IMAGINE: Meeting Domhnall in Ireland

You walk through the large city of Dublin, amazed and bewildered all at the same time. You're on a four week vacation to Ireland. You clutch the map in your hand and look down at it. "I'm so confused." You whisper. You have no idea where you are in Dublin. You were doing okay the first hour of touring the city by yourself, but you must have taken a wrong turn along the way. You need to ask for help. You look around at all of the friendly Irish milling about and your eyes immediately land on a ginger-haired man. He sticks out in the crowd. You walk to him, his back turned to you. "Excuse me, I need some help. I am trying to explore the city with key tourism points. I must have taken a wrong turn and now I'm completely—“ You stop and pull up when the man turns to face you, “Lost." You finish in a whisper, your eyes widening. He's so handsome. Your heartbeat picks up nervously. His eyes search your face and his smiles widely, looking even more handsome. "You're lost?" He asks, his beautiful Irish lit thick. You nod. "I'd be much obliged to help you then, lass. I'm Domhnall." He states, shaking your hand, his green eyes staring into yours. "I'm Y/N." You smile. “So you're a tourist and you want to find some good places to visit?" “Yes. I was following this map I received when I got off my plane but it's so confusing." You sigh. “Well this is my hometown. I know this place like I know the back of my hand. Would you like me to be your tour guide instead of that silly little map that has only managed to get you lost?" “Oh, no, no, I couldn't impose on you like that.” Domhnall brushes his hand in the air. "Nonsense. I would like to be your tour guide." “Really?" He smiles. "Yeah, I know the best places in the city. Let me show you." “Okay." You shyly smile at him. True to his words, Domhnall shows you some of the best places in the city that day. Dublin is absolutely beautiful. You've fallen in love with it. “Oh, hey! There's a cute little pub that I think you'd love! It's one of my favorite places to go for dinner." Domhnall exclaims as you're walking by the river. He gently grabs your elbow and it's like electric shocks zap your arm. Your heart flutters happily. When you get to the pub, Domhnall opens the door for you. “Thank you." You smile. He smiles back at you, his eyes softening. There's lively Irish music playing and couples dancing inside. You grin at them. Domhnall leads you to a small table a corner near to the dancers. "I love it already!" You exclaim loudly to be heard over the music and the chatter. “I knew you would!" Domhnall practically shouts back. A waiter comes and takes your orders before disappearing. You watch the dancers, mesmerized. Dohmnall asks you something, but you can't hear him. You look at him in confusion. "What?" He stands and goes to you. He kneels beside you and clasps your hands. "Would you like to dance?" He asks, his eyes shining up into yours. You smile and nod, squeezing his hands. He grins and pulls you onto the dance floor with the other couples. Domhnall whirls you around the dance floor and you can't stop smiling and laughing. This is one of the best times you've ever had in your life. Domhnall is clutching you tightly, almost possessively, to stop any other men from cutting in. He has as wide smile on his face. People clap and cheer at the couples, laughing. After you dance to a few songs, you're breathless. "I have to stop. I'm going to pass out if I don't catch my breath." You laugh. Domhnall laughs breathlessly and leads you back to the table, his arm around your waist. You sit down and he claims the seat across from you. “Oh. That was so much fun." You chuckle. "Are the Irish always this much fun to be around?" “For the most part. We love welcoming people and having a great time." “I can tell." You smile. “So what are we doing tomorrow?" “We?" Your eyebrows raise. “Yeah, we. I told you I was going to be your tour guide and that is what I intend to be for your whole trip.” A grin slowly makes it way across your lips. You have a feeling this is going to be the best four weeks of your life. ——— Four weeks fly by. They have been the most blissful weeks of your life. You absolutely love Ireland in all of its entirety. Domhnall is the best tour guide you ever could have asked for. You glance at him as he drives you to breakfast on the last full day that you're here in Ireland. For the past few days he has been oddly quiet and sad. You know the exact feeling because you're feeling it too. You have fallen in love with Domhnall. You know you shouldn't have, but you couldn't help it. He is so easy to love. He's gentle and kind. He's protective, sweet, and compassionate. You inwardly