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IMAGINE: Mycroft and You Falling in Love

     You're sitting on the floor in Mycroft Holmes's office, alphabetizing his files and making sure everything is organized. You've recently been hired by Mycroft as his personal assistant. "Y/N, are you sure you wouldn't like a chair?" Mycroft asks you as he reads through a stack of files. You smile at him even though he's too fixated on his papers to look at you. "No, I'm good, but thank you." When you were first hired by Mycroft, you were surprised at his anti-social demeanor and unfriendliness towards you. He spends most of his time in his dark office, and it was at first depressing for you. However, in the past few weeks, you've managed to pull him out of his shell and have actually gotten him to laugh and smile. The door to the office bursts open and a figure walks in confidently. Mycroft sighs and sets his papers down. "Have you ever heard of knocking, Sherlock?" He asks exasperatedly. “If you're keeping such close tabs on me like you say you are, there wouldn't be a need to knock." Sherlock says as if bored out of his mind. You smile between the exchange. While you've never met Sherlock personally, Mycroft talks about him enough. Sherlock, as if realizing you're in the room, stares at you and then looks at Mycroft. "Who's the girl?" He asks, gesturing his head towards you. Mycroft looks at you and smiles. "Sherlock, this is Y/N, my personal assistant." “Hi." You wave to Sherlock, under too much paperwork to stand. "Personal assistant." Sherlock snorts, looking at Mycroft. "Why do you need a personal assistant? You've never needed one before." Mycroft clenches his jaw and stands. He walks over to Sherlock, grabs his arm, and pulls him out of the room, shutting the door behind him.       Mycroft comes in ten minutes later without his younger brother. You look up from the files you're sorting. "Is everything okay?" You ask. Mycroft smiles at you tightly and nods, before sitting back at his desk in silence. Something has changed. The air cracks with tension. You shudder. The Holmes are a mysterious family, that much you have gathered in the short time you've known them. “Y/N, what are you doing for the holidays?" Mycroft asks randomly. "What?" You laugh, looking at him. "What are you doing for the holidays?" “Uh, I don't know. I wasn't planning on doing anything for the holidays." “Aren't you going to spend the holidays with your family?" He asks curiously, staring at you intently. “I-I don't know. My parents are dead..." You trail off softly, looking away. “I'm sorry, Y/N. If you don't mind me asking, how did they die?" Mycroft asks with concern. You take a deep breath, the memory of finding their mangled bodies sprawled on the kitchen floor coming to your mind. You look at Mycroft. "They were murdered." Mycroft shows a sign of surprise. "You don't have any other family?" “Not really. Distant cousins and such. I do have a sister but..." You murmur nervously. “But what?" He prods. “I don't know....After my parents were murdered, I haven’t really talked to her. I haven't really seen her since." You shift uncomfortably. Mycroft stares at you suspiciously. Your eyebrows furrow. "What. Why are you looking at me like that?" Mycroft blinks and the look is gone. "Nothing. Nothing. I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to spend the holidays with my family...?" Your eyebrows shoot up. "Really?" You ask in surprise. “Nobody should be alone on the holidays." He says softly, smiling a little bit. A warm feeling moves into your heart and you smile. "Then yes, I'd love to spend the holidays with your family." Mycroft's smile widens and he looks back at his work.  You go back to sorting through his files, thinking that perhaps the holidays this year won't be so lonely after all. ———      A couple of weeks later you're sitting in the apartment on ‪221B Baker Street‬. John Watson is sitting across from you. Mycroft and Sherlock are secretly talking behind closed doors. “Do they do this often?" You ask John. “Not really. Whatever it is, it must be very important and serious." “I tried to ask Mycroft about it, but he just insists it's nothing I need to worry about." “Well, no worries, I'll pull it out of Sherlock and then I'll tell you." John smiles. “Thanks." You chuckle. Mycroft opens the door to the apartment and pokes his head in. "Y/N, I just remembered. We have to run to the store before we go back home to work." “Okay." You smile, your heart tripping up a little bit. Mycroft shuts the door and goes back to talking with Sherlock. While you weren't particularly fond of Mycroft the first few days of your employment, you've started to care for him since the moment he invited you to spend the holidays with his family. Spending nearly every waking hour with him doesn't help either. You