IMAGINE: Tony and you falling in love

Natasha Romanoff walks you through the New Avengers Facility. You're hoping soon this facility will be your new home. You grew up with Natasha. She's your closest friend. You went to the same academy together. You trained together, fought together, and killed together. “I just want to give you a heads up about Tony. He's...well, he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, so don't mind him." Natasha says to you. You smile. "I know. But it's nothing I've never handled before." Natasha smiles back at you. She's taking you to go see Tony Stark. She wants you to become part of the Avengers. She and you walk to Tony's office. He's typing away on his computer, his back to you. “Uh, Tony?" Natasha asks. “Yeah, Nat?" Tony asks, still not turning around. Natasha glances at you and rolls her eyes. "This is Y/N, the woman I was telling you about." Tony taps a couple of more things before turning around in his chair. He stills when he sees you and blinks. "Y/N?" He clears his throat, not trying to hide his surprise. You smile. "Tony." You nod. “I've heard a lot about you." He says, leaning back in his chair and out rightly staring at you. “Likewise." “Well, why don't you have a seat?" He asks. You claim a chair. “I'll leave you two to it then." Natasha says, before leaving the office. Tony stares at you, tapping a pen against his crossed legs. You stare back at the handsome bachelor, unabashed. "So, Y/N, do you fight?" He asks. You stifle a snort and cover it up with a cough. "Okay, yeah, that was a really stupid question. Let me rephrase that: How good of a fighter are you?" He clarifies. “Tony, Natasha and I trained at the same academy. We used to go on missions together as a tag-team. We were unstoppable." You answer, raising an eyebrow. “So you're as...intense as she is?" He asks. You nod. He leans forward, his elbows on his knees. "Tell me something, Y/N. Why didn't you stick to your roots? Why did stop killing for the academy?" The blood drains from your face and you rub your arms, suddenly cold. Tony notices and his eyebrows draw. "I-I really don't want to talk about that." You whisper. “I'm sorry, Y/N, but if I'm going to trust you, I need to know your secrets." You stare at him, irritated. "No, you don't." You shake your head. "You're the one to talk. Everyone on this team is harboring secrets, you most of all, Stark." You cross your arms. “Yeah, however, I finance everything and everyone so I'm able to keep those secrets." He quickly responds. You scoff and stand. "You're ridiculous. And stuck up." You mutter, ready to leave. How you ever thought you could work with this man, you have no idea. You start to head for the door. "Y/N, wait!" Tony exclaims. You stop and look at him over your shoulder. "I've seen your videos." “What videos?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowing. “Of you fighting. They're good.'re good. I think you would be a great addition to the team. If you want to, that is." Tony says, his voice soft now. You turn to face him completely, your arms still crossed. "I don't care that you have secrets. As long as they won't endanger the team, I'm okay with it." He stands up and walks over to you, holding out his hand. "So what do you say?" He asks tentatively. You swallow and shake his hand, sending a tingling sensation up your whole arm. "I say yes." You breathe, suppressing a shudder. Tony smiles. "Welcome to the Avengers, Y/N." ——— You're outside training with Steve Rogers. You've been a part of the Avengers for two months now. It was rough getting eased into their routine, but you love it. Steve throws a punch at you and you grab his fist between your hands. You let out a short laugh and flip him onto his back. He sighs and you can't help but smile down at him. “Nice one." He pants. “Tha—” You start to say, before he quickly swoops his legs across yours. You stumble backwards and Steve jumps to his feet. He quickly takes you to ground. He lands on top of you, his hands on your shoulders, laughing breathlessly. “Nice one." You grin. “What's going on here?" Tony demands, stalking onto the training bay. He doesn't look happy. His stature is rigid and he looks angry. Over this past month, Tony and you have been getting along very well. You've seen him angry but it has never been directed at you. Steve gets off of you and help you stand up. "We were training, Tony." He answers. Tony crosses his arms. You can see the jealousy in his eyes, and, for some odd reason, your heart warms. "Oh, is that what you call it?" He asks. Steve and you look at each other. You take a step towards Tony and he stares at you, wounded. “Tony, Steve is right. We were just training. That's all it was." You say softly. “You were just training, huh?" Tony asks quietly, backing down, a flush coming to his face. You nod. "If you want to be sure, just look at the security cameras." He swallows. "No, it's okay, I trust you." He whispers. He clears his throat. "I'm sorry. I-I don't know what came over me." He murmurs awkwardly. "Carry on." He mumbles, before walking off. You bite your lip and look at Steve who's shaking his head. "If you ask me, he's infatuated." He says. “With who?" “You, of course." "What?! No, that's impossible!" You stammer, blushing, your heart leaping. "That's-that's absolutely ridiculous." You sputter, walking away, but not before you see Steve smile at you. ——— "No, please, stop!" You scream, before sitting up in your bed, gasping, your nightmare vanishing. You look around your dark room, the moon shining through the shutters. You swallow hard and try to calm your pounding heart. It was another nightmare about the academy. “Will I ever be rid of them?" You whisper, moving out of bed, your throat dry. You grab a blanket to ward off the chill wracking your body and walk to the kitchen of the facility. It's dark as you move through the kitchen. You get your water and then hop onto the counter, drinking. You're so immersed in your thoughts that you don't hear Tony come into the kitchen. "Y/N, what are you doing up?" He asks. You jump and nearly fall off the counter. He grabs your arm and steadies you, looking at you worriedly. You're never caught unaware. It's part of your job description. You stare at him, your