IMAGINE: Kylo falling in love with you, Hux’s sister

"Supreme Leader." Armitage Hux says, stepping towards Kylo Ren. Kylo turns around and looks at him. "Yes, General?" “I need to ask for leave." Hux states. "It would just be for a few days." He rushes to explain when he sees the dark look moving over Kylo's face. “Why?" “I got word that my parents died. They left behind my little sister. She was taking care of them and now has nobody. She's all alone on Arkanis. I was...well, the First Order always needs more men and women, and I was hoping to recruit Y/N, my sister." Kylo does a small eye roll. "Is she like you? Your sister, does she act like you?" “I-I don't know. I haven't seen her since she was little. I don't know what she is like." “Well, we can only hope she's not like you." Kylo mutters. Hux clenches his jaw and glares at Kylo. "Well? Do I have permission?" He grits out. “You have two days. Bring Y/N with you. If she's anything like you, we're dropping her off on the nearest planet and leaving her there." Kylo states, before turning on his heel and stalking away. ——— Hux takes his private ship to fly to Arkanis which is located in the Outer Rim. He has your location coordinates programmed into the tracker in the ship. By time he makes it to your parents' house, it's dark outside. He lets out a nervous breath. He can't even remember how many years it has been since he last saw you. It was a long time ago, that he knows. He walks out of his ship and then walks to the house. It looks pretty much the same it did since he last saw it. There are some flowers and a fresh coat of paint, but, for the most part, it looks exactly the same. He walks on shaking legs up to the front porch and then raises a hand to the door. He releases a breath and then knocks. It takes about a minute and then he hears you. The door slides open and you stand there. Hux's jaw slips open. He knew you'd have grown, but for some reason he didn't imagine this much. You're a woman and you look just like your mother, who was absolutely beautiful. ——— You stare at the stranger before you, although he doesn't seem like a stranger. He seems so familiar. You squint and then flip a light on, illuminating his face. Your heart drops. "Armitage?" You breathe incredulously. He smiles. "Hey, Y/N." He says softly. “Oh my gosh." You whisper. You take a step towards him and hug him. He hugs you back. You're in shock. "What-what are you doing here? I mean, it's not like I'm not happy to see you, it's just—I haven't seen since I was a little girl." You say, stepping back to look at him. He looks a lot different than you remember him looking. He's taller. More pale. “I-I heard about our parents." You swallow and nod. "I see." You murmur. “I-I knew you'd be all alone here on Arkanis now and I didn't want that for you. I-I was wondering if you'd like to come and join the First Order. I know when you were little you had always dreamed of being recruited, but then when our parents fell ill, you thought it was your duty to take care of them. Well, now that they're gone, you can still live out your dream of being recruited. We—I would love to have you there with me." He explains. He reaches a hand out and cups your face. "I've missed you so much, Y/N. I can't even begin to tell you how much." He whispers. You close your eyes. "I've missed you too, Armitage." You whisper. “So will you join the First Order, Y/N? Will you help us in making this galaxy a better place for everyone?" He asks eagerly. You open your eyes and then smile. ——— A First Order soldier walks into Kylo Ren's throne room. "Surpeme Leader, General Hux is back. He has his sister with her." Kylo rolls his eyes. "Oh, great. All we need are two Huxs." He grumbles. He heaves a heavy sigh. "Bring them in." He commands. The soldier nods and walks out. Kylo prepares himself for the absolute worst. Any family member of Hux is bound to be bad news. "His sister will probably be as ugly as he is. If that's even possible." He snorts to himself. The door opens and in walks Hux, confidence in his step. "Supreme Leader Ren, I present you my sister Y/N, a new recruit for the First Order." He states proudly, before stepping aside and holding out his hand. A woman walks in, taking the whole room in with wide eyes. Kylo's eyes widen and he straightens in his seat. No way. No way is this Hux's sister. It's impossible. She's actually beautiful. Like really beautiful. “Come along, Y/N." Hux gently coaxes. “Sorry." She smiles sheepishly, sweetly, and beautifully. Kylo's mouth feels dry and his heart is racing. He lets out a shaky breath and runs a hand through his dark hair. ——— You smile at Supreme Leader Ren who seems a little nervous. "Supreme Leader." You offer him a slight bow. Kylo clears his throat. "Welcome, Y/N, to the First Order." He says, staring at you with interest. It makes you blush for some reason. Here's the most powerful man in the galaxy, gazing at you. “W-what section have you been recruited to?" He asks curiously. “Oh..." You