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IMAGINE: The Doctor and you being stranded in the Tardis

     You sit on the floor of the Tardis, your eyes closed. You're not sleeping. But you wish you were. The 11th Doctor and you have been lost in space for the past week. The Tardis just stopped mid-flight back to 2018. You have no idea where, or when for that matter, you are. This morning you just finished up the last of your water and the food has been gone for three days now. The Doctor is working around the clock to try and get the Tardis working again, but she's not going. Pain strikes your stomach for the countless time that day and you clutch your stomach, grimacing. Your eyes open as you wait for the pain to pass. You're so hungry. You can't even remember ever being this hungry. The Doctor sits next to you. "I'm sorry, Y/N." He says softly, not meeting your eyes. “The Tardis isn't going to work, is it?" You choke out, tears burning your eyes. He shakes his head. "I don't know what's wrong with her. She just refuses to start." He sighs. "Of all the possible deaths that could happen during time travel, I'd never imagined starvation would be one of them—that is if the lack of water doesn't get to me first." You whisper. The Doctor finally looks at you. "Y/N, I'm so, so sorry. You can't even begin to understand how sorry I am. I will go and try to figure out how to fix this." He says, starting to move. You put a hand on his arm. "No, please, don't. You've been at it since the Tardis stalled. If you haven't thought of something by now, there's nothing to do." You tell him. "Just don't leave me. Please. I-I don't want to go through this alone." You whisper. The Doctor's face softens and he sits back down. He pulls you into his arms. "You're not going to go through this alone. I'll be right here with you." He breathes into your hair. You clutch onto him tightly as tears flood your eyes.      Holding each other's hands, the Doctor and you talk. You try to avoid the subject of dehydration and starvation. You don't want to depress yourself even more. The Doctor and you try to talk about lighter subjects. Midway through the conversation, your stomach growls loudly. You gasp and put a hand on your stomach. "Sorry." You whisper with embarrassment. The Doctor laughs softly. "You know, I heard your tummy rumble last night while I was working on the Tardis and I thought a wild space animal took refuge here." “Shut up." You laugh, punching him in the arm. "Your stomach would be growling too if you were as hungry as I am." He crosses his arms as if offended. "Excuse me, but my tummy has never rumbled. Ever." You narrow your eyes at him. "Somehow I doubt that." You say just as your stomach growls again. “Trust me. It's never made that noise." He says, poking your stomach. "Maybe it's because you're not human—because everyone single human's stomach makes this noise when they're starving." "Really? I haven't heard any of my companions' tummies growl like that." “Maybe because there were never on the brink of starvation." Your stomach grumbles again. “It's like a warship!" He exclaims. You cross your arms. "That's not very nice." You try to say seriously, except the grin on your face gives it away. He whips out a stethoscope-looking device out of his jacket. "What are you going to do with that?" You frown. “This is fascinating." He claims, his eyes alight. “You're not putting that thing near my stomach! It's embarrassing enough as it is!" You exclaim. He doesn't listen to you, but puts the listening end to your stomach. You sigh and face palm. Your stomach grumbles again. The Doctor's eyes go wide. "That's crazy." He whispers. Your eyebrows furrow. "That-that wasn't my stomach that time." You say.      The look on the Doctor's face makes you laugh. "No, that can't be." He sputters. “Unfortunate, but yes, that was your stomach." You grin. His eyes widen in horror. "No, that's not possible!" "Apparently it is. I guess I'm not the only one starving here." He looks at you seriously. "We need to find food. Fast." He states as his stomach rumbles again. He flushes. "It's embarrassing when you're on the receiving end, huh?" You smirk, poking his stomach. “You're mean." “Excuse me, but who was the one who was just making fun of me?" You laugh. “I wasn’t making fun of you. I was making fun with you." “Oh, yeah, because that's a huge difference." You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes. “It is." He replies, grinning. You playfully bat at his shoulder. “Who have we become, Doctor? Two people, inside a stalled Tardis, making fun of each because we're both starving?" You ask with a sigh. "It's like we're not even human anymore." “Well, I was never human to begin with." He smirks. “Touché." You chuckle. ———       A few hours later, the Doctor and you are still sitting, except this time you've moved to the stairs. The seriousness is back, no more jokes coming from either the Doctor or you. "You know, I'm not scared to die." You whisper to the Doctor, your head on his shoulder. “I'm not scared. I'm just scared of how I'm going to die. I always hoped I'd die a quick, painless death. But dying from dehydration and starvation? This isn't something I'd wish on my worst enemy." You murmur. The Doctor rests his hand on your stomach and gently rubs it, as if to banish the pain that's inside. “I'm sorry, Y/N." He whispers for the tenth time that day. “I never wanted this for you. You're my companion. You're my best friend." He chokes out. You look up at him and see the tears in his eyes. "What will you do when I'm gone? Will you die as well or will you regenerate?" “I have no idea. But I hope it's the former. I-I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if you died in the Tardis from something I could have prevented." He whispers. “Oh, Doctor." You cry, wrapping your arms around him. He pulls you against him tightly, crying softly. “I'm so sorry I can't save you." He whispers. You squeeze your eyes shut tight. "Thank you for all of the adventures. These times spent with you have been the best of my entire life. I would do it over again—even knowing the outcome." You admit. Suddenly the lights start flickering in the Tardis. The Doctor and you pull away from each other. Your eyes go wide as the Tardis finally starts up. “It's working! It's working!" The Doctor screams excitedly. You laugh, a mixture of joy, relief, and excitement bursting through you. The Doctor jumps to his feet and goes to the console. He starts pressing multiple buttons. "First stop?" He asks you. "Anywhere with food and water." You sigh. He grins at you. "Coming right up."  [THE END] I hope you liked it!



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