IMAGINE: The Doctor Comforting You

| IMAGINE for a Wattpad user | You wake up to a sharp pain slicing across your stomach. You sit up with a gasp and then grimace. You flip on the light switch near your bed in the Tardis and even that minuscule movement causes you to stifle a cry. You put a hand on your stomach and swing your legs over the bed. You stand up, swaying slightly, and then slowly exit your room, your face scrunched up in pain. “Doctor! Doctor!” You call. You put your arm on a door and nearly double over, the pain so terrible. “Doctor!” You practically scream. You hear footsteps running and you look up. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asks worriedly. “Doctor, my stomach...I-I don’t feel so good.” You breathe. He hurries to you. He looks over you, concern marring his brow. “You look very pale.” He murmurs. “I-I-I think I must’ve ate something during our visit to Andromeda that didn’t agree with me.” You wince. “Ugh, gosh, this really hurts.” “Let’s go back to your bedroom. You need to rest.” The Doctor says, turning you around and leading you back to your room. As you lay down in bed, the Doctor hovers his Sonic Screwdriver over you from head to toe. You listen to the soft whirring noise and it comforts you. Ever since you became the Doctor’s companion, you’ve loved that sound. The Doctor flips his Sonic Screwdriver up. “Nothing. It’s reading that nothing is wrong with you.” He murmurs, stumped. “Is that bad? That’s bad, right?” You ask worriedly. He smiles at you reassuringly. “Y/N, I’m sure it’s nothing a little rest won’t cure. Your tummy is probably just irritated. If it is something you ate on Andromeda, mixed in with time travel, that’d definitely upset your tummy.” “So just rest?” You ask. He nods. Another sharp pain stabs you in the side and you yelp. “I don’t really see how that’s going to be easy.” You frown, rubbing your stomach. The Doctor winces. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He sighs. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known.” You reply, giving him a smile. “Here, move over.” He says, beckoning you to make room for him on the bed. “Excuse me, what?” You laugh in confusion. “Move over. I don’t want you going through this alone. That’s not any fun.” You smile and make room for him. He sits next to you on the bed. “Thanks, Doctor.” He smiles back down at you. “So where are we going next?” You ask. “Well, first let’s get you better and then we can decide. You’re more important.” “Okay.” You flush. You grimace as your stomach clenches painfully. “You’ve never had tummy issues before?” The Doctor questions curiously. “Not really. I mean, only when I eat things that don’t agree with me, but that doesn’t happen very often.” “You have to watch out for that Andromedan food—really any food in general when you’re time traveling.” Warning noted and put away for future references.” You sigh, resting your head on his shoulder. You put your hand on your stomach and the Doctor covers your hand with his. “Are you sure you don’t have other stuff you need to get to? I’d hate to keep you from it.” “Y/N, as I said before, you’re more important than anything in the whole universe. I’m staying right here until you get better.” He claims adamantly. “You’re the only Doctor I’ll ever need, Doctor.” You smile tiredly. He laughs and wraps his arm around your shoulders. [THE END] I hope you liked it!