IMAGINE: Barry introducing you to Iris

Barry, your boyfriend, and you walk out of your favorite restaurant. He pulls up straight when he spots his car on the street. It's tightly sandwiched between two cars that parked way too close. “Oh man." Barry mutters. “Well there's no way you're getting out of that without damaging any cars." You grimace. Barry walks up to the cars and then glances back at the restaurant. You know where his line of thinking is taking him. “You don't even know if they're eating at the restaurant. They could be along any of these stores or restaurants." “I know.” He sighs. “You want me to handle it?" You whisper, stepping close to him. “Y/N, you're in plain sight for everyone to see." He gasps, his eyes wide. “I have to do something or else we'll be stuck here for who knows how long." You say quietly. Barry looks at the people milling about, hesitant. "Come on, you know I'm right." You nudge him with a smile. “All right, all right. Fine. But we need to make this quick and have as little eyes on us as possible." He whispers. ——— You casually stand at the back of the sports car, the vehicle that's behind Barry's. "When I say go, pull it back." Barry whispers. You nod. He looks both ways and then nods his okay to you. You also look both ways and, after making sure the coast is clear, you bend your knees and grasp the back bumper. “Now, Y/N!" Barry whispers. You pull the car back with your superhuman strength as Barry pushes the car. In a few seconds it's where you need it to be in order to move Barry's car safely. You dust off your hands. "Great job, honey." Barry grins at you as you walk around the sports car. "So...I'm going to pretend I didn't see that." A woman's voice says from behind you. Your stomach drops. You thought no one saw you move the car. You swallow and slowly turn around. "Iris!" Barry exclaims, rushing up to hug his friend. You sigh with relief. While you've never met Iris in person, you've heard Barry talk about her a lot. "So is this your girlfriend that I heard so much about?" Iris asks, smiling at you. Barry steps back and wraps an arm around your shoulders, smiling proudly. "Iris, meet Y/N. Y/N, meet Iris." “Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you." You tell her, shaking her hand. “And I've heard so much about you. Barry won't shut up about you." She rolls her eyes, laughing. She steps closer. "However, he failed to mention that you also have a special gift." She adds. Barry looks away sheepishly. "Yeah, super strength. Comes in handy a lot if I'm not accidentally destroying things." You admit, shrugging. “I'll admit, I'm a little surprised. I thought Barry would have a normal girlfriend." She states. Your eyebrows furrow and you frown. "I mean, normal like without super powers!" She rushes to explain. "Sorry, that came out totally wrong." She winces. You laugh and touch her arm. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. I know I'm far from being normal and I don't mind." Iris and you hit it off and, if you're honest, you totally forget that Barry is even with you until he clears his throat. "Uh, would you ladies like to carry this conversation on by yourselves? I have some things I have to get back to at home." You look at Iris. "Want to go get coffee or something?" You ask with a shrug. “Sure!" She exclaims with a grin. Barry laughs in surprise. "All righty then. I'll let you ladies do your thing." You kiss Barry's cheek. "I'll text you later. Be safe driving home." “I will. You be safe too." He smiles. "And also thanks for the help." He winks and nods to the car. “Anytime." You grin. Iris and you walk down the street, talking. You've heard so much about Iris, but you had no idea you'd hit it off so well together. You have a feeling she's a great friend in the making. “Do you mind if we get ice cream or something instead of coffee? I need dessert." Iris smiles. “Girl, you read my mind." You laugh. [THE END] I hope you liked it!