home now?" “Sherlock, help me! I'm being followed!" You cry out softly. “What?!" “ “Two people are chasing me. I can't-I can't go home. They'll find me. They'll know where I live. Where do I go? What do I do?" You ask, full-on panicking. "Okay, okay, I'll be right there. Double back. Come towards Baker Street." He directs. “Okay." You breathe. You glance behind you. They're getting closer. Fear wraps itself around your chest like a steel band. “Whatever you do, don't hang up, Y/N. Do not hang up." Sherlock instructs. You can tell he's trying to keep his voice calm, but he's failing badly. He sounds as panicked as you. “Ok—” You're about to say when the figure behind you jumps you. You scream as you're thrown to the pavement, your phone flinging out of your hand. “Y/N!" Sherlock screams through the phone. You fight off your attacker, clawing at his face and kicking like a maniac. You knee him in the abdomen and he curses, letting go of you for just a second. You scramble away from him just as the other figure tackles you. He's much stronger. Together, they pick you up, kicking and screaming, and drag you to a small car. “Sherlock! It's a small car! It's black! The license plate is 55F73—” You scream before they throw you into the trunk and slam the door shut. ——— Sherlock runs down your street just in time to see the black little car you screamed to him about speed off into the night. “No! No! No!" He shouts. He bolts quickly enough to see the last digits of the license plate. He skids to a stop, his heart pounding, more from panic than exertion. "Oh, Y/N." He cries. He calls John, his hands shaking. "John, get over to Y/N's house right now. She has been kidnapped." He says hoarsely. “What?!" John exclaims incredulously. “Please, John. I need you. Get over here now." Sherlock pleads. For the first time in a while, Sherlock feels tears well in his eyes. "I can't lose her, John. I just can’t.” He whispers. “I'll be right over." John replies hurriedly. ——— Your kidnappers drive as for what seems like hours. When the car finally stops, your legs are so cramped from being shoved into the tiny, little trunk that you can’t feel them. You wait, ready to pounce when your kidnappers open the trunk. When they finally open it, you lunge out, only to be tasered. You fall to the ground, screaming in pain. "We're not fools. We've been watching you. We have seen how resourceful you have become after spending so much time with Holmes." The one spits, standing over you. You look up at him, whimpering, trying to get a good look at his face but it's too dark. “Take her inside and lock her up." He commands to the other person. "What's going to happen now?" The other person asks. “Now we wait. It won't take long before Holmes figures out where we've taken her. And when he finds her, we'll kill him." The leader replies, grinning. "No." You cry, shaking your head. “Shut up." He snaps, kicking his heel into your temple. A burst of pain explodes against your head and you squeeze your eyes shut tightly, grimacing. ——— Sherlock and John stay up the whole night, running the license plate and trying to figure out where the kidnappers might have taken you. It doesn't take long for them to pinpoint the make, model, and owners of the car. John watches Sherlock pace in the small living room. "Uh, Sherlock?" “What." Sherlock replies, deep in thought. “I-I-I don't want to burst your bubble of your hope, but do you perhaps think it might be too easy?" Sherlock stops and stares at him. "What do you mean?" "No professional kidnappers would be foolish enough to let anyone see their license plate number. They let Y/N scream it out, for goodness' sake. Look, I know you want to find Y/N as much as I do, but I also don't want us rushing into this. What if they purposely made this easy for us? What if they want us to find Y/N so that they can harm you?" Sherlock sits down but then stands back up again, too jittery to rest. "I don't care, John. I don't care what happens to me. As long as Y/N is safe, that's all that matters. That's all that will ever matter to me." John squints at him, realization showing on his face. "You-you care for her, don't you?" He asks slowly. Sherlock shoots him a look. "Of course I care for her. We both care for her." John holds up his finger and wags it at Sherlock. "No, no, no, but you really care for her. You might even love her." He states, his eyes going wide. Sherlock, flustered, turns away. "That's-that's ridiculous, John. Didn't your mother ever tell you it isn't right to speculate?" “I'm not speculating. I'm watching, Sherlock. I'm watching your reactions, your features, the way your eyes are filled with fear and panic." John says grimly. “Th-they are not." Sherlock lies, crossing his arms. “I've worked with you for far too long, Sherlock, to not have caught on to anything." Sherlock stares at him. "Let's just find Y/N." He grumbles. ——— You're chained to a wall in a broken down, abandoned barn. You're sitting on a dirt floor, your head resting against the wall of the barn. Despite the sunlight streaming through the cracks of the barn, it's drafty and cold. The kidnappers cradle their guns in the arms like a baby, just waiting. Waiting for Sherlock to make his appearance so they can kill him. “He's not stupid, you know. He's going to know something is fishy about this whole situation." You say hoarsely, your throat dry. “Shut up, girl. We don't care what your boyfriend thinks. When he comes to save you, we're going to blow his head off." The leader snaps. “But not before we kill you. We’re going to make him suffer. We’re going to make him see that no matter how hard he tried to save you, he just wasn’t good enough." The other hisses, glaring at you. You glare back, more angry than scared. "Why? That's all I ask: why? Why kidnap me? Why go through this whole ordeal just so that you can murder Sherlock Holmes?" "Because we knew that if your life was in danger, he'd