IMAGINE: Ben trying to turn you to the Dark Side

You walk through the woods of Chandrila, your home planet, waiting for your boyfriend, Ben Solo, to make his appearance. Ever since you both admitted you have crushes on each other, this has been your designated meeting place. It's peaceful, secluded, and perfect. You sit on a moss-covered rock in the middle of a clearing and sigh happily, listening to the birds chirp and the forest noises. You are so glad you were born into the Rebel Alliance—that you were able to grow up on this amazing planet that you love so much. A branch snaps and you whirl around. Ben is walking through the forest. "Ben!" You grin. Your smile slowly falters once he steps into the sunlight streaming through the trees. Something is wrong. Worry wraps itself around your heart. "Ben, is everything okay?" You ask, your heart starting to beat a little faster. He looks different. His whole aura breathes different. Without saying anything, he grabs your arm and pulls you deeper into the forest. You nearly trip a few times in order to catch up with his clipped pace. Once you're deep in the cover of trees, he turns to face you, his hands on your shoulders. “I need to tell you something, Y/N." He breathes. "What is it?" You whisper worriedly, cupping Ben's face, gazing up at him. He swallows hard. "I've joined the Dark Side." You remain emotionless, thinking he's joking. "Ha ha, very funny." You snort, rolling your eyes. When you look at Ben again, he's just staring at you. Dead serious. "Wait, what?" You gape. "Luke...the Jedi Academy...the Padawans, they're all gone." You shake your head, taking a step away from him. "What are you talking about?" You breathe in horror. "Luke....he tried to kill me. So I killed him. I destroyed the Academy, the Padawans, everything. It's all gone." Tears pool in your eyes and a sob escapes your mouth. "No, please, no. No." You weep. Ben takes a step towards you. "I've been so blind, Y/N. So blind to everything. I've been so blind to how the Alliance has been lying to us. Hiding things from us. Keeping secrets. We always thought we were the good guys, but what if we aren't? What if we've been the bad guys all along?" He asks desperately. Hot fury takes over the crippling sadness you're experiencing. "Tell me you're joking. Tell me this is a lie!" You scream at him. “It's not!" Ben shouts back. "I've found my true calling! I've always felt out of place here. With mom, dad, the Alliance." He stammers. “And me apparently." You fire back. Ben flinches. "No, never with you. With you...that's home." He whispers. "Then come back to it." You choke out, tears streaming down your face. He moves closer to you. "Y/N, I want you to come with me. I want you to join the Dark Side. We don't belong here. We don't belong with the Jedi or the Rebel Alliance. They don't appreciate us like the Dark Side would. Come with me, Y/N. We can live happily together. We can escape every horror the Rebel Alliance has brought us." "The Rebel Alliance hasn't brought us horror! It brought us a family and friends! It brought me you." You whisper, your chin quivering. “But come to look at it now, maybe that would be considered a horror." You retort angrily. Ben frowns deeply and grabs your shoulders. "Y/N, please, I'm begging you. Come with me. Join the Dark Side." He pleads. “You're insane!" You hiss, pushing yourself away from him. “No, I'm not. I'm being wise! I'm taking control of my life. I'm leading my life now." “Then you're leading it alone." You say sadly, walking away from him. “Y/N, please, I can't live without you! I-I-I-I love you!" He exclaims. You stop. You look over your shoulder at him. "I thought I loved you too." You murmur. “You can come with me, Y/N. We can be together. Forever." He whispers. "Ben, I would never come with you. Not now. Not after what you've done—what you've become. I never want to see you again." You state coldly, before bolting off. ——— *Five Years later* You get out of your T-70 X-Wing and pull your helmet off, looking around Chandrila. So much has changed since you were last here on your home planet. The Rebel Alliance, now known as the Resistance, moved their base to D'Qar, after the rise of the First Order. You've spent most of the past five years on D'Qar, having to get away from Chandrila and the memories. Being back here brings back such bittersweet memories. You sigh and walk towards the forest you used to be so familiar with. You haven't seen Ben—now regretfully known as Kylo Ren—since that afternoon he pleaded with you to join the Dark Side. Not a day has gone by that you haven't thought of him. He broke your heart