breathe, looking to Hux. "Y/N isn't sure yet. Once I get her settled, I'll have someone show her around. I have to get back to work, otherwise I'd do it." Hux says, looking at Kylo, obviously hinting at him to let him off of work for the day. “I'll show her around." Kylo offers. Your gaze snaps to Kylo in surprise. "Or I can just have the day off...?" Hux says, raising an eyebrow. Kylo waves a hand in the air. "No, no, you're so busy. You have so much to do. Work has piled up since you've been gone. I'll show Y/N around. It's not a big deal." “Okay then." Hux breathes. ——— Hux leaves you in your room and you wait for Kylo to come get you. You're so nervous. You hear a knock on your door. You press a button on the wall and the door slides open. Kylo is standing here, a smile on his face. His eyes go big a little and he blinks as if to recover. “Are you ready, Y/N?" "Yes." You answer, stepping out of your room. The door closes behind you. Kylo and you walk down the empty hall. He's so tall compared to you. “So, Y/N, out of curiosity, who does Hux get his looks from?" "My paternal grandfather." He looks at you. "And who do you get your looks from?" He asks softly. "My mother." You smile. “Thank goodness for that." He mutters under his breath. You laugh. "It's true Armitage and I look nothing alike. Even when we were little, people thought one of us was adopted." You admit. “It's incredible, truly. When Hux told me he had a sister, I was assuming the worst. And then when I saw you, I was in shock. I'm still in shock. You look nothing like your brother. You're, well, you're beautiful." He says the last bit in a whisper and your stomach flops. “Thank you." You say quietly. Kylo and you talk while he shows you around the ship. It's a little overwhelming and your mind feels so cluttered. You're looking out into space as Kylo talks about a specific station. He stops mid-sentence and then lightly touches your arm. "Are you okay, Y/N?" You look at him. "What? Oh, yes, yes, I'm fine. I was just...thinking." “I know it can be a little overwhelming at first. There's a lot of things to take in. It's okay. I'm here if you need help with anything, okay? If you need a favor or anything, I will gladly help you." You smile in surprise. Kylo is nothing like your brother said he is. "Wow, thanks." He smiles at you and then continues to show you around. ——— It's been two months since you were recruited by the First Order. It took you only a few days to realize that your brother and Kylo Ren can't stand each other. It makes things a little awkward because Kylo and you are very good friends. He asks for your opinions more than he asks for Hux's, which drives your brother crazy. You secretly really like Kylo. You'd never tell anyone that, especially your brother. He'd probably drop you back off at Arkanis. “We have reports here that need to be given to Supreme Leader Ren." A lieutenant announces to a room full of privates. They all look at each other nervously. You know Kylo instills fear into the hearts of his soldiers, but you don't feel that way towards him. He's nothing but kind to you. “I'll take it to him." You volunteer. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and the lieutenant gladly hands the reports over to you. It takes you about ten minutes to walk to the throne room. You enter the throne room. “I have reports that you need to see and sign off on." You state, walking to where Kylo sits. He looks at you and smiles. He stands up and meets you halfway. "Thanks, Y/N." He says, stepping close to you and taking the reports from you. You smile up at him, trying to calm your quickly beating heart. You stare at each other for a long moment and then you laugh softly. “I-I should go." You say softly. "Right, of course." Kylo says, nodding. You start to walk away when Kylo grabs your hand and pulls you to him. Without saying anything, he leans his head down and kisses you. You gasp softly and then wrap your arms around Kylo, your hand on the back of his neck. He drops the reports on the ground and wraps his arms around you, pulling you tight against him as he deepens the kiss. After a long moment passes, you hear someone walking. You pull your head back, both of you breathing hard, your faces close together. “We can't-we can't tell anyone about this." You breathe against his lips. “It's okay. Secrets like this run in my family." He smiles at you, his eyes searching yours. You laugh softly and he kisses you again. The footsteps come closer. “I have to go." You whisper, pulling away from him. He stares at you, his lips parted. You quickly go up to him, kiss him one more time, and then hurry out of the room, passing Hux in the hall. “Y/N." He smiles. “Hey, Armitage." You say breathlessly, before continuing down the hall. He frowns after you in confusion. Back in the throne room, Kylo smiles. "Wow." He breathes in wonder. He picks up the reports on the floor and laughs softly. He practically dances his way back to his seat, reliving every kiss. [THE END] I hope you liked it!