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IMAGINE: Peter trying to help you get over amnesia

     Your eyes flash open and you remain still. You’re laying on the jungle floor. You stare up at the night sky that’s littered with stars. You sit up, your heart jumping within your chest. You don’t know where you are. As a matter of fact, you don’t know anything. You can’t remember anything except your name. “What happened to me?” You whisper, standing up. You turn in a circle. The forest is huge and thick. You can’t see any source of light. You swallow down the sense of panic that threatens to choke you. You don’t want to call out for help. Who knows what might be lurking in the trees. Suddenly, through the loud noises of the jungle, you hear branches snapping, coming near you. They’re coming fast. You start to back up, every nerve in your body coming to life. When you see trees and bushes moving, that’s when you turn in the opposite direction and bolt. You jump over felled trees, branches painfully whipping at your face. You try to brush away as many as you can when you run full force into someone. You scream as you both nearly topple over. The man rights himself and steadies you, holding your arm. “Oh, Y/N, it’s you! We’ve been looking all over for you.” The man says, holding a torch. You stare at him, your eyes wide, your heart racing. His hair is blonde and he has a scar running down the length of his face. “Who are you?” You breathe. “Y/N, it’s Felix.” He laughs. You try to pull your arm out of his grasp. “I don’t know you.” You grit out. The smile from his face drops and his eyebrows furrow. Concern mares his face. Someone breaks through the jungle, breathing hard. “Oh, Y/N, Felix, there you are.” The man pants. He looks at you. “Where you running from me, Y/N?” He asks curiously. You rip your arm out of the clutches of Felix. “I don’t know who you people are!” You exclaim. “Peter. Something’s wrong with Y/N.” Felix whispers to the man. Peter looks at you and frowns. “I don’t-I don’t remember anything. Only my name. I don’t know where I am and I don’t know who you are.” You say, your voice shaking. Your eyes fill with tears. You’re panicking. “Deep breaths, deep breaths, Y/N.” Peter soothes, rubbing your arm. He steps closer to you. “I’m Peter and that’s Felix. You’re in Neverland.” You watch him. “Neverland?” You whisper. He nods. “You’ve lived here for a while. With us.” “And my family?” You ask, your eyebrows raise. “We’re your family.” He smiles slightly. “Come on. We need to get back to camp.” Felix says, starting to move. You stay where you are. “Do you want to come to camp with us?” Peter asks softly, holding out his hand. You hesitate for a second and then slide your hand into his. He smiles. The whole way back to camp, Peter tries to explain your story to you. “I’m sorry, I just don’t remember.” You sigh with frustration, running a hand through your hair. “It’s okay, it’s okay. You’ll figure it out.” He says softly, squeezing your hand. “This is so frustrating! How is it that you and Felix and the Lost Boys, as you call them, all remember me and my story, but I’m the only one who can’t?! What’s wrong with me?” You exclaim. Peter stops and turns you to face him. He puts his hands on your shoulders and stares into your eyes. “Y/N, it’s going to be okay, okay? I’ll help you remember who you.” He says softly. “I don’t want to be a burden.” You whisper. He cups your face and you feel weird. Your heart trips and turns to mush. “You’re not a burden, trust me.” He murmurs, smiling. ——— You’ve been with the Lost Boys for a few days. Everyone is so friendly and nice. They try to help you remember. However, it’s not working. You’re getting frustrated and angry, but Peter is all the more patient with you. One morning you’re walking around outside of the camp. You need to clear your mind of everything—including Peter. You walk through the jungle and stop when you hear talking. You still. Your eyebrows furrow. It sounds like women arguing. You thought you are the only female in Neverland. You step closer and accidentally step on a branch. It cracks with a loud snap. You wince. “Wait. Someone is listening.” One woman states. Instead of running, you decide to reveal yourself. You step through the trees. “Hello.” You say. One woman with long blonde hair stares at you, her jaw dropped. “Oh my gosh. He took a girl.” The other woman with the black hair whispers. “Who are you?” You ask the women. “Who are you?” The black haired girl asks. “My name is Y/N. I live here.” “With Pan?” She asks in disgust. You nod. “Yes and the Lost Boys.” “You’re staying here willingly?” The blonde haired woman asks, her eyes widening. “Yes, of course. They’re my friends.” She steps towards you. “Does Pan treat you well?” You flush and nod. “He does.” “Don’t believe the scum. He’s lying. He wants to hurt you and kill you.” The black haired woman says harshly . “Regina.” The blonde girl admonishes. “What, Emma? You’ve seen how Pan manipulates his minions to do his will. This girl is just part of it.” Regina snaps. “What are you saying? Peter is great—amazing. I have amnesia. Peter is helping me remember.” You say. “Look, Y/N, maybe Peter is lying to you. Maybe he’s lying to you because he wants you stay with him. He might want to kill you.” Emma states. “No, no, that’s not true!” You exclaim, shaking your head. “How do you know? You can’t remember anything. How can you even believe anything Pan says?!” Regina says. You wince. You know they’re right, as much as you hate to admit it. You really don’t remember anything about Peter. “I-I-I...” You softly stammer. “Come with us. Y/N, you need to come with us. You can escape from Pan. From all of this.” Emma insists. Your mind races. You don’t know what to do. “Uh...” You breathe as they look at you expectantly. You take off running, leaving them behind. You need to think. You duck from branches and then your foot catches on a root. You go flying and then painfully land on the ground, your head smashing against the ground. Blackness litters your vision and you groan softly. You blink a few times to try and clear your vision. You focus on a tree and take a deep breath. You sit up and clutch your head. “Ow.” You murmur. Your hand stills on your head and you look up, your eyes widening. “I remember.” You whisper. You stand up and falter. You grasp onto a tree to steady yourself. “I remember everything!” You whisper, smiling. You give yourself a few seconds to regain yourself and then run back to the camp. You find Peter by himself in the camp. “Peter!” You exclaim. He looks up at you. “I remember!” You exclaim, launching yourself into his arms. He laughs and holds onto you tightly. “You remember?” He laughs, both of you slowly spinning. You look at him and nod, beaming. He cups your face and kisses you soundly. “I’m so happy, Y/N. So happy.” He whispers. You smile and then the next second it drops. “Emma. Regina. They’re here. I saw them. We’re trying to convince me to leave you.” You say. His grip tightens on you protectively. “What?” “They told me that you’re going to kill me.” Peter’s face darkens. “Then I think it’s time we take care of them.” “Agreed.” “He grabs your hand. “I just have to say, Y/N, I’m happy to have you back.” “I’m happy to be back.” You smile. [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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