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IMAGINE: Will and you falling in love

     "Come on, Y/N! Pretty please. For me?" Liv, your best friend, begs you. “I don't know." You shift nervously. "The beach is empty. There isn't a person within earshot. It's only me." You look up and down the white sand beach to see the truth of her words. You sigh as you realize she's right. Liv grins because she knows she has you. "Come on, what do you say? I haven't heard you sing for so long because there's always someone around." You roll your eyes. "Please. I'm not even that good." You mutter. She crosses her arms and pegs you with a look. "I beg to differ." She raises her eyebrows at you expectantly. “Fine, fine, fine. I'll sing." You grumble. "What song do you want to hear?" “Uh..." Liv stammers. "I don't know. My Jolly Sailor Bold?" You wince. "Okay, that's an interesting pick, but okay." You look down the beach and then, once making sure it's clear, you begin to sing. ———      Will stumbles through the sand dunes and the grasses, his eyes burning with tears. He hears the loud sound of the ocean waves pummeling the shore and it soothes his broken heart. Today the woman he loves, Elizabeth Swann, married Commodore James Norrington. Will tried to convince Elizabeth not to marry James, but she insisted that it had to happen. She told him that she can't be with a blacksmith, but just not in so many words. Will mounts the top of the sand dune and stands there, looking at the ocean and the horizon. He sniffs and rubs his eyes. He tilts his head when he hears someone singing. He squints and listens. His mouth slips open. Whoever's voice it is is absolutely beautiful. Will slides down the sand hill, sees to women on the beach, and heads toward them. ———      When Liv's eyes widen and she stares past your shoulder, you shut your mouth and stop singing. "What's wrong?" You frown, following her view over your shoulder. Your frown deepens when you see a young man walking towards you. "I thought you said no one was within earshot." You grit out. “He must have been." Liv smiles sheepishly. You look back at the man and your throat suddenly feels dry. He's super good looking up close. “Was that one of your lovely voices that I just heard?" He asks. “Oh, yes, it was Y/N's." Liv says, grabbing your arm. The man smiles at you. "Wow. Your voice was...beautiful." He breathes. You blush. "Thanks." You murmur. "I'm Will." “I'm Liv and you know Y/N's name already." Liv jumps in. “Yes, yes." Will says, still looking at you in a daze. You shyly smile at him. Liv looks between the two of you. "Y/N can sing for you if you want her to." “Liv!" You look at her sharply. “Or not because I'm pretty sure Y/N would kill me in my sleep." Liv amends quickly. Will laughs. "I'll spare you, Y/N, don't worry. I'll just hold the memory of you singing in my heart forever." “That's as good as you'll get to ever hearing me sing in front of you." You wink at him. “A shame, but I guess it will just have to work." He grins back at you. ———      You're in the market a few days later, shopping for food. “Hey, Y/N." You hear from behind you. You turn and immediately smile. "Will! What are you doing here?" “It's a market. I'm pretty sure everyone is invited." He smiles playfully. You flush with embarrassment. "Oh, right. Right. Yeah, stupid question." You mutter. “Where's Liv today?" “Oh, she's with her family." You answer. His eyebrows furrow in confusion. "We're not related. We're just very good friends." You rush to explain. Realization dawns on his face. "Ohhhh. I thought you were sisters or cousins, or something like that." You shake your head. "Fortunately not. She can be a handful sometimes." You laugh. “Well, you're a good friend to stick around." He smiles at you. You shrug your shoulder. "She's all the family I have, really. I'm alone most of the time." “Oh, I know how that feels." Will mutters under his breath. Your eyebrows furrow. "Do you have no family? No friends?" He shakes his head. "I-I thought I did but..." He trails off. You step closer to him and put a hand on his arm. "What happened?" He looks around the busy market and then back at you. "Do you want to take a walk with me?"  ———      Will and you walk along the beach. "I thought we were going to get married one day. I thought she felt the same way about me, but apparently not." He finishes. You stare at him. "I'm so sorry." You whisper. “I'm trying to remain positive. There was a reason this happened. There's always a reason—even if we can't see it at the moment. Something good will come out of this. I have to believe that." You smile sadly. "If there's anything I can do for you, let me know." He smiles. "Would you sing for me?" You playfully hit him in the arm and he laughs. "Anything but that please." You laugh. He grabs your hand. "Come on, Y/N, why not? You have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard." “I don't know. I'm just-I'm just shy." You admit. He squeezes your hand and then releases it. "Well, you shouldn't be. You have the voice of an angel. I mean it." He says sincerely. You smile, your heart pounding. "Thanks." You say a little breathlessly. He smiles back and gently nudges you with his elbow. "You're welcome." ———      Will and you run into each other a lot of the next few weeks. You really enjoy his company. You've never met anyone like him before. Liv is over today helping you make dinner. "So where's Will today?" She smirks at you. “Shut up." You grin. “I'm surprised that he's not here. You two have been practically attached to the hip these past few weeks." “We have not." You protest. She puts her hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, it's okay if you two want to be together. I won't get in the way." You shrug off her hand. "It's not like that." You try to persuade her. She rolls her eyes. "And mermaids aren't real." She grumbles. “Liv, I'm serious! Will doesn't like me like that." “You don't see the way he looks at you when you're not looking." She singsongs. You stare at her and feel your stomach flutter nervously. You put a piece of hair behind your hair. "He looks at me differently when I'm not looking?" You ask curiously. “Y/N, the boy is dumbstruck head-over-heels in love with you!" “No, no way! He just lost his love Elizabeth to another man! No way is he in love with me!" You exclaim. “Well, if he's not in love with you, he's about to be. Trust me. I have brothers. I know." She gives you a look, waggling her eyebrows. “Okay, okay, can we just switch the subject?" You ask exasperatedly. ———      A couple of weeks later, you get up early to watch the sunrise on the beach. You need to clear your muddled thoughts. Will and you have spent a lot of time together lately and you can't deny that you're in love with him. Liv's words have been plaguing you—the ones that Will is in love with you—and you don't know what to think. No one has ever been in love with you before. This is new uncharted territory, but you love it. “We really need to step meeting like this." Will says, sitting down on the sand next to you. You look at him. "Are you following me?" You ask, smiling. He holds his hands up in surrender. "I swear I'm not. It's like our souls are connected and just know where to find each other." He tells you, smiling. You look back out at the rising sun, feeling warm. “It's beautiful." Will breathes. “Yeah, it is." You whisper. His hand slowly moves through the sand and rests on top of yours. You freeze and say nothing. His fingers entwine with yours. You feel like your oxygen supply has been cut off. You struggle to breathe. Once you can manage a breath, you look at him. He's staring at you, smiling. “Will, we really need to talk." You breathe. You open your mouth to continue your thoughts when he cups your face with his free hand and kisses you. You kiss him back and entangle your hand in his hair. “What was that you wanted to talk about?" Will breathes against your lips. "I think it can wait." You whisper, before kissing him again. He smiles and pulls you against him, kissing you back as the sun crawls upwards. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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