IMAGINE: Getting into an argument with Frank

Your uncle Frank, your guardian, sits you down on the sofa and kneels in front of you. "Y/N, we need to talk." He says seriously, clutching your shoulders. Your stomach drops and your mouth feels dry. You swallow. "Yes?" You ask, trying to keep your voice from wavering. “You're smart. You're not like other people your age. You're...well, you're...gifted." He says slowly. You nod in understanding. "I know. My teacher calls me a math whiz." Frank smiles briefly. "That's right." He nods. “Well, you got a letter in the mail today. It's a scholarship for a prestigious school for children like you who are incredibly gifted." You stare at him, suddenly realizing where this conversation is heading. "Uncle Frank, no.” You start to protest, no longer wanting to be a part of this conversation. You move to get up. “Y/N, no, wait. Listen to what I have to say. Listen to what the school has to offer you." He says, holding your hands. You sigh and retake your seat, your shoulders slumped. “This school is everything you could dream of. It's going to help your gifts, not hinder them. I know you like the school you're going to now and you've made good friends, but this school will be even better for you. You can excel at math. You don't have to be stuck in a classroom learning things you already know. You can strengthen your gifts at this new school and not have to be self conscious of your knowledge." “I don't want to go." “Y/N." Frank frowns, standing. You follow suit. "I'm not going. I don't want to go. My home is here, not at that private school. I'm fine with the kids in my class—I don't care that I'm smarter than them. I like it here and I don't want to leave. I'm not leaving." You state, crossing your arms. "You could at least give it a chance before you completely throw this scholarship out the window." “Why would I give it a chance if I already know I don't like it?" You snap. Frank looks at you exasperatedly. "Why are you condemning this school before you even get to know it?" “And why are you forcing me to go to this school when I don't want to?" You fire back. Suddenly your eyes widen in realization and you back away from him. "Wait...I know why. You're just trying to get rid of me. You-you don't want to be my guardian anymore. You feel like I'm a burden to you." You choke out, tears burning your eyes. “Y/N, no!" Frank gasps, hurt shining in his tear filled eyes. "I just want you to be happy!" “I am happy! I'm happy right where I am!" You shout, before storming out of the house, tears trailing down your cheeks. You run to your next door neighbor's house. You knock on her door. A few seconds later she opens it. "Roberta." You choke on a sob. Her eyebrows furrow deeply. "Oh, honey." She whispers, pulling you inside and into her arms. ——— "And I don't want to go. I'm happy here, so why would I leave?" You finish telling Roberta. You sit together on her couch and she strokes your hair. “What does your uncle Frank think?" “He wants me to consider all of my options. But I've already considered them. I can't uproot my life here and bring it somewhere new." She takes a deep breath. "Y/N, sometimes you need to think about the long run. I understand that you're truly happy here, I do. But think about the long run and not about what's going on right now. When you're older, are you going to regret not going to this new school? Are you going to spend your life wishing you had?" She asks, looking down at you. You sigh. "I didn't think about that." You murmur. “So before you go saying no to things that could majorly affect your life, think about them. Wait on them. And do what your heart tells you." “How do I know if it's my heart telling me and not just my mind?" You whisper, looking up at her. She grabs your hand and covers your heart with it. She rests her hand on top of yours. "You'll feel at peace. When you listen to your mind, you always feel torn between the options. But when you listen to heart, there never, ever was another option than the one you chose." You smile at her and hug her tightly. "Thanks, Roberta." She hugs you back. "You're welcome, Y/N. I just want you to be happy and live your life with no regrets." She whispers. A few minutes later Roberta's doorbell rings. She looks at you and then gets off the couch. She goes to the door and opens it. "She's in here. She just needed to talk." You hear Roberta say. "Y/N, can you come here, please? Your uncle Frank is here for you." She calls to you. You slowly walk towards them. "Hi, Uncle Frank." You say sheepishly. He hugs you tightly. "Oh, Y/N, don't run out of the house like that again. I was looking for you everywhere. You had me worried sick." He whispers into your hair. “Should've checked here first." Roberta mutters under her breath. “I'm sorry, Uncle Frank." You sigh. "Let's go home, kid." He says, grabbing your hand. You smile at Roberta. "Thanks again, Roberta." You say, putting your free hand over your heart. She winks. "Of course, honey. You come over whenever you'd like. But make sure to ask uncle Frank first." “I will." You vow. Uncle Frank and you walk hand in hand around the neighborhood. "So do you want to talk about this?" He asks. "I do. And I've considered all of my options and listened to my heart." You state. He looks at you in surprise. "I don't want any regrets in my life, so I have to consider the long run—when I'm older." You say, thinking about what Roberta told you. “And?" “I've decided to stay here. I love this place. I like my classmates. I like my school." You answer. You look up at him. "And I love you." You add. Frank's breath leaves him in a rush and the relief is evident on his face. He hugs you tightly. " “Oh, Y/N, I'm so glad." He whispers. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. "You are?" You ask incredulously. He looks at you. "I never wanted you to go. But I wanted to make sure you were 100% sure you didn't want to go. Like you said, I wanted to make sure you weren't going to regret this later on in life." “I'm not. Trust me. My heart is telling me to stay." Frank grins. "I'm glad it is because I never liked those prestigious private schools anyways." He answers. You laugh. He wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you to his side. "Come on, let's go get ice cream or something." You smile. “I’m good with that.” [THE END] I hope you liked it!