IMAGINE: Falling in love with Tommy

You stare at Tommy, your chin rested in your hand, not even listening to the update he’s giving to the gang. Tommy is the leader of the gang Peaky Blinders. You’re a close family friend of the Shelbys and have been good friends with Tommy since you were both children. Over the past few weeks, you find yourself becoming more and more attracted to Tommy. You don’t know why, but you are. When the room falls silent and everyone stares at you, you snap out of your daydreams. “Well, Y/N?” Tommy asks, raising his eyebrows expectantly. Your eyes widen slightly. You have no idea what just happened. “Uh...” You stammer. “You weren’t listening to a word I said, were you?” “Sorry...?” You smile sheepishly. He rolls his eyes. “What’s been up with you lately? Your body has been here, but not your mind.” “Yeah, I know, I know, I’m sorry.” You mutter, massaging your forehead. “I’ll work on it, I promise. But in the meantime, can you just go over the update one more time?” You ask hopefully. Tommy sighs, smiles, and nods. ——— You walk down the street. “Y/N! Y/N! Wait!” You hear Tommy calling behind you. You turn and see him jogging towards you. “Can I walk with you?” He asks, flashing you a smile. Your stomach flops weirdly and you suddenly feel nervous. “Uh, sure, if you’d like.” You answer. Tommy and you walk in silence for a minute. “So, Y/N, I thought we could talk.” You look at him. “About what?” “You’ve been so distant lately. And you’re always staring at me. It’s kind of scaring me.” You laugh nervously and you blush. “Oh, pay no heed to me. I’m crazy!” You grin. Tommy stops. He touches your arm and it’s like a lightning bolt strikes it. You quickly withdraw your arm from his grasp. He frowns. “Are you okay?” He asks worriedly. “Fine.” You breathe, walking again. What is happening? Your heart is racing within your chest and you’re flustered. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” Tommy asks, walking quickly to catch up with you. “I-I-I don’t know. I just want to be alone right now, Tommy. Please.” You whisper, looking at him miserably. He lightly touches your shoulders and you actually shudder. “Have I done something to upset you?” He asks with concern. His eyes search yours. “No, no, you haven’t done anything to upset me. I just-I just need to work through my thoughts right now, okay?” You say hoarsely. He nods. “Okay, that’s fine. That’s okay.” “Thank you.” You smile gratefully. He squeezes your shoulders and then walks off in the opposite direction. You watch him until he disappears into the crowd. You wrap your arms around yourself and shiver before continuing on with your walk. ——— As Tommy opens his door, his younger brother Finn runs straight into him. Tommy grabs his brother by the shoulders. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, where’s the fire?” “Fifth Avenue. There was a massive shootout from multiple gangs and mafia. Gang members and civilians both shot. From the early reports, there are many dead.” Finn replies. Tommy eyes widen and his stomach drops. Panic fills his heart. “I just left Y/N at Fourth Avenue.” He whispers in horror. Finn’s jaw drops. “Let’s go!” He exclaims, running out the door, Tommy straight on his heels. When Tommy and Finn get to Fifty Avenue, it’s an absolute mess. The street is empty of any living people. They’re too scared to be out in public after a shootout between gangs. Dead bodies are littered everywhere. Screams and cries escape from the injured. Broken glass is everywhere. It’s an absolute wreck. Tommy gasps softly. “Wow.” Finn breathes as they walk among the wreckage. Tommy’s eyes search every woman’s form, praying it’s not you. He’s worried sick. You’re one of his best friends and, recently, he’s been feeling something more for you. You mean more mean to him than...well, anything. He’d be absolutely devastated if he found your body among the victims. “Look for Y/N’s body, okay? I don’t know if she made it out.” Tommy chokes out to Finn. Finn nods solemnly. “Okay.” He whispers, before walking away from Tommy. Tommy looks around the area to make sure there aren’t any other shooters ready to fire and, once making sure everything is okay, continues his search for you. “Tommy! Over here!” Finn shouts. Tommy’s stomach plummets as he waits for his brother’s next words. “She’s alive!” Finn exclaims. Tommy bolts over to him and crashes to his knees beside Finn. You’re conscious, but barely. You have a gaping gunshot wound to the chest that’s spewing blood