IMAGINE: Trying to sacrifice your life for Killian’s

You stare at yourself in your mirror, your face hardening. Today was supposed to be a happy day. It was supposed to be the best day of your life. You glance at the wedding dress that's lying on your bed. You sigh heavily and touch the hilt of your sword at your hip. Instead of getting married to the love of your life, Killian Jones, you're preparing to go out and fight the Black Fairy before she unleashes her curse. You pull your hair back into a sturdy bun. You leave your apartment and walk down the street, intending on going to Killian's. You need to tell him that you're fighting the Black Fairy and you're doing it alone. He's not going to like it, but you don't care. This battle isn't his to fight. It's yours. You're not going to have him get in the way. He'll only get hurt...or worse. You swallow hard, that thought making you feel sick to your stomach. You can't imagine losing Killian. After all you've been through together, it would be beyond unfair to lose him. ——— "Y/N." Killian breathes when he opens his apartment door. He pulls you into his arms and shuts the door behind you with his foot. He holds onto you tightly, his hand cradling the back of your head. You close your eyes and enjoy this moment, knowing it's not going to last very long. Killian and you stay in silence for a few minutes and then you pull back. “What are we going to do?" He asks worriedly. “We can't continue with our wedding, Killian. Not with the Black Fairy running around loose." From the look on his face, he already knows what you're going to say next. "Y/N-” Wait, please." You say softly, putting a hand on his chest, stopping him. He does and his eyes fill with sadness. It's like a knife to your heart. "I have to fight her, Killian." You whisper helplessly. His jaw clenches. "She's going to keep terrorizing us and I'm sick of it—I'm sick of her. We need to get rid of her. I need...I need to kill her." Killian steps towards you and puts his hand on your shoulder. "Then let me help you, Y/N. We can defeat her together. We can defeat her as a team." You say nothing. You just stare at him. His eyes widen slightly as they light up with realization. “No." He whispers, shaking his head slightly and taking a step away from you. "You-you don't want me to come. You want to fight her alone." He says in horror. “Killian, I have to." You insist as you take a step towards him. He turns away from you. "I can't-” You start to say, grabbing his arm. “No!" He whirls around angrily. You shut your mouth and look at him. His eyes, clouded with anger, fill with tears. “We are a team, Y/N. We're partners-in-crime. And yet when we have to fight one of the most powerful fairies in all of the lands, you want to do it by yourself. You're breaking the team apart." He says, his voice hurt. Your eyes pool with tears and you try to. wipe them away. They don't relent. "I can't-I can't lose you, Killian." You whisper hoarsely. “And you think I could handle losing you?" He questions you, his eyebrows furrowed. You run a hand through your hair and sigh. He puts his hand and hook on your upper arms. "I love you, Y/N. More than anyone. More than anything. If you think for one second that I could bounce back from losing you, you're wrong. You don't understand me as well as I thought you did." He says tightly. “Killian, I never said you would bounce back." You whisper. You collapse against him and he wraps his arms around you, burying his face in your hair. “I can't lose you, Y/N." He cries softly. You choke on a sob. "And I can't lose you." You whisper, your heart pounding hard. You hate what you have to do to him, but it needs to be done. You squeeze your eyes tight. "Which is why you're not coming with me." You say gently, before shoving him away from you. He stumbles back against the wall and you run out of his apartment. “Y/N, no!" Killian shouts as you quickly put a protection spell around his apartment, keeping the Black Fairy out and Killian in. He goes to the open door, breathing hard, angry. "How could you?" He whispers, his voice cracking. He looks so wounded. You grimace. "Goodbye, Killian." You stare at him, trying to memorize him. “Please, Y/N, no." He begs. “I'm sorry." You say, before turning and hurrying down the hall. “Y/N! Y/N!" You hear him screaming desperately. You ignore him. ——— You walk through the town, your sword drawn. Even though you have magic, you like having your sword for extra protection. The streets are empty. With every noise you hear, you become more alert. You walk past Gold's Pawn Shop and stop in the middle of the street. A chill runs down the length of your back and you shiver. You take a deep breath and clutch your sword more tightly. You stalk to the door and try the handle. It's open. Your eyes narrow. You open the door and lift your sword. The Black Fairy looks at you, her eyes wide with surprise. A sly smile comes on her face. “Oh, look who