IMAGINE: Meeting James

"Mama! Papa!" You call out desperately, your eyes scanning the docks for any sign of your parents. You're in Tortuga with your parents. You somehow managed to get separated from them in the craziness of the island. You haven't seen them for a couple of hours and you're really starting to panic. “Mama! Papa!" You scream, tears flooding your eyes. You walk further down the dock and see a man sitting at the edge, his legs hanging over the side. He has a bottle of rum at his side. You approach him carefully. "E-excuse me. Have you seen my parents?" You ask quietly. He looks at you and you see that he has been crying. You squint. In fact, he still is. “I'm sorry, little girl, I haven't seen them." He replies hoarsely. You step near him. "Why are you crying?" You ask, moving to sit next to him. He sniffs. "It matters not." He mutters. “If it didn't matter, you wouldn't be crying and getting drunk." You point out. He smiles sadly. "What's your name?" “Y/N. And what's yours?" “Comm–" He starts but then stops himself. He heaves a sigh. "James Norrington." “Well, James, what has you crying?" You question curiously. “Would you believe me if I told you it was over a woman?" You put a hand on his arm. "If you've lost a woman, trust me, don't cry while you can do something about it. We women would rather have you men take action and fight for us. If it's a woman you've lost, fight to get her back. Fight for her." “Oh, but I did fight for her!" He exclaims. He groans. "This woman–Elizabeth is her name–is amazing. In the past couple of years, I've really come to care for her and love her. I had thought–hoped–that she felt the same way for me. And I thought she did." “But she doesn't?" You raise an eyebrow. He shakes his head dejectededly. "There was this blacksmith Will that she fell in love with instead. She rejected my proposal. It was humiliating and hurtful." “So instead of winning her back, you came to Tortuga to drown your grievances in rum and tears." You say. He nods. "Why don't you go back to wherever you came from and win Elizabeth back?" You ask. “Because she doesn't want to be won. She already has been–by Will. She looks at the him the way she could never look at me. I don't want to force her into a one-sided marriage. She should love me as much as I love her. She deserves to have love and, if it's not with me, I have to accept that." He says quietly. “I'm sorry." You frown, reaching over to take hold of his hand. You squeeze it. "One day it'll turn out all right, James. You'll see. You'll find a woman who'll make all of this hurting worthwhile. And if you don't keep your chin up, you might miss her." You encourage softly. He smiles gratefully at you. "Thanks." He whispers. He sniffs and pulls his shoulders back. "Now, I need to repay the favor for all the advice you've given me." He looks around the docks. "You said you're missing your parents?" ——— James and you walk through Tortuga, his hand gripping yours. He's trying not to lose you in the crowds of people. He's protecting you from the brutes. “Any sign of your parents?" He asks loudly, trying to be heard over the noise of people. You shake your head. "Mama! Papa!" You shout loudly. James and you get through the worst of the crowds. James can sense your fear because he squeezes your hand. "It's going to be okay, Y/N. We'll find your parents. Until then, I'm going to protect you." He smiles. You huddle closer to him. You walk a little further and then stop when you see a couple in the dimlight, talking to an officer. “It's them!" You exclaim to James, releasing your hand. "Mama! Papa!" You scream, racing for them. Your parents turn and fall to their knees to grab you into an embrace. “Oh, my sweet darling girl, we thought you were gone." Your mother cries. “I'm so glad you're safe." Your father whispers. You turn in their arms and point to James who's smiling. “James protected me and kept me safe." "Thank you so much. What can we do to repay you?" Your father asks. James raises a hand. "Nothing. Nothing at all. I'm glad I could help." “We better go, honey. The ship will be leaving soon." Your mother says. You sigh sadly and then break apart from them. You run to James and hug him tightly. “Goodbye, James. Remember what I told you. Keep your chin up." You whisper into his ear. He smiles. "I'll always remember, Y/N." He whispers back. [THE END] I hope you liked it!