do anything to come and save you. He'd be so wrought with worry, he wouldn't be able to think straight. You're his weakness, and we're going to make sure he knows that." The leader answers. You swallow hard. "You're a psychotic bunch of freaks." You spit. They just shrug and continue to stare out of the broken windows of the barn. ——— Later that afternoon, Sherlock and John lay low in the field of dry grasses, staring at the old barn. “I told you this was too easy." John states. That morning, Sherlock and John found the car ditched on the side of the road. Following the footsteps, it led to the barn where Sherlock spotted two men with guns. Without being seen, John and Sherlock left to devise a plan and then came back to execute it. “It doesn't matter if it's too easy. It's ending now." Sherlock whispers. “Is Lestrade ready?" John asks. Sherlock nods. "His men are surrounding the area. The kidnappers will never be able to escape." Sherlock answers. “And the fire squad?" "On standby, waiting for Lestrade's orders." Sherlock replies coolly. Sherlock, John, and Lestrade concocted this crazy plan to save you. They knew that if the kidnappers realized that Sherlock or the police were coming to save you, they’d end your life in an instant. “Then it's a-go." John says. “It's a-go." Sherlock breathes as John pulls a box of matches out of his pocket. John takes a deep breath as he lights the first match and sets it in the dead grasses. Within a few seconds, smoke starts rising and the flame grows. John and Sherlock light the rest of the matches in the surrounding area and then quickly back away. It doesn't take long for the field of grasses to catch on fire and start making its way to the barn. ——— You wake up to the smell of smoke. You start coughing. "What's-what's going on?" You ask, seeing the kidnappers shuffling their stuff into duffel bags. “Looks like our little plan got derailed. It looks like we won't be able to kill Sherlock after all. Or you. We'll let the fire take care of that. Our hands will be clean of any bloodshed.” The leader says. Panic jump starts your heart. "Fire? What fire?" You ask eagerly. “Just the massive wild fire that is dangerously close to the barn. Bye." The leader smiles sickly, before opening up the door to the barn, leaving you still chained to the wall. "No! No! You can't leave me!" You scream. “We just did." The second-in-command says before slamming the door shut behind them. “No! No!" You scream, sobbing, trying to pull the chains out of the wall. Smoke quickly penetrates the barn and you can see the dark smoke surrounding everything. Your eyes burn with tears and your throat feels raw. You never thought this is how you're going to die. You try to wrench your arms out of the chains, panicking. "Come on, come on, come on!" You sob angrily. Someone suddenly kicks the door open and you whirl around. "Sherlock!" You scream with relief. He hurries over to you and cups your face. "Are you okay? Tell me you're okay." He pleads. “I'm about to burn to death." You state, staring at him. “Not on my watch." He replies, quickly working on the locks of the chains. “How-how did you find me? Where did the men go? How did the fire start?" You ask hurriedly. “It wasn't hard to find you. The kidnappers were sloppy, which was on purpose, I gather, so that they could use you against me. John and I found the deserted barn early this morning. We devised a plan and came back. We started the fire in order to weed the men out. It worked and they ran straight into Lestrade's men. We have a fire crew containing the fire right now. Everything is under control." Sherlock explains calmly as he picks your lock. He quickly gets the chains off and then pulls you into his arms as you cry against him. You hold onto him tightly. He carries you out the barn. You spot the fire crew spraying water over everything and see the two kidnappers in a police vehicle, looking beyond furious. "Y/N!" John exclaims, running over to you. Sherlock sets you down and John envelops you into a hug. You smile and hug him back. “Thanks for helping Sherlock find me, John." “Of course." John replies, smiling. John looks at Sherlock and they make this weird eye contact. John gives him a little nod and then walks off. Your eyebrows furrow. “Y/N, come on, you should probably get examined by a paramedic." Sherlock says, leading you to an ambulance. “I'm fine, really. I just want water. And maybe some food." You say as you sit up in the ambulance. After the paramedics check you and claim you're not in critical condition, they leave you alone with Sherlock. He wraps a blanket around your shoulders. "Thanks." You smile tiredly as he sits next to you. “Y/N." He says quietly. “Yeah?" He looks at you and you see tears in his eyes. "I thought I was going to lose you. I have never...I have never been so scared in all of my life." He whispers. He grabs your hand. "I-I...with your kidnapping, it made me realize a few things." “Yes?" You ask hopefully. “It made me realize that I'm walking you home every night." He smiles faintly. "Sherlock." You laughing, punching his shoulder. “I'm serious! It also made me realize that I never want to let you out of my sight." “Well, good luck with that." You roll your eyes. “It's not going to be that hard, Y/N." “And why is that?" "Because I'm in love with you and I never want to leave your side." He whispers, staring at your lips. “What?" You gasp incredulously. “I didn't want to admit it to myself, Y/N. But then you were gone and there was a possibility of never seeing you again, and I knew that once we found you, I didn't want to live my life without telling you how I feel about you." “Oh, Sherlock." You whisper. "I'm in love with you too." You admit, grabbing his hand. Sherlock smiles with relief and then cups your face. He kisses you deeply, surprising you. It takes you but a second to wrap your arms around him and kiss him back. [THE END] I hope you liked it!