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IMAGINE: Carter trying to help you get over amnesia

     The Power Rangers and you, the gold Ranger, are fighting Memorase, the crazed lunatic bent on wiping out the Power Rangers. You duck and roll behind a large cement median as a red blast from Memorase's staff flies past your head. Breathing hard, you look over your shoulder. You see Carter Grayson, the Red Ranger, across the street, crouched. Your boyfriend, as if sensing you're staring at him, looks at you. You both nod at each other. Carter jumps out from hiding, turning Memorase's attention onto him. You move out of hiding and run to the blue Ranger, Chad Lee. "We need to regroup and get out of here. He's way too powerful for us. If we stay here any longer, one of us is going to get seriously injured. We gotta get the Rangers out of here." He says to you. “I agree. We need to get to AquaBase ASAP." You reply. Chad and you split up, you heading to back up Carter and then to make a run for it. You look around. There's no sign of Carter or Memorase. “Carter?" You slowly walk towards the sound of fighting around the side of a building. You start to pass an alley when you hear Carter shout your name. You turn your back towards the alley and see Carter hiding behind a tree. "Run!" He screams. You start towards him and run straight into a blast from Memorase's staff—a blast that was meant for Carter. You scream in pain as you get flown into a side of a car and then land unconscious on the asphalt.       "Y/N!" Carter screams in horror. The rest of the Power Rangers come in for reinforcements as Carter crawls towards you, gasping. He pulls off his mask with shaky hands. "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." He breathes, turning you onto your back. He slowly pulls off your mask and a sob nearly escapes his mouth. Your face is bleeding badly and has cuts all over it. "Y/N." He cries, pulling you into his arms. His fingers press against your neck, desperate to find a pulse. He feels a small beat against his fingers and a sigh of relief swooshes out of him. “Y/N is badly injured! We need to get her out of here now!" Carter shouts to the Rangers. “Go, Carter! Take her to AquaBase! We'll meet you there!" Chad yells back as the Rangers fight off Memorase. Carter picks you up into his arms, your head lolling against his chest, and he runs off. ———      Carter sits in the medical bay at AquaBase. The doctors say you'll live and you should be all right, but Carter won't believe it until you wake up. He looks over at you who's in a bed. You look much better. They cleaned your face and stitched up the deep wounds. Carter straightens when he sees you flinch and jolt slightly in bed. "Y/N?" He asks worriedly, moving to sit beside you. He gently grabs your shoulders. "It's okay, Y/N. I'm here. I'm going to protect you." He murmurs. Your eyes fly open as you gasp. Your eyes widen and you move away from Carter as far as possible. "Who are you?" You ask fearfully. “Y/N, it's me Carter." He laughs. “I don't know you." You breathe. His smile drops and his eyebrows furrow. "What." “I've never seen you in my life." You state. ———      "And she doesn't remember anything?" Angela Fairweather, a scientist at AquaBase, asks. All of the Power Rangers look at Carter. “She doesn't remember me or the fact that she's the gold Ranger. But she remembers everyone else and everything else. Those are the only two things she's forgotten—me and her alter ego." Carter explains. “That's so strange." Ms. Fairweather murmurs thoughtfully. “For the time being, I think I might steer clear from her. At least just for a little bit. She was super scared to see me when she finally came too. I don't want to scare her anymore." “Carter, you're her boyfriend. She needs you now. More than ever." Dana Mitchell, the pink Ranger, tells him. Everyone agrees. “Look, how about I'll run some brain tests on her? The amnesia is a result from the injury today. It'll clear up soon, but I'm just going to see if there's a way we can hurry her recovery along." Ms. Fairweather says. "Thank you." Carter smiles with relief. ———      A week later, Ms. Fairweather sits with Carter and you in the medical bay, your file in her lap. "Well?" You say worriedly. You absentmindedly reach over and clutch Carter's hand. He looks at you in surprise but says nothing. Instead he just squeezes your hand. Not being able to remember who he is or who you are who