sigh, your heart melting. You don't know how you can leave him tomorrow morning. Neither Domhnall or you have told each other how you feel, but it's pretty obvious. Domhnall catches you looking at him and he smiles sadly at you. "I have a surprise for you, Y/N." "You do?" He nods. "We're not going to that breakfast place I have been telling you about. There's actually no such place. I kind of made it up." “What?" You laugh. “I'm taking you somewhere special. It's kind of my secret spot I like to go to.” “Oh." You breathe, your heart puddling at your feet. You swallow. "Well thank you for sharing it with me." You whisper. He reaches over and grasps your hand, squeezing it tight. Are those tears in his eyes? You try to get a better look but he averts his face. You frown sadly. Domhnall drives away from then and then a few miles into the countryside. You both get out of the car and he holds your hand. “Follow me." He whispers, leading you to the top of a large hill. It overlooks the city. It's so beautiful that you gasp softly. “Oh wow." You whisper. “Do you like it?" “I love it. It's beautiful." He gently tugs your hand and you look at him. He nods to a small picnic. "I got some friends to help set it up. I thought we could look over the city and enjoy our last breakfast together." He chokes out. Tears pool in your eyes at his words and you rapidly blink them away. You give him a shaky smile. "Thank you." You whisper. ——— Domhnall and you sit in a companionable silence while staring at the city. Your heart is beyond heavy. You try not to think about leaving tomorrow but it's at the forefront of your mind. “I love you, Y/N." Domhnall states out the blue. You turn your head quickly and look at him. He's staring at you, tears in his eyes. “What did you say?" You whisper, making sure you heard him correctly. He moves closer to you. "I love you so much. I've fallen head-over-heels in love with you, I don't know what to do with myself." He whispers. “I love you too, Domhnall." You whisper, your voice cracking. “I don't want you to leave tomorrow." “I don't want to leave." You admit. He grabs your hands. "Then don't. Stay here with me. You love it here, I know you do. We can make a beautiful, happy life together." He insists. You look at him miserably. "Domhnall, it's not that easy. I have a life back home. I have family back home. It's not like I can just pack up and move to a different country." “Y/N, please. You can't leave and expect me to forget about you–to forget about the last four weeks together." He pleads. “I'm not expecting you to, Domhnall. I don't want you to." You cry. “Then please, marry me and stay here." He says desperately, cupping your face. You stare at him. "I can't." You say softly as much as it breaks your heart. "Why not?!" He asks, starting to get a little mad. You stand up. "Because! There are a million reasons why we can't be together!" He stands up and leans near you. His eyes flick to your lips and you swallow. You want to kiss him so bad. "And there are a million reasons why we can be together." He insists, wrapping an arm around your hip and pulling you against him. He leans his head down. “Domhnall, please...” You whisper before he kisses you soundly. You sigh deeply and put your hands on his chest, kissing him back. He wraps his other arm around you and deepens the kiss. A long minute goes by and then he rests his forehead against yours, breathless. “Please stay." He whispers. “I beg of you. We would make it work, I promise. We could go back to your home as often as you'd like. You could find a job here. Everything you need would be right here." “I have-I have a proposal." You whisper. “I already made one of marriage." He winks. You laugh and blush. "I know, but this is different." You say. "We've only known each other for four weeks. I know I love you, Domhnall. I would do anything for you. But I just don't want to uproot my life back home, move here, and then we break up. I want to date you to know that you're the one for me. I will stay here once we've dated for a bit, and you and I both know that we're going to marry each other." Domhnall is silent for a minute and then he nods. "That sounds reasonable enough. We can call, text, and Skype each other. We can visit each other too. Next time, I'll be the tourist and you'll be the tour guide." “Deal." You smile. He cups your face and caresses your cheekbones with his thumbs. "Deal." He whispers. “I love you." You whisper, kissing him. “I love you." He returns, kissing your forehead and then pulling you back into his arms. You wrap your arms around him and rest your head against his chest, listening to his heart and knowing that it beats for you. [THE END] I hope you liked it!