and you hate him for it. For months, you were depressed after Ben broke the news to you. You'd cry about it daily. Now it's just a sad, painful memory. You walk through the forest and come to the spot where Ben confessed his change to the Dark Side. Such heaviness surrounds this place. You don't know why you came back after all these years. You don't know what called you back to this place. “Y/N?" A voice asks in surprise. You whirl around and stiffen, your eyes going wide. "Ben..." You whisper, staring at him in shock. He's dressed in all black and his hair is longer. He looks older—different somehow—as if hardened by the Dark Side. No longer is he the young man you once knew and loved. He gazes at you as he slowly walks closer to you, his eyes searching your face, as if you're a ghost about to disappear. “What are you doing here?" You blurt out. “I don't know. I felt something. I felt I had to come here to this day—to right now." He whispers. Your heart stills. That's exactly what you were feeling. You now know it is the Force that brought you together again. But why? "Why are you back here?" "I-I-I don't know. I think it was the Force." You answer softly. Ben stops five feet across from you. "You look different." He murmurs, shifting nervously. “So do you." You reply, regarding him carefully. You cross your arms. "How's the First Order treating you?" You ask, narrowing your eyes at him. He looks at you, pained. "That bad, huh?" You can't help the smirk that settles upon your lips. Ben walks a little bit, picking a dead leaf off of a tree. "I've missed you, Y/N. I've missed you so much." The pain in his voice hurts your heart but you try to ignore it. "No, no, no, don't change the subject, Ben Solo." You command. He looks at you. "I hate it, Y/N. I hate what it has made me. I hate what I've become." He blurts out. He paces, and you can see the tears in his eyes. "I hate that I've become this monster. I never wanted to become what I've become. I've destroyed everything—friends, family, you. I don't want to be this way anymore. I can't be this way anymore." He cries. “Ben, what's stopping you from leaving the Dark Side? The First Order?" You shake your head. “Fear. Fear that the Resistance won't want me. Fear that my parents hate me and won't want to see me." He answers, tears sliding down his cheeks. You step up to him. "Are you serious? Ben, all they want is for you to come home. They want their child back—they want their son back. They love you so much and they would want nothing more than for you to join the Resistance." Ben steps close to you, so close that your chests are touching. It steals your breath and you try to act normal. It's so weird after all this time, you can still feel this way about someone who tore your heart in two. “And you? What would you want?" He whispers, his eyes deeply probing yours. “It doesn't matter what I want." You murmur. Ben lifts a hand up and brushes a piece of hair behind your ear before cupping your face. "It has always mattered. To me." He whispers, before kissing you passionately. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around him. For a while, you lose yourself to your feelings, having missed this more than you could possibly imagine. Then, as the memories come flooding back, you wrench away him. “No!" You gasp. Ben looks as dazed as you feel. "H-how can I trust you? You left me." “Y/N, I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. At the time, I didn't know what it would do to you—to everyone. I am so truly, deeply sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me for all of the pain and heartache I caused you. I want to make it right, Y/N. More than anything I want to make it right." He takes a step towards you and grabs your hands. "Let me make it right." He says softly. “If you leave the First Order, you know they'll be after you. They won't stop trying to kill you." “Let them come. I can handle them." “We can handle them." You squeeze his hand. Ben stares at you, hope filling his eyes. "What are you saying?" He whispers. “You're part of the Resistance now, Ben. We're family. And family does things together." “And we? What are we?" You swallow. "I don't know what we are anymore. It's not like we can just go from where we left off. So much as happened..." You sigh. “I'd be willing to work on us—more like me—if you are, Y/N. Just give me a chance. Please." He whispers, holding your hands tightly. “Okay." You smile. A smile splits across his face and he pulls you into his arms. You laugh softly and hug him back. “I'm home, Y/N." He whispers into your ear. You smile. [THE END] I hope you liked it!