he says you are is beyond frustrating. You want only to remember what you've forgotten. “I've done all of the tests. I've poured over these labs." Ms. Fairweather says. "Y/N, I'm sorry to tell you but it looks like your amnesia might be permanent." She sighs. “What?" You ask, the hopelessness in your voice causing tears to burn in your eyes. “Are you sure?" Carter asks Ms. Fairweather. “I'm sorry, guys. Her brain looks completely normal." She answers. You gasp softly. "I'll leave you two." Ms. Fairweather says, before getting up and leaving. “I'm so sorry, Y/N." Carter whispers as you slouch back in your chair, burying your face in your free hand and crying silently. “I want to remember who you are." You cry softly. “Come here." Carter says softly, pulling you into his arms. You let out a sob and collapse against him, clutching onto him tightly. ———       For the next few weeks, Carter does everything he can to help you remember. Nothing works. You're getting so frustrated with yourself, but Carter keeps encouraging you. You can see why you were dating him before the accident. You're falling in love with him all over again. Carter flips the photo album closed and sets it down at the sofa you're both sitting on. "Nothing?" He asks, looking at you. Smiling, you shake your head. "Then why are you smiling?" He asks, a grin on his face. “Nothing." You blush, looking away from him. “Tell me." He pokes your arm. You look at him. "I was just thinking about how lucky I am." "Lucky?" His eyebrows raise in surprise. You nod. "Most people don't get to fall in love with their boyfriends twice." You admit quietly. “You're falling in love with me?" Carter asks in a whisper. You smile. "I am." You reply. A smile blooms on his face. He cups the back of your neck and kisses you soundly on the lips. A long moment passes and he pulls away. You sigh happily and rest your head on his shoulder, his arms coming around you. He rests his head on yours and caressed your side. You start giggling. "Stop, I'm ticklish there." You laugh, brushing his hands away. Carter stills and lifts his head up. "Wait, what did you say?" You look up at him. "I'm super ticklish. You should know that." His eyes widen in realization and you can tell he has just thought of an idea. "Yes! I do know that! You don't remember me so you wouldn't remember Carter the Tickle Monster either." Your eyebrows furrow. "No, but based off of his name, I don't like him already." You frown. “It's a game we used to play. We would have intense tickle fights." He laughs. “Oh, that sounds like a nightmare." You grin. “Even though you're ticklish, you loved it." He winks. “Somehow I seriously doubt that." You mutter.      Carter stares down at you. "Y/N, I'm going to help you remember your lost memories." “You are? How?" “Carter the Tickle Monster is back on the scene." He grins evilly. “No!" You scream, starting to get up to move. He grabs you. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I love you and I need you to remember me." He says, before pulling you tightly against him and starting to tickle you. You shriek and try to fight him as he tickles you. "Carter! I hate you!" You scream, a laugh bubbling out of your throat. He laughs. "Didn't you just say you were in love with me?” “I take it back! I take it all back!" You exclaim. “Too late." He grins. After about a minute of pure tortuous tickling, you stop fighting. Suddenly it's as if you were hit by one of Memorase's blasts again. Your memories come flooding back and you gasp, your eyes widening. “I remember! Carter! I remember! I remember you! I remember the Gold Ranger! I remember!" You scream, laughing. Carter finally stops tickling you and looks at you. "What?" He breathes. He cups your face. "You remember?" “Tears sting your eyes. "I remember!" You cry, throwing your arms around him and hugging him tightly. He hugs you back. “Thank goodness." He breathes with relief. “Thank you. Thank you so much." He looks at you. "Thank the tickle monster." He smirks. “I'll thank him because he ended that tickle torture." You giggle. “Oh, but did he?" Carter asks. Your smile drops. "Please no!" You exclaim, getting off the couch and making a run for it. Carter runs after you and grabs you around the waist. You squeal, laughing, as he turns you in his arms, grinning. He kisses you deeply and you kiss him back. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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