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IMAGINE: Tom comforting you

     Tom walks into the flat he shares with you, his best friend. While you’re not a couple, you do everything together—going out for dinner, going to premieres together, and having movie nights. You both love it. The flat is completely quiet as Tom walks through it. He frowns. He thought you were home. Suddenly he hears something sounding like a whimper come from your bedroom. He turns slightly and tilts his head, listening. Definitely a whimper. Concern floods through him, curiosity not far behind. He walks to your closed bedroom door. The sounds of you crying breaks Tom’s heart and he swallows past the lump in his throat. He lifts his hand and gently knocks on your door. “Y/N?” He says softly. A few seconds later the door opens slightly. Tom softly gasps at that sight of you—your eyes red and puffy with tears with tears falling in a steady stream down your cheeks. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” He whispers worriedly. “Tom.” You let out a sob. He didn’t know his heart could break any more but it does. You pull the door open wider and invite him in. Tom and you sit on your bed. “Y/N, tell me, what is it?” He asks softly, reaching over and holding your hand. You look at him through tear filled eyes. You reach across your bed and pick up the tear-stained letter on your bed. Tom looks at you in confusion. You swallow. “It’s a letter. From the United States Air Force.” You state, your voice hoarse. You run a shaky hand over your face and sigh heavily. “It’s my brother. His-his plane was shot down. It crashed into the ground and exploded. He died.” You choke out. Tom’s eyes fill with tears. “Oh, Y/N.” He whispers, pulling you into his arms as you start weeping again. “I’m so sorry.” He breathes into your hair. “I don’t know what to do, Tom. I can’t believe it. He just got deployed again. He just went overseas and now this happens.” You sob against him. “I know, honey, I know.” Tom breathes, cradling the back of your head and rocking you back and forth. “I can’t go on without him. We were best friends. And now he’s gone forever.” Tom gently takes your shoulders and pulls you back to gaze at you. You stare up at him. “No one is truly gone, Y/N. Your brother remains here-“ He points to your heart. “Always. He’ll always be with you. You have memories of him–memories of all the tears, frustration, anger, joy, and love he brought your way. And that’s what you need to hold onto until you see him again.” You give him a watery smile. “Thank you.” You whisper, before burying your head in his chest. He rests his head on yours and holds you against him tightly. “I’m here for you, Y/N. I will always be here for you.” He vows. “Please don’t ever leave me. I couldn’t bear it.” You cry. “I won’t. I promise.” He whispers, his heart swelling with love. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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