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IMAGINE: Sebastian comforting you

      You anxiously keep glancing at the café door, eyeing every person that comes through the door, only to be disappointed to see that it's not Sebastian Smythe, one of your closest friends. You take a deep breath, trying to focus on calming your rapidly beating heart. “Come on, Sebastian. Come on." You plead as a large crowd moves through the doors of the café. You spot Sebastian looking around the café for you and you jump to your feet. "Sebastian!" You exclaim, waving. He looks at you, brightens, and smiles before hurrying over to you. "Hey, I'm so sorry about that! Traffic was an absolute nightmare." He grimaces. “It doesn't matter now that you're here." You dismiss it. He looks at you—really looks at you—and frowns. "Y/N, you don't look too good. You're really pale and you look like you're about to pass out." He says with concern. He takes your shoulders. "Here, here, sit down." He tells you softly, leading you to a couch. He claims the seat next to you and holds your hands. "Y/N, tell me, what's wrong?" He asks worriedly.       You swallow and take a deep breath. "Sebastian, I'm pregnant." His eyes go wide and he blinks at you, shock marring his features. "Wait, what? What? How? I mean, not how, I know how. But when? What?" He stammers, shaking his head slowly, staring at you like a deer-in-the-headlights. “It was a couple of months ago. There was this guy. It was a total mistake, I know. I-I don't know what I was thinking—I wasn't thinking. But now I'm pregnant. And I don't know what to do." You breathe, feeling the panic rise. Tears well in your eyes. "Breathe, Y/N, breathe. Okay? It's going to be okay. You're going to get through this. We will help you get through this." Sebastian insists. You frown deeply and he squints at you suspiciously. "Does Blaine know?" He asks. You wince, thinking of your brother. "No. Which is why I called you here. I-I need your help. I don't know how to tell him." You say quietly. “Y/N, you need to tell him!" He exclaims. “I can't do it alone! I'm...I'm scared, okay? Blaine hated the man and now he'll hate him even more. He's going to be so angry with me once he knows I'm going to have a baby. I need you, Sebastian. Please, I beg of you. I can't do this alone." You beg, tears dripping down your cheeks. Sebastian takes a deep breath. "Okay, I'll help you." You throw your arms around him and hug him tightly. "Thank you so much." You whisper into his neck. He hugs you back. ———      Sebastian and you stand in the park where you're to meet Blaine. You're clutching Sebastian's hand. "I can't do this." You whisper, starting to turn away. “Y/N, no!" Sebastian exclaims, grabbing you and keeping you in place. "Look at me." He says. You refuse to meet his eyes. "Y/N, look at me." He demands. You slowly do and see no judgement in his eyes—only love and compassion. You nearly have a melt down. "I don't know what Blaine's reaction is going to be. I can't pretend to know. But I do know how much Blaine loves you, Y/N. He loves you so much. He might be angry. He might be furious. But if Blaine loves you as much as you and I both know he does, he's going to be supportive of you. He's not going to love you any less. He's going to love you, comfort you, and support you through all of this." He says softly. You gasp softly and choke on a sob. "Thank you, Sebastian." You cry. He gives you a small smile. “Hey, guys, what's going on?" Blaine asks, walking towards Sebastian and you. You both look at your brother and Sebastian squeezes your hand.      You take a step towards your brother. "Blaine, I need to tell you something." You state. Blaine looks between Sebastian and you. You take a deep breath. "Blaine, I'm pregnant." You say bluntly. He swivels his head to stare at you. "You what?" He gasps. You grimace slightly and nod. "It was that guy—the one you didn't like. You-you were right about him. He was just using me and I was blind to it." You whisper. Before he can say anything, you continue. "I know you're probably so furious with me and you probably want to go kill that guy now. But now I have this little one on the way. I-I love it so much already. I can't explain it. This child is a part of me. Yes, I wish it was under better circumstances, but there's nothing I want to do to change that. To change what has happened." You whisper. You finally look at Blaine. He's staring at you, tears in his eyes. “Y/N, though I can't say I don't want to kill the man, I'm not angry with you. A little disappointed that you trusted him instead of me, but I know you've learned your lesson. You love this child and I will love him or her also. I will be supportive of you and I will help you in what ever way that I can. You're my sister and you always will be. Nothing will change that. I will never love you any less." He tells you, his hands on your shoulders. You glance at Sebastian and see him smiling at you. “Thank you, Blaine." You whisper, tears sliding down your cheeks. He hugs you and you hug him back. Blaine looks at Sebastian and then you. "Did Sebastian know about this before I did? Because he doesn't seem surprised whatsoever." "I kind of needed him for support. I thought you were going to be raging mad." You say sheepishly, stepping back and holding Sebastian's hand. Blaine rolls his eyes. "Great, so you tell your best friend before you tell me." “You're scarier than I am." Sebastian smirks. Blaine glares at him. "Give me a break." He mumbles. You grin up at Sebastian and he smiles down at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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