IMAGINE: Bucky Rescuing you from HYDRA

You duck behind a car as a rain of gunfire shoots at you. You're part of HYDRA and you're fighting against the Avengers. You hear someone quietly moving towards the car. You lift your gun and move out from behind the car, pointing it right at the man's face. He stares at you and pales. "Y/N? You're alive?" His voice cracks in surprise. He steps towards you in wonder. "Are you okay? What happened to you?" He asks worriedly. Your eyebrows furrow and you falter. "How do you know me?" You demand. "It's me. It's Bucky." The man whispers, tears filling his eyes as he smiles at you. "Who's Bucky?" His smile drops, as does the tears in his eyes. "You-you don't remember me?" He questions, the hurt evident in his voice. "Unfortunately not." You reply coolly, before lifting your gun. His eyes widen. "I have a job to finish." You admit, your finger hovering over the trigger. Bucky swallows. "Sorry, I know you hate leaving a job unfinished, but just this once you're going to have to." He states, before hitting his gun against the side of your head, knocking you unconscious. He grabs you and lifts you into his arms before you can hit the ground. ——— "So you thought she died?" Steve asks Bucky, who stares at you, handcuffed to a chair in the New Avengers Facility. "HYDRA told me she was killed on a mission. I shouldn't have believed them, but I was too overcome with grief to even think logically. HYDRA knew Y/N and I were in love with each other, and that's exactly what they didn't want. They didn't want their soldiers forming attachments. It was basically forbidden. We had kept our love hidden for a while. We were very secretive about it. However, we ended up getting caught one day. A few days later, they assigned Y/N to a mission by herself—the one they claimed she was in killed by a raid. It makes sense they would lie to me about that. They had to make me believe she was really gone in order for me not to have any attachments." Bucky explains. "Where do you think they put her to keep her away from you? What do you think they did to her?" Steve asks softly. Bucky rubs his jaw, his heart sinking. "I don't know. They probably wiped her memory. Tortured her." He chokes out. Steve clasps a hand on Bucky's shoulder and smiles sadly. "Well, she's safe now." He says. Bucky smiles just as you start to stir. "I'll leave you two alone." Steve states, before leaving the room. You groan, your head aching. "Oh." You sigh, slowly opening your eyes. Your vision blurs and then clears. You blink a few times before your eyes settle on Bucky who's standing in front of you, staring at you. You start to move for him but find you're handcuffed to a chair. "What-what is this?!" You exclaim angrily. "Y/N, I'm sorry, I really am." He apologizes. You glare at him and then look around the room. "Where am I?" "The New Avengers Facility." You squint at him. "How do you know me?" You ask suspiciously. "Y/N, it's me Bucky. We were part of HYDRA together. We-we were in love." He whispers, his voice cracking. Your eyebrows furrow. "Why don't I remember this?" "They wiped your memory." He states. You frown. "They do that often to you, don't they?" You nod. "Nearly every mission." You whisper. Bucky kneels in front of you. "Y/N, I'm so sorry." He whispers, caressing your face. You stare at him, unmoving. He looks so familiar. Somewhere, deep inside, you know you know him. "How do I remember? How do I remember you?" You ask softly. "I don't know." Bucky shakes his head. "You said I died?" "No, I thought you did. HYDRA told me you were killed on a mission, but that was a lie. They knew we were in love and wanted to end it. They told me that you were killed." "How horrible that must have been for you." You whisper. He looks at you in pain. "You have no idea." He murmurs. "I'm sorry I tried to kill you earlier." He smiles. "Sorry I knocked you out with my gun." You laugh softly. "Yeah, that really hurts." You admit. "Sorry. I didn't know how else to get you to come with me." He winces. "It's okay." You whisper. Bucky leans his forehead against yours. "I just want you to know, Y/N, that I never stopped loving you. There's never been anyone else but you." He says softly. "I'm sure if I remembered you, I'd feel the same way." You reply quietly. He looks at you and gently kisses you. You pull your head back with a gasp as the memories come flooding back. "I remember! I remember!" You practically shout. "What?" Bucky gasps. "Everything. I remember everything." You choke out. Bucky stares at you in shock. "They never sent me on that mission, Bucky." You state. "What are you talking about?" The mission that I was supposedly killed on. HYDRA told me you were killed. They told me you went on a mission and were killed. They took me to another base location because they claimed that they didn't want to bring the onslaught of painful memories if I stayed. So they relocated me." You explain, tears in your eyes. "Oh, Y/N." Bucky breathes, moving to you and wrapping his arms around you. "I've missed you so much." You sob against him. "I've missed you." He whispers into your hair. "I was destroyed when they told me you were killed. I wanted nothing more than to die with you. I even tried it. HYDRA stopped me before I could and wiped my memory. They couldn't have a suicidal soldier on the loose." "I'm so, so, sorry." Bucky cries. He cups your face, the tears streaming down his cheeks. "Y/N, I love you so much." He whispers. "I love you too, Bucky." You breathe. "I want you to marry me." "What?" You gasp, your eyes wide. "We spent so much time apart and I don't want to lose anymore time, Y/N. I thought you were dead. You thought I was dead. I can't lose you. I want you to be mine." He tells you desperately. "Oh, Bucky, I'll marry you." You cry happily. He grins and kisses you deeply. "Hey, do you think maybe you could uncuff me? I want to hug you but these cuffs are really restricting." You grin. "Oh, right, sorry." Bucky laughs sheepishly. He uncuffs you and you stand to your feet. You wrap your arms around him. "Much better." You say before kissing him. [THE END] I hope you liked it!