IMAGINE: Jerome getting injured

You stand on a rooftop with Jerome Valeska, your boyfriend, by your side. He's holding a gun while you're wielding a knife. You both look between Gordon and Jeremiah, Jerome's twin brother. Gordon has a gun pointed at Jerome. Jeremiah has his knife aimed at you. “Do it, Jeremiah. Attack her. Attack Y/N." Jerome taunts. “Everyone, just put your weapons down!" Gordon demands. Jerome cackles. "Oh, I don't think so." He breathes. "You need to see that my twin brother is just as psychotic as I am! You need to see how insane he is!" He screams. “I don't doubt you, Jerome. I know you're all insane, including your psycho girlfriend." Gordon says. You smirk at him. "Then why don't you just let us take care of this and leave us alone?" “No way am I leaving you three up here. I'm not insane like you." Gordon retorts. “Oh, but aren't you?" Jerome asks, stepping toward Gordon. “Stand down!" Gordon shouts, raising his gun. You kick Jeremiah and he curses, dropping the knife. You pull his back against your chest, gripping onto him. You press your knife against his throat. “Drop your gun, Gordon, or I swear I will cut his throat." You grit out. Jeremiah struggles against you but you hold onto him tightly. Jerome glances at you and then does the slightest nod. He jumps for Gordon and attacks him as you drag Jeremiah to the edge of the rooftop. “No, no!" Jeremiah cries, clawing at your arms. You press the tip of the knife to his throat. “Stop struggling." You hiss. A gunshot goes off and Jerome yelps. You whip your head around to look at Jerome who's clutching his shoulder. "No!" You yell angrily. You glare at Jeremiah. "This is all your fault!" You shriek before stabbing him in the stomach. “No!" Gordon shouts as Jeremiah wavers on the edge of the building. Jeremiah's eyes are wide and he touches his bleeding stomach, dazed. You step away from him as Gordon rushes over to Jeremiah just as he falls off the roof. “No!" Gordon screams. You run over to Jerome and fall to your knees beside him. He gasps as you pull his upper body into your arms. "It's-it's going to be okay." You whisper, glancing down at the blood pooling around him. Your boyfriend clutches your shirt and stares at up at you. “Y/N." He whispers desperately. "Yes, Jerome?" You ask, tears filling your eyes. He needs to get to a hospital ASAP. He lifts his head. “You-you need to take out Gordon. He's going to bring us back to Arkham Asylum. I can't-we can't go back there. We've only just escaped. Take out Gordon. Please." He whispers. “I will. I will." You whisper. Jerome reaches over and shakily hands you his gun. You take it with shaking hands and nod at him. You take a deep breath and gently lay Jerome back on the ground. You stand up and raise the gun, pointing it at Gordon, who's looking over the ledge, watching Jeremiah fall to his death. Jerome stares at you pleadingly. Just as you take a deep breath and pull the trigger, Gordon suddenly moves. The shot hits him in the leg and he cries out, falling to his knees, grabbing onto the back of his thigh. You hear a Gotham City Police Department helicopter coming and look to the skies. “Y/N, that's good enough. It's fine. Come on, we gotta go." Jerome grits out as he pulls himself to standing. You grab his hand and help him off the roof, leaving Gordon laying on the ground, grimacing in pain. ——— You sit with Jerome in his hospital bed after his surgery. He rests his head on your shoulder. "So Jeremiah is gone..." He murmurs. “I'm sorry." You frown. He looks at you and smiles. He lifts his hand up and cups your cheek, caressing your cheekbone with his thumb. “Don't be." He whispers. "I'm glad you were there with me today. I-I couldn't have done it without you." You roll your eyes. "Uh, yes, you could have. You probably would've managed to not kill your brother and kill Gordon instead." “Y/N, you didn't do anything wrong. Jeremiah and I were barely siblings. I've tried to kill him before. You just beat me to it. And you couldn't have predicted Gordon to move at the last minute. That wasn't your fault." Jerome insists. You sigh and smile. "Okay." You breathe. He smiles at you and kisses you softly. "Give me a few more minutes and then we can blow this pop stand." He murmurs. “How long do you think it'll take them to find out you're not actually Lucas Morgan but Jerome Valeska?" You grin. “Hopefully not for another hour." He answers, smiling. "But in the meantime, let's just soak up this time we have together." He murmurs, pulling you into his arms. You rest your head against his chest and warp your arms around him, smiling. [THE END] I hope you liked it!