practically go everywhere him. You're with him late into the night and then see him first thing in the morning. If it was any other job, you would hate it, but you really enjoy working for Mycroft. “Mycroft and you have been spending a lot of time together." John states, watching you. You look at him and blush. "I'm-I'm just his personal assistant." “I didn't say otherwise. I'm just saying that I don't think I've ever seen Mycroft act like he actually has a heart except when he's around you. I never even knew he could smile just for the sheer joy of it." “John, that's ridiculous." You laugh nervously. “I heard he invited you over for the holidays and that you excepted." John points out. “That's because he didn't want me to be alone." You defend, crossing your arms. “Y/N, you haven't known Mycroft for as long as I've known him. He doesn't care about anyone being alone except perhaps Sherlock. Mycroft doesn't care about anyone except his family. There's something about you that Mycroft likes." He says, pinning you with a look. You blush deeply. "I may be no detective, but I've been with Sherlock long enough to figure people out, and based on your blush, I think you also have come to care for Mycroft." “Shh, not so loudly!" You whisper, glancing at the door worriedly. “I don't believe this. Mycroft, the antisocial, secluded brother, finds love with his assistant and she returns the feelings." He shakes his head, smiling. "Wait til I tell Sherlock. He won't believe it." “No, you mustn't!" You exclaim. "I don't think Sherlock would be overly pleased that I fancy his brother. I don't think he trusts me." “Well, welcome to the club, Y/N. Sherlock doesn't trust many people." “He trusts you." “I'm a rare case." John responds just as Mycroft raises his voice at Sherlock. It's muffled but Mycroft definitely sounds angry.      The door to the apartment flies opens and Mycroft enters, his face red. He takes a deep breath. "Y/N, are you ready to go?" He asks, trying to keep his voice even. You glance at John before answering, “Yes." You stand. John watches Mycroft and you like a hawk. Sherlock remains near the doorway, arms crossed, also watching you. Mycroft helps you into your jacket. "Well, we'll see you at Mother and Father's house for Christmas." Mycroft says to John and Sherlock cordially. "Goodbye." You smile politely at John and Sherlock. Mycroft leads you out of the house, his hand on the small of your back. "Did everything go okay?" You ask softly. “Yes." Mycroft answers shortly as you step out onto the sidewalk. You start to hail a cab but Mycroft grabs your hand. "Do you mind if we walk? I need to clear my head." “Oh, of course." You answer. Mycroft and you walk down the street just as big snowflakes start to fall from the sky. It takes you a minute to realize Mycroft hasn't let go out your hand. Instead he's holding it. Your heart starts to pound, your throat dry. After walking in silence for a little bit, Mycroft speaks. "Y/N, tell me about your sister." “W-why would you want to know about her?" You ask nervously, biting your lip. “You never talk about her. You talk about your mother and father, but never your sister. I'm curious about her." You grit your teeth. "There's really not much to tell about her. I-I don't remember her that well." You lie. Mycroft looks like he doesn't believe you. "Y/N, how can you not remember her that well? She was your sis—” “Mycroft, please. I don't want to talk about her." You plead quietly, your voice cracking. He looks at you, his features softening. "Of course, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you." He says softly, squeezing your hand. “You said we have to go to the store." You say, changing the subject. “Oh, yes, yes. Well, it can wait until tomorrow, I suppose. We'd better get home before the snow turns worse. I have some stuff at the house you can do before the night is over." "Okay." You nod. Mycroft looks at you and smiles. "Thank you, Y/N." “For what?" You smile. “For always being so ready to say yes. I really appreciate it. I really appreciate you." He admits quietly. You blush and look away from him.       