eyes wide. “Are you okay?" He whispers with concern. “Not really." You shake your head. "What happened?" "Just a nightmare." You murmur. "You act like that's nothing new." “That's because it isn't." You smile sadly. "The's hard not to have nightmares about it." You admit hoarsely. “I'm sorry." He whispers. You shake your head and blink away the tears. "It's okay." He cups your face gently, his eyes staring in yours. Your mouth goes dry at the look in his eyes. It makes your heart beat rapidly. "It's not okay, and that's okay, Y/N. It's okay to not be okay." He tells you. You nod slightly. He wraps your blanket more tightly around you, and then places his hands on the counter on either side of your hips. His nearness steals your breath. "Do you want to talk about it? Your nightmare?" He asks softly, staring up at you. “I'd just like to forget it." You whisper, staring at Tony. He's staring right back at you. He leans forward and you move your head down, your faces an inch from each other. He places his lips against yours and kisses you softly. You both release a sigh as you kiss him back. As Tony starts to deepen the kiss, you hear someone walking down the hall towards the kitchen. You break away with a gasp, your face heating. "I have to go." You whisper. You jump off the counter and Tony moves his arm so you can leave. He sighs deeply and watches you as you go. You pass Steve who sleepily walks towards the kitchen. “Hi, Y/N." He murmurs tiredly, moving into the kitchen. As you make your way to your room, you hear Tony's voice. "What, are we having a party in the kitchen?" He asks Steve in irritation. You smile and sigh happily. ——— The Avengers are fighting hoards of strange alien creatures in New York City. This is your first real mission with the Avengers. You lead a group of civilians to safety. "Go, go, go!" You exclaim, moving them into a building. People scream as an explosion sounds. "Stay hidden!" You command, before out onto the streets again. "This street is cleared of any civilians." You announce to the team over the com-links. "Y/N, there looks like there's another hoard of aliens coming your way. Look alert!" Tony exclaims. After the kiss in the kitchen last week, Tony and you haven't see much of either. You've mostly been sticking away from him and he you. “Got it. Thanks." You say, whipping out your pistols. The streets are oddly quiet. You see the first of the aliens running towards you. You wait for them to get closer before you start shooting at them, wanting to make every bullet count. The creatures let out a shriek that hurts your ears. You gasp, wincing. As you lift your pistols to fire at the creatures, something jumps on you, making you drops your pistols. You scream in pain as the creature grabs your face, its claws digging into your face. You try to pull him off your back but he has a death grip on you. “Y/N! Are you okay?!" Steve asks, over the com-link. “No!" You scream. “I'm on my way!" Tony shouts. You can hear the panic in his voice. The creatures down the street race for you. You drop to your knees, reaching for a pistol. You twist your arm back and shoot the creature off of you. It screeches and falls dead to asphalt. You gasp and touch your bleeding face. You shake your head and start rapidly shooting at the creatures down the street. They fall down, dead. You hear a loud gunshot from behind you and slowly turn around. A creature is twenty feet from you, his alien gun smoking. Your eyebrows furrow and you suddenly feel pain in your chest. You wince and look down. You gasp at the blood seeping from your chest. You let out a breath and fall to your knees, your eyes wide. “Y/N!” Tony screams, flying towards you. He shoots the creature. Tony lands near you, pulls off his mask, and runs to you. You fall into his arms, gasping. "Oh no, no, no, no, please." He groans, tears in his eyes. "What's going on?" Thor demands, over the com. “It's Y/N. She's been hit. We need an EVAC right now! She's dying!" Tony exclaims, panic stricken. “Tony." You breathe, feeling tired. So tired. “No, Y/N, come on, you have to say with me here, okay? Stay with me. Stay with me." He whispers desperately, holding you in his arms. Your blood is all over his suit and pooling on the ground. “I I want you to know that." You whisper, weakly reaching a hand up and caressing his face. “Please don't leave me, Y/N." Tony pleads, grabbing your hand and kissing it, tears pooling down his face. “I love you." You whisper. “I love you too." He whispers back. You smile weakly and your eyes close. Your head falls against his chest, unconscious. “No, Y/N, come on! Please!" He exclaims. "Where is that EVAC?!" He screams angrily, feeling helpless. ——— You wake up to the smell of sterilization. You blink at the bright hospital lights. You glance to your left and see Tony sitting beside the bed, his hands clasping yours, his head on the bed. “If you stay like that for much longer, you're going to get a cramp in your neck." You murmur hoarsely. Tony immediately lifts his head, relief pouring into his face. "Y/N, you're awake!" He exclaims. You start to sit up and cry out because of the pain. "Here, here, it's okay." He gently helps you rest back down. He sits beside you. "I'm so happy you're awake, Y/N. You have no idea how happy that makes me. We thought you weren't coming back." “How long was I out for?" You ask, your eyebrows drawing. “You've been in a coma for three weeks." “What?!" You gasp. He nods somberly. "I was so scared I was going to lose you—we were all so scared, of course." “What happened since I've been out?" “The aliens are gone. I went with you to the hospital and the rest of the team took out the aliens. I don't really know much since I haven't left your side since. I've practically been living here for the past few weeks." He answer softly. “Are you serious?" You ask, tears coming to your eyes. He looks at you and nods. "I didn't want to lose you, Y/N. I couldn't lose you." He whispers, holding your hands. "I love you." “I love you." You whisper back. He smiles at you. "Can we finish what we started in the kitchen?" You ask shyly. "Nothing would please me more." He grins. He kisses you softly, wrapping you in his arms. You sigh and kiss him back. [THE END] I hope you liked it!