IMAGINE: Patrick confessing his feelings for you

Patrick Hockstetter walks you home from school one afternoon after classes. You like him, however you’re not sure if he returns your feelings. “I have so much homework to do.” He grumbles. “Same. Teachers just don’t seem to know when enough is enough.” You sigh. He looks at you. “Maybe we could study or something over the weekend.” He smiles. “I’d like that.” You smile back, your heart pounding. Thunder rumbles in the distance. You look up at the darkening sky. The rain starts to fall. “Come on, we’d better hurry or we’re going to get drenched.” Patrick says, grabbing your hand. It’s like lightning strikes up your arm. He pulls you along just as the rain starts pouring down hard. You run down the sidewalk with Patrick, covering your head with your arm, no matter how futile the attempt is. In a few minutes, you run up your front porch steps with Patrick. You’re both soaked. You laugh as you wring out your hair. “I had a feeling I should’ve brought an umbrella.” Patrick laughs and shakes his head, water flinging in all directions. Your eyes catch a mark on his neck for a split second just as his hair falls back into place. You still, your heartbeat slowing. You swallow and reach out your hand. Patrick’s eyes watch you as you move his hair back from his neck. Your stomach drops. A hickey. You clear your throat and take a step away from him. “So...who’d you get that from?” Apparently he doesn’t like you back. He takes a step near you. “I don’t know. Could’ve been you.” He smirks, his voice low. Your mouth feels dry at how close he is to you. He’s practically hovering over you. “Trust me. I’d remember doing that.” You choke out. His eyes widen slightly in surprise. “Excuse me.” You breathe, brushing past him to get into your house. He grabs your arm and turns you around to face him. He stares down at you as the rain falls down in blankets behind him. You gaze up at him. “Y/N.” He whispers, before pulling you into his arms and kissing you. You first start to pull away but then sigh as he deepens the kiss, pulling your body snug against his. A minute goes by and you then pull away with a gasp. Your hands are on Patrick’s chest and he’s gripping your upper arms, grinning. “That...that was not fair.” You whisper. “What wasn’t so fair about it?” He murmurs, lowering his mouth near your. He doesn’t kiss you, but his lips hover over yours. “You can’t just kiss me like that when you have other girls you’re currently...seeing.” “And who says I’m seeing other girls?” “That mark on your neck does.” You frown. “Come on, Y/N, I know you like me.” He murmurs. “Against all my better judgment.” You bite out. His hands move from your arms and go around your waist. “Well if it’s any consolation, I like you too.” He admits. You stare at him in disbelief. “I’m serious, Y/N! I really like you. I didn’t think you liked me back which is why this happened.” He says, pointing to his neck. “You know, it would’ve been easier just to ask me.” You mumble. “I know. And I’m sorry for it. Really.” He insists. “Do you forgive me?” “Again, against all my better judgement, yes.” You smile. “I promise I won’t ever do it again now that we’re a couple.” He vows. “We’re a couple?” You smirk. Patrick blushes. “I mean...if that’s what you want.” He murmurs. You cup the back of his neck and pull his head down to kiss him. [THE END] I hope you liked it!