everywhere. “Oh my gosh.” Tommy breathes in horror. He strips off his jacket and presses it against your chest to help staunch the bleeding. You gasp in pain. “Tommy.” You cry as Tommy pulls you into his arms. “We have to get her to a hospital now. She’s dying.” He whispers harshly to Finn. They start off down the street with you, Tommy trying not to jostle you too much. “I’m so...I’m so glad you weren’t there.” You gasp out. “So much gunfire. So much blood.” You grimace. “Shh, shh, don’t talk. Don’t talk. It’s going to be okay, we’re going to get you to a doctor.” Tommy tells you softly. You can read the panic in his eyes–etched into his face. Tears burn in your eyes. “I’m dying, Tommy. I-I know that I am. I feel...cold.” You whisper. “No, don’t say that. You’re going to live, you’ll see.” He insists desperately. “Remember-remember when you asked me what was wrong earlier?” You ask. He nods. “I know what is wrong—except it’s not wrong. Everything is perfectly all right.” You say shakily, tears slipping down your cheeks. Tommy looks at you like you’re crazy. You reach up a shaking bloody hand to cup his face. “I’m falling in love with you, Tommy. That’s why I’ve been acting so weird. I just-I just want you to know that before the end.” You give him a watery smile as his eyes widen. You close your eyes and your head lolls against his chest. You’re unconscious. “You’re not dying on my watch, Y/N. Not now. Not ever.” Tommy whispers determinedly, before picking up the pace. ——— Tommy sits with Finn in the waiting room of the hospital. Tommy is leaning forward, his elbows on his knees. “She’s falling in love with me.” He whispers, reliving your words over and over again in his mind. They’ve been seared into his brain. “I had a feeling Y/N and you would always end up together.” Finn points out. “Do you love her?” Tommy looks at him. “I-I always thought I loved her like a friend or a sister. But recently...I don’t know. She’s the first person I think about when I wake up and the last person I think about before I fall asleep. Her feelings have become more important than my own.” He breathes. Tears pool in his eyes. “Today, when I thought she was dead—even now as the doctors try to save her life—I realized how much I don’t want to live without her. How much I can’t live without her.” He chokes out, blinking back the tears. He stares at Finn. “So you ask me if I love Y/N? Yes. Yes, I love her with all of my heart and soul. With everything in me. And if I lose her, my life itself is over.” ——— Tommy and Finn stand up hours later when a nurse walks into the waiting room. “You can see her now.” She says. “Is Y/N going to be all right?” Tommy asks worriedly. “We believe she will be. You brought her in just in time.” She smiles, then leads the men to your hospital room. You’re sitting up in bed, staring at your hands in front of you. You look so out of it. “Y/N, you have visitors.” The nurse announces as she leads Tommy and Finn in. “I’ll wait outside.” Finn whispers to Tommy. He and the nurse leave. You smile a little at Tommy. “Hey.” You croak out. “Hey, how are you feeling?” Tommy asks softly. “Like I was shot through the chest.” You laugh tiredly. “Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry.” He breathes, sitting next to you on the bed. You lay your head against the pillow and look at him. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known.” “I’m just glad you’re all right. I was—Finn and I were so worried about you.” “Can’t get rid of me that easily.” You wink. “I don’t want to get rid of you that easily, Y/N. I never want to get rid of you.” He whispers. “I’ve been thinking about what you said when we were on the way to the hospital.” You lift your head and frown. “What did I say? That is all a big blur to me.” “Y-you told me that you’re falling in love with me.” “Oh!” You gasp, eyes wide. “Uhhhh...” You stutter. “I love you too.” “You do?” You stare at him. He nods and wraps an arm around your shoulders. “I was so scared I was going to lose you. I couldn’t-I couldn’t even think. I could barely breathe. I felt like I was living in a nightmare. I realized how badly I can’t live without you. I realized how much I love you and have loved you for so long.” He smiles. You grin. He cups your face and kisses you soundly. You sigh softly and sink against him. A moment later you pull away and rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes. He wraps his arms around you and cups the back of your head with his hand. [THE END] I hope you liked it!