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IMAGINE: Spending the day with Adam

     You sit on Adam's kitchen counter, your legs hanging over the side. You watch your boyfriend as he listens intently to someone on the phone. You hope it's not serious. You spent the morning at his house because for the next few days he's going to be busy filming. You won't see him for a bit. Adam made you breakfast, and you both were about to go watch Netflix when he got this phone call. “Okay. Okay. Yep, sounds good. It's not a problem, don't worry at all. Okay, yep. Bye." Adam says, before hanging up. He looks at you and you stare at him. “Bad news?” You ask worriedly. "Guess who doesn't have to go to work today?" A grin slowly moves across his face. You squeal and jump off the counter and into his arms. "Are you serious?" “Yeah! They don't need me until tomorrow." He answers, wrapping his arms around your waist, smiling down at you. "So what do you want to do today then?" “You still up for Netflix?" You smile. He leans down and kisses you softly. "Always." He murmurs. ———       Adam and you lay cuddled in each other's arms while you watch your favorite show on Netflix. Your back is against his chest, his arm wrapped around your stomach. He kisses your cheek and you smile. “I love you." He whispers in your ear. You turn your head to look at him. "I love you too." You whisper. He smiles. "I'll never get tired of hearing you say that." "Even when I'm old and wrinkly?" You ask, sitting up. “Yeah, because I'll be just as old and wrinkly." He chuckles. You lightly throw one of Adam's throw pillows at him. "Shut up. You're going to be handsome forever." He snorts and throws it back at you. "Uh, unfortunately, no." You toss it at him. "Nope, not listening." You laugh. He grabs a pillow and lightly hits you with it. "Y/N, when I'm 89 years old, I'm not going to look like this." He laughs. “If you're going to prove me wrong, I guess you're going to be stuck with me for fifty-some years more." You grin, hitting him in the face with a pillow. Your eyes widen. "Sorry." You wince. Adam slowly moves the pillow away from his face, laughing. "That's it, Y/N." He mutters, hitting you with the pillow. You scream and launch a pillow at him. He dives over the other side of the couch, gathering pillows. “Hey! That's not fair!" You exclaim, grabbing what pillows you can. He peeks his head over the couch. "Who ever said pillow fights were fair?" He smirks. ———      You chase Adam around the house, bombarding him with pillows. You toss your last pillow at him and it catches his legs. He trips and falls to the ground. Adam laughs and swings his legs around, tripping you. You fall next to him, giggling. You're laying on your back and Adam props himself up on his side. He looks down at you, smiling. "You're calling for mercy?" He murmurs softly. "Mercy." You whisper breathlessly. He leans over you and kisses you deeply. You kiss him back, your hands on his chest. A long moment goes by and then he pulls back. “That was fun." You breathe. “It was." Adam replies, caressing your bottom lip, staring down at your mouth. “I meant the pillow fight." You grin. "But kissing was fun too." You add. He laughs. “Do you want to make dinner and watch a movie?" You ask, cupping his cheek. “Sure." He tells you, kissing you again. You kiss him, your hand running through his hair. “Can I rephrase that last question?" You ask. Adam grins. "Do you want to cook dinner, watch a movie, and make out?" “You don't need to ask me twice." He chuckles. [THE END] I hope you liked it!  



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