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IMAGINE: William saving you

| IMAGINE for @flame208 |      You sling your heavy backpack around your shoulders and walk out of the doors of your college. You start the trek to your parked car. You purposely park far away to get in a quick walk before school but some days, when it's cold or you're just tired, you regret it. Your car is the farthest parked in the lot. The only car that's near yours is a little black sports car. You take note of it. No one ever parks near you. You shrug. “Maybe someone wants the exercise." You muse. You unlock your car and, are about to open up your passenger door to throw your stuff in, when the door to the black sports car nearly opens into you. “Oh, I'm sorry." A woman in her early 40s says. You give her a quick smile. "No harm done." You say, shutting your passenger door. “Actually I have a question." You turn and stare at her. "Yes?" “Are you Y/N L/N?" She questions, squinting at you. You narrow your eyes. "Yes." You answer slowly. “That's great." She smiles sweetly at you, before punching you in the face. You stumble back against your car, taken aback. Your vision is spinning. Are those stars you're seeing? You wince and grab your face. It's wet with blood. “If you'll just come with me." The woman says, grabbing your arm. “No, let me go!" You fight, trying to claw at her face. “Uh, no. I don't think so." She tells you, twisting your arm painfully behind your back. You cry out. "Get in the car." She growls, roughly shoving you into the car. Your head hits the door and you gasp, clutching your head. It's ringing and everything seems fuzzy. "Who are you?" You groan as the woman gets in the car. She pulls a revolver out of the pocket in the side door. “No one you need to know about." She says calmly, before whacking the butt of the gun against your head. Darkness follows immediately. ———      You open your eyes but it's completely dark. You're in the woman's trunk. Your head is aching. Every bump the woman hits feels like someone is hitting you in the head with a bat. Suddenly the car stops. Your eyebrows furrow. You prepare for the woman to open the trunk. When she does, you'll jump her, throw her in the trunk, and find the nearest police station. You ready your fists. But she never comes. You hear voices talking. Is it her and an accomplice? The woman laughs loudly. Nervously. You start hitting the heel of your foot against the trunk. "Let me out of here! I'll rip your eyes out!" You scream. The voices immediately stop. Your heart pounds loudly in your ears. A minute goes by. You continue to hit the trunk. "Let me out!" You shout angrily. "Let me out n–" The trunk opens to reveal a man. You squint your eyes, the sudden blast of light hurting. The man stares at you, his jaw dropped. “Oh my gosh." He whispers in horror.      The man helps you out of the trunk. "Who are you?" You ask. “William Cooper. I'm a CIA agent. Who are you? What happened?” My name is Y/N L/N. That woman—" You nod to the woman now locked in William's car. "She kidnapped me while I was on my way to my car at school!" “That woman is a psychopathic kidnapper who escaped from an insane asylum. She is notoriously known for researching random people and then kidnapping them. We've been looking for her for a couple weeks." He answers. “By the way, I called in an ambulance." He adds, looking at your face. “How bad does it look?" You wince. He frowns. "I've seen worse." “Somehow with you being an agent, that doesn't comfort me." You mutter as you hear the wail of sirens in the distance.  ———      You sit in the ambulance as the paramedics finish up with you. "Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?" A paramedic asks. “No, no, I'm okay. Just a little sore." “If you say so." William watches you and then helps you off the ambulance. "I've been assigned to drive you back to your school to pick up your car." "What's going to happen to the kidnapper?" You ask, rubbing your arm. “She was taken to jail by another officer. We'll need you at court to convict her again. But this time, we're putting her in jail, not an asylum. She's too dangerous to be kept there. She needs to be specially guarded." “Agreed." You whisper. He opens his door for you and you get in. He gets in the driver's side and starts driving. "So...are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" You shrug. "I thought I was going to die there. I just-I don't know. It was so scary." You breathe. William looks at you sympathetically. "I'm sorry. No one should have to go through what you just went through." He murmurs. “No, they shouldn't, which is why people like her need to be behind bars." “Agreed. With you, she'll hopefully get a life sentence. She can't be trusted." “Thanks for saving me back there, by the way. Who knows when, or if, I would've escaped from her." You say hoarsely. “It was by chance. Luck. I saw her driving and I thought she looked a whole lot like the kidnapper. She had changed her name on her license, so that was different, but then when you started hitting the trunk, I knew. I knew that it was her." “Well thank you." You smile. He looks at you and smiles back. "You're welcome, Y/N." [THE END] I hope you liked it!  



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