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IMAGINE: Lying about committing a crime in order to save Barry

     You feel Cisco, your best friend, staring at your back as you prepare dinner for yourself and your twin sons, Mason and Tanner. Without turning around, you speak. "Is there a problem, Cisco?" “Y/N, there's something you need to know about Barry." Cisco states. You still and slowly turn around. Cisco is staring at you seriously. You swallow, your heart beating nervously. A little over a year ago, Barry and you had crushes on each other. You had a one night stand and your twin sons were the product of that. After you discovered you were pregnant, you fell off the face of the earth. With the help of Cisco, you disappeared and laid low for the past year. Barry doesn't know what happened to you and he doesn't know that he has two sons. You want to change that tonight. You called Cisco over so that he can babysit the boys while you step back into Barry's life and break the news to him. You clear your throat. "What is it, Cisco?" “Things have changed since you left Barry." You squint at him suspiciously. "What are you talking about? You have been giving me updates about his life ever since I disappeared. What have you been keeping from me?" You question, crossing your arms. Cisco coughs. "Barry...he...he has a girlfriend. He's dating Iris West." Your eyes widen. "What?! How long has this been going on for?" You gasp. "Uh...a couple of months." He hedges vaguely. “What! And you're just telling me this now?!" You whisper harshly in order to not wake the twins sleeping in the other room. “I didn't know how you were going to take it." Cisco holds his hands up in surrender. You pace the kitchen. "This ruins everything. How can I tell Barry he has two sons when he's in a relationship with Iris? That would destroy their relationship! I-I-I can't do that. Not to Barry and Iris. I just can't. I respect Barry to much than to bring this issue into his life while he's in a relationship." You breathe. Cisco grabs your arm. "Y/N, Barry deserves to know he's a father." “Yes, he does, but just not right now. Not when he's in a relationship. That wouldn't be fair to him or Iris." You say. Cisco shakes his head disapprovingly. "Come on, Cisco! What would you do if you were dating someone and an old flame came back into your life and dropped a twin baby bombshell on you? That's basically a reality TV show. No, I'm not bringing that into Barry's life. I'm just going to have to wait a little longer." You sigh. "All right, Y/N, you just do what you want, okay? It's your life." Cisco says, shrugging. ———      That night you still have Cisco watch Mason and Tanner. Cisco told you that Barry and Iris are going out on a date tonight. He gave you the address to the park they're going to. You don't want to intrude on them, but just watch them from afar. You need to see Barry again. You walk through the park, making sure your hood is pulled over your eyes. You keep your hands in your pockets, the weather turning cold. You're glad it's getting dark so early, which helps in disguising you. You hear Barry's laugh and stop walking. You spot them ahead of you sitting on a bench by a fountain. You sigh softly and move into the bushes. You creep towards them, the foliage concealing you. You kneel on the ground and look at Barry, who's smiling widely at Iris. A bittersweet feeling moves into your heart. He looks happy. Really happy. You remember when he used to look like that around you. You wish things could have been different. You regret running away when you found out you were pregnant. You were just scared. You were scared Barry was going to rebuff you and kick you to the curb, yet deep down, you know he never would have done that. You feel the sting of tears in your eyes and you rapidly blink them away. You step back and a branch loudly snaps. Barry looks your way and you quickly duck, your heart threatening to rip out of your chest. You stay completely still for a few minutes and, once you're sure that it's safe to move, you jog back to your car. ———      *Two Years Later*      Cisco, Mason, Tanner, and you sit in the large courtroom. Your sons sit between Cisco and you. You're so jittery and nervous. Barry is on trial for killing Clifford DeVoe. You've been out of Barry's life for longer than intended. He ended up marrying Iris, which freaked you out even more about telling him about Mason and Tanner. You don't want them to get a divorce because of the two boys, so now you've just kept quiet. While you've been out of Barry's life, Cisco keeps you in the loop about everything. Occasionally you'll go into the city to watch Barry, imagining telling him of the boys. You don't know what you're going to do if Barry is convicted of killing DeVoe. You're going to make sure that doesn't happen. No matter what. You look at Barry as he's calmly answering questions about the murder of DeVoe. He doesn't notice you—he doesn't even look at you. Your heart pounds as the plaintiff's attorney rapid fires questions at Barry. Barry nervously taps his fingers against his pants. You can tell he's nervous. Scared even. It makes him stutter. After a few excruciating minutes of direct examination, you can't stand it anyone. You jump to your feet. "Stop! Just stop! I have something to confess!" You scream.  “Y/N, sit down!" Cisco whispers harshly as the room falls silent, everyone staring at you. “Barry didn't kill DeVoe, I did. I-I wanted to frame him." You blatantly lie. “Y/N, no!" Cisco whispers. Chatter rises loudly in the court and the judge bangs his gavel. Barry stares straight at you. "Y/N." He breathes. He flashes over to you, everyone frozen in time but you two. He grabs onto your shoulders and stares at you as if you're a ghost. "You're here. You're alive." He whispers in shock. You nod. "I am." You answer sheepishly.  “What-what happened? Why are you doing this? I can't let you do this. You didn't kill DeVoe." “I didn't, but neither did you." You whisper. “But why? Why are you confessing to something that you didn't do?" He asks, shaking his head in confusion. Tears fill your eyes. "Because two little boys need to know their daddy." You choke out. Barry stares at you, emotionless. "What." He breathes. You step aside to show him Mason and Tanner. You explain everything to him and when you're finished, tears are trailing down his cheeks. “You should've told me." He whispers, hugging you. “I know, I'm sorry. I-I didn't want to when I found out about Iris and you. I didn't want to ruin everything." You cry. He pulls back and looks at you seriously. "You can't go through with this, Y/N. You cannot. Please. I beg of you." He pleads. “I have to." You whisper hoarsely. "Please, I'm asking you. Take care of the boys. I know it's a lot to ask, especially now after you and Iris are married. But please. Take care of them. Promise me!" You say desperately as you feel time catching up. “I promise." Barry whispers. You quickly kiss him as time returns to normal. Two guards run over to you and pull you away from Barry. You glance at Cisco who's looking at you sadly, slowly shaking his head. The guards haul you and Barry up to the front of the court where you're immediately put on trial. You spew out lie after lie. You make everything up as you go along, but it all falls into place. ———      You stare up at the prison ceiling, your orange jumpsuit glaring up at you. After a long and tedious trial, you were eventually convicted of DeVoe's murder, letting Barry off the hook. It was bittersweet. The most devastating thing was having to say goodbye to your sons. While you occasionally get to call them, you miss seeing their sweet little faces. They're living with Barry and Iris. You try to get information out of Cisco when he visits you, but he's very vague. He keeps saying it's a work in progress getting adjusted to the new life. “Y/N, you have a visitor." A guard says. You sit up in bed and swings your legs over the side as he opens the door. Barry walks in, smiling at you. "Hey, Y/N." “Hey, Barry." You smile. The guard looks between you. "I'll leave you alone for a little while." He says, before leaving. Barry sits on the bed. "I have news." Panic immediately hits you. "Is it one of the boys? Are they okay?" You ask worriedly. “No, no, Mason and Tanner are good. They just miss you. They talk about you all the time." “I miss them. I bet they've grown so much since I last saw them." You smile sadly. “Maybe you could bring them here one day? With extra guards?" You ask slowly. The prison put severe restrictions on you, which includes not seeing your children. Barry has been able to get you phone calls with them, but that doesn't make you feel any better. “That won't be able to happen, Y/N." Barry answers softly. “Oh." You breathe, your voice cracking, looking away from him. "Because you've been released." He finishes. You quickly turn to face him. "Wait, what?" You gasp. He's grinning at you. "We managed to get you released, Y/N. We, of course, still have to make it official with a court date and everything, but Team Flash has been working nonstop in trying to release you. We finally did it." He explains. “Oh my gosh!" You sob happily, throwing your arms around him and hugging him tightly. You weep loudly, not even caring. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much." You sob. “It's the least we could do." He whispers into your hair.       Barry and you talk for a while, mostly catching up. "How's Iris with the boys?" You ask carefully. Barry turns away from you uncomfortably, wringing his hands. You put a hand on his arm. "Barry?" You ask worriedly. "She's having a really hard time with it. She's really good with the boys and they like her a lot, but I think she's in shock finding out that I have twins. She's having a hard time coming to grips that those kids aren't her kids." “Which is understandable. She must hate me." You whisper. “She doesn't hate you, Y/N. Trust me she doesn't. Not after you sacrificed yourself at the court room. This whole situation is extremely challenging to her." “Are you guys going to be okay?" You ask worriedly, biting your lip. He looks at you and smiles sadly. "I hope so, Y/N." He answers ———      *Two Years Later*      You push Mason and Tanner on the swings in the park, loving hearing them laugh giddily. You laugh with them. Barry comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. You jump in surprise and look at him, smiling. "You better not do that to every girl." He laughs. "Only you." He murmurs. You grin and continue to push the boys on the swings. After you were released from prison, it put even more strain on Iris and Barry's marriage. You tried to make it as normal as possible, but it wasn't good. Iris ended up divorcing Barry, claiming it was just too hard. They parted on good terms and are still friends. As Barry and you raised Mason and Tanner, you ended up falling in love with him. While Barry never out-rightly expressed his feelings for you, you know he feels the same way. “Y/N, I have something to ask you." Barry says. You look at him and he's on his knees. Your eyes go wide. “Y/N, we've had one heck of a whirlwind of life so far. So many ups and downs. I want to be a family. I don't want our boys to live in separate households. I want us to live together and expand our family. I love you so much, Y/N, and I want to you marry you. Will you please be my wife?" He asks softly. “Oh my gosh, yes!" You exclaim, throwing yourself into his arms. He laughs and hugs you tightly, kissing you soundly. “Mommy! Daddy!" Mason and Tanner screech, jumping off the swings. They lunge for you and Barry laughs, opening his arms and letting the boys throw their arms around the both of you. You grin and hug your little family. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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