IMAGINE: Adam and you getting into a fight

"Hey, Y/N!" Adam greets, walking through your apartment door. "Something smells great." He says, setting his stuff down. “That something would be frozen pizza." You wink. "I just got home and I didn't have time to make anything. We had a frozen pizza in the freezer so I just popped that in the oven." “Thanks." He smiles. "I'm going to go get cleaned up. I'll be right back." He says, disappearing down the hall. You smile at his retreating back. Adam and you are best friends. You live together to cut down costs as you're both trying to make it as actors. While Adam sees you as just a friend, you're head-over-heels in love with him. You know that if you were to ever tell him of your feelings, you wouldn't be able to stand the awkwardness and tension of living with him when he only sees you as a friend. You take in a shuddering breath and shake your head. "Yeah, we'll just leave things the way they are. That'll be better for everyone." You mutter. Fifteen minutes later, Adam comes back into the kitchen, showered. “Just in time–pizza's ready." You say, pulling it out of the oven. You set it on the stove and take out the pizza cutter. “I can do that, Y/N." Adam says, moving to stand beside you. You look up at him, his nearness causing you to be short of breath. You clear your throat. “Why, because you know that when I cut it, it doesn't even resemble pizza anymore?" You grin. He laughs and takes the pizza cutter out of your hand. "Uh, yeah, let's just say that when you cut pizza, you happen to invent new shapes." "Hey!" You swat his arm, laughing. He laughs with you. You hop onto one of the barstools and watch him cut the pizza. You can't wipe the smile off your face. While you'd love for Adam to know of your feelings, you really can't complain about how things are. You spend all of your free time with Adam and that's exactly how you love it. Adam sets your plate in front of you and then he sits on the barstool next to you. "Thank you." You smile. “Thank you." He nods to the pizza. "Oh, yeah, putting a frozen pizza in the oven was, like, the toughest thing. Gordon Ramsay would be so proud." You roll your eyes. Adam chokes on the piece of pizza he's eating. He starts wheezing, laughing. You pat his back. "No offense, Y/N, but Gordon Ramsay would probably cuss you out for this." Adam chokes out, his eyes watering. “Then good thing he's not here." You murmur, grinning, before taking a bite of your pizza. ——— Adam washes the dishes as you wipe down the counters. "So Jeremy, Austin, and Kyle are coming over at 7 P.M. on Friday." He says. You stop and look at him. "Friday as in next Friday?" He looks at you over his shoulder. "No, Friday as in this Friday. I wanted to make it earlier, but Austin is going to a party earlier in the day. So we had to make it late in order for him to come." “Uh, I'm sorry, Adam, but it can't happen this Friday." He turns and looks at you, wiping his hands on a towel. "And why not? We always get together before one of the guys get deployed." You hold up a hand. "I completely understand that you guys were best friends in the Marines. Trust me, I do. It's nice that you all still hang out together. But just not this Friday. I have to get up at 2 in the morning for early morning filming. I really need to sleep." “Then we'll just soundproof your room and give you earplugs." Adam suggests. Your eyebrows draw and you frown. "Even with a soundproof room and earplugs, you guys still manage to get through. No offense, but you guys don't quite grasp the concept of being quiet." You admit. You run a hand through your hair. "Can't you just, I don't know, have it one of their houses or something?" You sigh. “And can't you just go stay at your mother's house or something?" Adam bites back. “Adam." You frown. “What, Y/N. We only have these get togethers once in a while–" "Yes, and we always have them here!" You exclaim exasperatedly. He glares at you. "And all I ask is for you to let us do it here." He grits out. You cross your arms. "And all I ask is that you do it somewhere else this one time." You say lowly with anger. "We can't do it anywhere else. You and I have the biggest apartment out of all of them!" Adam exclaims. You slam the dish rag on the counter. "Fine. You know what? I'll go get a hotel room for the night and you can stay here and have your little party." You seethe, before stalking out of the kitchen. You walk outside, down the sidewalk, and then sit on the curb. You pull your knees to your chest. "Stubborn man." You grumble. Maybe it's a good thing you aren't a couple–otherwise you'd be stuck with him. You rest your arms on your knees and then place your chin on them, the night spring breeze tugging at your hair. Thirty minutes go by when you hear the door creak open. You remain still. "Y/N?" Adam says tentatively. He walks to you and sits down next to you. You look at him. He's staring at you with his big puppy dog eyes. Your heart melts. “Don't look at me like that." You plead, stifling a laugh. “Can't handle the eyes?" He asks, leaning near you. “I can't handle you." You push him back. He sombers. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I was being stubborn and inconsiderate." He says. "I'll try to convince the guys to have it at one of their places." “No, no, no, it's okay. I'll just stay at a hotel, Adam. Don't worry about it. They're your friends and you're not going to see all them in the same room together for a while. You deserve to have the apartment that night." “But it's your apartment too, Y/N. It's not fair that I'm making you stay in a hotel." You put your hands on his shoulders. "Adam. Trust me. I will stay in a hotel on Friday night and I'll be fine. I don't care. Really I don't." You insist truthfully. “Are you sure?" He winces. “Yes." You laugh, gently shaking him. He hugs you tightly. "Thanks, Y/N! You're the best!" He exclaims. He pulls back. "I-I want to make it up to you–for making you stay the night in a hotel." “Oh, no, no, Adam–" “Please, I insist.” He interrupts. "Well, what did you have in mind then?" You smile. He looks away from, blushing. "Well...we're both off on Sunday. How about we go out? Or I can make you dinner or something?" He asks softly. Your eyes go wide. "Go out as just friends...?" You ask slowly. He looks at you and reaches over to take your hand. "Go out as in much more than friends." “Oh, Adam." You whisper, throwing your arms around him and hugging him tightly. "That would be absolutely amazing. I have waited so long to hear you say that." You sigh into his neck. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want things to be–" He starts to say. You pull back. “Awkward." You both finish. You laugh softly. "Yeah, I know." “I know Sunday is kind of a long wait for a makeup gift." He says. You shake your head. "I can give you something now as a makeup gift." He offers. You raise an eyebrow. "Yes?" Adam cups your face and kisses you softly. You grasp his shirt and kiss him back. His hand entangles in your hair and he deepens the kiss, pulling you tightly against him. You pull back, breathing hard. “You know, that's definitely not awkward." You breathe. “Mm, not at all." He smiles lazily before kissing you again. [THE END] I hope you liked it!