IMAGINE: Lotor and you training together

You're the only warrior on the training bay early this morning. You grab your favorite weapons and set the targets up. You take a bow out and a quiver of arrows. You stand far back from the target and nock an arrow. You bring the bow up and take a deep breath. You pause for but a second and then let the arrow fly. It hits dead center. A smile curves your lips. Arrow after arrow you fire into the target—every single one of them a bullseye. You take the last arrow in the quiver and nock it. You pull your bow up and really focus on the bullseye. You swallow, breathe deep, and then release the arrow. It sails through the air and smashes into another arrow on the bullseye, splitting it down the center. "Ha!" You laugh incredulously. You run over to the target, bow still in hand, to survey the damage. You hear clapping from behind you and turn. Prince Lotor is walking towards you. "I've never quite seen anyone shoot like you do, Y/N." He compliments. You're one of the many warriors in his army and his good friend. “You've been watching me?" You ask in shock. “Well, I actually was coming out here to train but you beat me to it. I decided to see your fighting techniques and, I must say, I like what I saw." “Thank you." You smile, flushing. You've always admired Lotor, but lately you've been coming to really care for him—more than a soldier in his army should. You start taking the arrows out of the target and Lotor comes over to help you. "This is crazy." He says, holding the split arrow up. “I know. I've never done that before." You admit, shrugging. You gather the rest of the arrows and put them in your quiver. "Let me just get this target off the bay and then I'll leave you alone to train." You say, reaching for the target. Lotor puts a hand on your arm to stop you and you quickly look up at him. "No, don't go. We can train together." He says, smiling. “Okay." You smile back. He looks around and spots your swords. "Want to work with the blades?" Sure." You set your quiver and bow down as Lotor goes to get the blades. You watch him. This is one of the things you admire about Lotor. Even though he is a prince, he doesn't act like one. He trains like he's a soldier and not someone above you. You smile and look away from him, more than happy to spend this time with him alone. ——— Swords clang as Lotor and you fight. There aren't any reservations with him, he made you promise him that. Just because he's a prince, he doesn't want you to go easy on him. So you're not. You're giving this fight your all and he seems a little surprised about it. Lotor swoops an undercut at your stomach and you quickly twirl away, dodging it. You bring your sword up and down against his shoulder and he barely blocks it. You hold both of your swords still, breathing hard, as you both stare at each other. " “You're good." He pants. “Thanks." You reply with a smile, before pulling your sword away from him. After a few minutes of near misses, Lotor finally nicks your upper arm. You gasp as blood starts trailing down your arm in a steady stream. Lotor's eyes widen and he lowers his sword, taking a step towards you. "Y/N, I'm so sorry." He apologizes softly. You bring your sword up and advance on him. "Don't stop fighting. Warriors don't sympathize with the enemy." You grit out. He brings his sword up just in time to parry your strike. Lotor and you continue to fight. Within a few moves, you knock the sword out of his hands. He gasps in surprise, now having no weapon. You bring your sword up and Lotor suddenly grabs your wrists tightly. You can't move them. He's rendered your sword useless now. Your eyes widen. "Surprised?" He smirks, so very close to you. Both of your chests are within a hairbreadth from each other, both of you breathless. “Not bad, not bad." You breathe, staring up at him. "I thought I was going to win this one." “That's where you went wrong. Even if you have the upper hand—literally—don't assume that you're going to win. If you do, you've already lost." He pants, gazing down at you. “Is that so?" He nods. "See, I've won the battle now because—”He starts to say. In one sudden move you swoop your leg around his, knocking his legs out from underneath him. As Lotor falls, he takes you with him. Your sword clatters to the ground a few feet away as you land on top of Lotor. “Oh, I'm so sorry." You gasp with embarrassment, starting to move off of him. He grabs your arms, stilling you. "You are seriously so good, Y/N. You took my own advice and used it again me." He grins. You laugh. "I saw my chance and I took it. I always do that." "Well I see my chance now. Should I take it?" He whispers, his eyes staring into yours. From the look in his eyes, you don't think he's talking about fighting you. “If you want to." You breathe, biting your lip. He puts his hands on your waist and lifts his head. He kisses you softly and tentatively, scared that you're going to pull away. You put your hands on his chest and kiss him back. "You are seriously so good, Lotor. You took my own advice and used it again me." You smirk against his lips, using his words earlier. Lotor grins and kisses you deeply, cupping your face. You kiss him back with equal fervor for a very long moment. Then you hear talking and people coming. You pull away from a gasp and quickly get off of Lotor. Lotor and you both stand up, flushed. The sounds come closer and then a few warriors come into view. "Hey, what's going on?" A warrior greets, coming onto the training bay. "Nothing." Lotor quickly blurts out. "Just finishing our training, that's all." You add, glancing at Lotor. Both of you quickly pick up your swords and head back into the armory. “Nice lie." Lotor whispers in your ear as you both put the weapons back on the wall. You shudder and look at him. "It wasn't a lie." You tell him. He looks at you in confusion. You look at the door to make sure no one is there and then wrap your arms around Lotor's waist. "We were training. We were training our new breathing technique." You grin widely. Lotor laughs and pulls you into his arms. "Do you think we can continue this training?" “I'd like that very much." You smile as he leans down and kisses you again. [THE END] I hope you liked it!