it is. I believe congratulations are in order?" She offers. “Not yet, witch." You hiss. “So rude." She rolls her eyes dramatically. “Let's end this. I'm sick of looking at your face." You seethe, swinging your sword around. She just stares at you, not moving. Not getting into attack position. Nothing. “You don't have your wand. Gold hid it from you. You're powerless." You breathe in realization. Anger clouds her features. "How poetic. You've relied on it for so long and now, in your final moments, it's no help to you whatsoever." You give her a ghost of a smile. She lets out an angry yell and grabs the nearest thing to her, a large lamp. She throws it at you. You move out of the way and it shatters once it hits the ground. She grabs an old sword off of one of Mr. Gold's shelves. “I may not have my wand but I still know how to use one of these." She hisses, lunging for you. The Black Fairy and you fight with swords. She's good. Not as good as you, but she's holding her own. "You're going to pay for all those lives you've destroyed." You grit out as she parries your strike. She brings her sword up and nicks your arm. You gasp, your eyes widening. She flashes you a quick grin. You strike at her more violently. She stumbles backwards and trips over an old urn. Different items come tumbling out, including her wand. You both eye it and lunge for it. You grab it first and kick her in the face. She cries out and you crawl backwards. You stand up. The Black Fairy cowers, breathing hard and clutching her face. You read the fear in her face. You point the wand at her. “No, please!" She begs. “It's too late. You came here to destroy these people. I was destined to stop you from the beginning. You were their downfall, but I am their savior." You pull your shoulders back. “This ends now." You state, pointing the wand at her. She screams, covering her head. A burst of light moves out of the wand and hits the Black Fairy. Her skin turns ashen and she looks up at you. You stare back at her as her skin turns brown and then she completely turns to dust. Your knees give way and you fall to the ground with relief. It's over. ——— You lay the wand on the counter of Gold's shop with a stack of bills to pay for the damage. You leave the shop and nearly run into Leroy. “Leroy!" You gasp. “We were just looking for you, Y/N. We were wondering what was happening with the wedding and the Black Fairy." He says. “She's gone, Leroy. I-I took care of her." You state, nodding towards Gold's shop. “You mean she's dead?" He asks incredulously. You smile and nod. "The Black Fairy is dead! The Black Fairy is dead!" He screams, turning and running down the street. He keeps repeating it as people start to make their way onto the street again. ——— You make your way towards Killian's apartment. His door is closed. You sigh and lift your hand up, removing the protection spell. "Killian?" You ask gently, opening up the door. You find him sitting on his bed, looking utterly distraught. "Killian." He looks up at you. "Y/N!" He exclaims, jumping to his feet. He rushes to you and you throw your arms around him, hugging him tightly. “It's done. I killed her." You breathe. "If I wasn’t so happy to see you alive, I'd be so angry with you." You look at him and somber. "Killian, I'm sorry. I really, really am. Can you please forgive me?" You ask. “I just-I was destined to kill the Black Fairy. She might have hurt you or killed you even. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if she had done that." “I understand, Y/N. If I were in your position, I would have done the same thing." Killian replies, smiling a little. "Thank you." You whisper with relief. He touches your upper arm, where you were cut, and you gasp, pulling away from him. “Y/N?" He asks worriedly. You look down and see the blood. “She nicked me with her sword. It's nothing." You mutter, shrugging. Killian stares at you, unsure. You smile. "I promise, it's nothing." You say, wrapping your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist. "So...we still on the wedding?" You ask. "Isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?" Killian smiles. “If we could withstand what we've withstood, we can take a little bad luck." You laugh softly before Killian kisses you. ——— "You may kiss the bride." Archie Hopper says. Killian cups your face with his hand and kisses you soundly as everyone claps and cheers. Killian smiles at you, his eyes shining with tears. “I love you, Killian Jones. And I will love you forever." You whisper to him. "I will always love you. No matter what." He tells you softly. “Even when I don't listen to you and put a protection spell around you to keep you safe?" You smile. “Even then." He laughs softly. "Life definitely won't be boring with you, Y/N." “It's going to be an adventure. One I'm prepared to do with you by my side." “You won't get any complaints from me." He whispers, before kissing you again. [THE END] I hope you liked it!