A few hours later, you put the last book up on Mycroft's bookshelf. You stretch and your back cracks. "Ooh." You breathe. "Mycroft?" You call out, exiting the fireplace. He walks down the stairs. "Finished, Y/N?" “Yep. I think I'm going to head home now. It's getting pretty late." "Okay." He answers as he lands on the first floor. You shrug on your jacket and put on your scarf. "I'll see you tomorrow morning." You smile at him, turning to face him. Mycroft buttons your jacket for you, his nearness stealing your breath. He must be just as nervous as you are because his fingers tremble. "Stay warm, Y/N." He murmurs. “I will." You reply breathlessly. He smiles down at you. For a split second you think he's going to kiss you and, much to your surprise, you want him to. Instead, he opens the door, snow piling in. “Oh my goodness!" You exclaim as Mycroft and you slam your weight against the door to close it against the storm. "It's a blizzard." You giggle. "Apparently so." Mycroft chuckles. "You better brace yourself as I go out." You say, reaching for the door handle. Mycroft grabs your arm. "Y/N, you're crazy if you think I'm going to let you go home in this type of weather. You'll kill yourself." You roll your eyes. "Mycroft, of course I have to go home. Where else would I stay?" “You're staying here." Mycroft states matter-of-fact. “What?" You laugh. You start to protest but he gives you a look that tells you not to argue. "Okay." You resign. You take off your coat and scarf. "Come, let's go into the library where the fire is built. That gust of wind was freezing." Mycroft says, taking you gently by the elbow and leading you into the library. You both sit in front of the fireplace. You pull your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around him. You look at Mycroft who's staring into the fire. “Tell me about your family." You say softly. Mycroft looks at you. "You've heard about mine. I want to hear about yours." You murmur. Mycroft smiles. "All right." He starts telling you about his family which leads to a multitude of conversations that lead late into the night. ———      A few weeks later, you help Mrs. Holmes in the kitchen while John sets the table for Christmas dinner. “My, my, look at that snow..." Mrs. Holmes breathes, peaking past the curtain to look out the window. “I hear that it’s supposed to be a real blizzard.” John says. “At least it's a white Christmas." You smile. “Love, would you be a dear and go tell Mycroft and Sherlock that supper is ready?" Mrs. Holmes asks. “Of course." You smile. You leave the kitchen and go searching through the house for the two brothers. Ever since that night at Mycroft's house a few weeks ago, you've fallen deeply in love with him. Getting to spend the holidays with his family means so much to you. You walk past a closed door and hear Mycroft and Sherlock quietly arguing. Your eyebrows furrow and you stop. You press your ear against the door and listen. “You're not trying hard enough!" Sherlock whispers harshly. “Yes, I am! Y/N won't tell me anything." Mycroft responds. “Give me a break, Mycroft. Anyone is able to break under enough pressure." “Not you." “Don't make this about me. This about Y/N and her sister." “What." You breathe, your eyebrows furrowing. “I've been trying to get information out of Y/N about her sister but she just shuts me out." Mycroft defends. "You're not pressuring her enough because you care for her. " Sherlock points out. There's silence for a few seconds. "That's-that's ridiculous." Mycroft stammers. “Then try harder. We have to find out where her sister is located before she causes any more damage. This was the whole reason why you hired Y/N–to use her to get information on her sister. If Y/N won't tell you willingly, we have to force it out of her. If you won't, I will."      Before you can move away, Mycroft pulls open the door. You stare at him, unmoving. "Y/N, wha-what are you doing here?" He sputters. He pales considerably. Tears fill your eyes and your heart breaks. "You were just using me?" You ask, your voice cracking. “Y/N, no–" Mycroft protests, reaching a hand out. “No." You knock his hand away angrily. "I should've known. How could I have been so stupid?" You laugh bitterly. “Y/N, you don't understand." Mycroft says desperately. “Oh, I think I do." You grit out. "You've been using me, playing with my emotions, having me spend Christmas with you, all to get me to lead you to my sister." You step close to him. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I told you: I don't know where she is." You hiss harshly, before turning on your heel. You run down the hall. “Y/N, wait!" Mycroft exclaims. You run past the kitchen. “Y/N, dear, what's the matter?" Mrs. Holmes asks. You run out the front door into the snowstorm, slamming the door shut.  You aimlessly run through the blizzard, to angry to even care about the snow seeping through your jacket-less form. It's completely pitch black outside, save for the white snow littering everything. Tears freeze onto your face. You can't believe Mycroft betrayed you. You believed he cared for you, that he was in love with you. You choke on a sob and stumble through the storm. The chill finally starts to sink in and you slow down, wrapping your arms around yourself. You probably should turn back. You turn around and squint. Which way did you come from anyway? You can't see lights from any direction. You turn in a circle. “Hello?!" You shout out, your voice quickly carried by the wind. Panic starts to sink in. You shouldn't have wandered away from the house in anger. Your teeth start chattering. “H-help!" You scream. It sounds so weak to your ears. You walk against the storm until you can't feel your toes. "Help. Somebody, help me." You breathe weakly. You stumble to the ground, falling into a blanket of snow. You let out a deep breath. "Mycroft." You whisper, the last word on your lips before your world is swallowed in darkness.  ———      You wake up to someone gently caressing your cheek. You murmur softly and open your eyes to see Mycroft sitting next to you as you lie on the couch in front of the fireplace. He's staring down at you worriedly. "Mycroft..." You whisper. “You gave us a scare, Y/N. We couldn't find you. Luckily Sherlock was able to find you. Y-you were so cold. I thought you were dead. " He whispers, a weird look coming to his eyes. He nearly looks sick to his stomach at the thought of you being dead. Your heart twists. You try to sit up and he helps. You freeze. "No. No. No. No. Stop. I don't need your help." You grit out. Mycroft quickly pulls his hands away. "How are you feeling?" You rub your arm, even though you're not cold. "I'm okay." You murmur. You try to scoot as far away from Mycroft as you can. “Y/N, we need to talk. About everything." He states, grabbing your hand. He holds tight when you try to pull away. "Y/N, if you’re not aware, your sister runs part of the black market in England, Ireland, and Australia. She's a skilled hacker. She hacked into the United States' Government. She's a terrorist. However, no matter what, we can't find her. Once she makes a hit, she disappears. None of our agents can find her. She's causing so much damage wherever she goes. When we researched her, the only living family member is you. We figured I could get close to you to see if you knew the location of your sister or if you were in contact with her. I admit we were going to use you to find your sister and gather more information about her." He explains to you quietly. You stare at Mycroft. “I know my sister is part of the black market and that she's a hacker. But that's not all she is." You say hoarsely. His eyebrows draw. Tears fill your eyes. "She's a murderer. I told you my parents were murdered, but I never told you by who. She was only nineteen when she gased them and stabbed them to do death. I-I would've been next if I hadn't run away from her. I-I've been on the run since." You choke out. Mycroft stares at you. "Oh, Y/N, that's why you said you don't know where she is. You've been hiding from her since she killed your parents." He breathes. You nod as tears splatter down your cheeks. He gently wipes them away. “I've been laying low for so long, flying under the radar because I don't want her to find me and kill me just like she did my parents." "I'm so sorry." He whispers, caressing your hand. “That's why I couldn't have possibly given you any information on her. I don't know her. I don't want to know her. I want nothing to do with her." You shudder, before breaking down and crying. Mycroft pulls you into his arms and rocks you as you sob against him.        Mycroft runs his hand through your hair. "I never intended to hurt you, Y/N. I mean, at first I didn't care. I didn't care about you. I just wanted the information on your sister and that's all. But over the past few months....I've been falling in love with you. Deeply in love with you." He whispers. You look up at him and find him gazing down at you. He caresses your face. "Ever since Sherlock first met you and knew about you that day at my office, he’s been wary. Sherlock has gotten so mad at me because he knew I was falling in love you. He knew I was compromising the mission, but I couldn't find it in me to care. I only cared about you. I still only care about you." “And I only care about you, Mycroft. I've fallen in love with you too. At first I couldn't stand you. You made me so depressed. But after getting used to your ways, there is no one I’d rather spend all of my days with." You whisper. Mycroft lowers his head and kisses you slowly. You sigh and kiss him back. “I promise I will protect you, Y/ N, from everything. I will protect you from your sister. No harm will come to you." He vows. “And I will help you bring my sister to justice. She doesn't deserve to be out on the streets terrorizing people's lives. I'm sick of hiding. I'm sick of running. I will do whatever I can to help you. " “That sounds like a beautiful deal to me, Y/N. As long as I get to spend every minute of every day with you for the rest of my life, I will be the happiest man alive." You smile at him. "And I will be the happiest woman alive. As long as I get to do life with you." You whisper before kissing him. Mycroft wraps his arms tightly around you and kisses you deeply.  [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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