IMAGINE: Continuously running into Sebastian

You’re in Target shopping for groceries for dinner tonight. You throw some things into your cart and walk forward. You push the cart out of the aisle and accidentally run into a man’s cart as he walks past the aisle. The carts clash loudly. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” You gasp in horror. “I-I-I didn’t see you around the corner.” You stammer, blushing embarrassedly. The man looks up at you and your stomach drops. He’s so handsome and he looks so familiar. He smiles. “No worries! I always had a feeling that was going to happen to me one day. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have been so close to the aisle.” “No, no, it’s not your fault.” “Well then let’s call it an accident and leave it at that.” “Okay, that works me.” You laugh softly. He stares at you, a smile plastered on his face. “Well, happy shopping.” You grin, pulling your cart away from his. “It’s Target—it’s always happy shopping.” The man states, going down the aisle you were just in. “And addictive.” You add, grinning. You hear the man laughing. ——— You’re in the Target parking lot putting your bags of groceries into your trunk. After you put the last one in, you straighten and back up before shutting your trunk. You look at the car next to yours and see the man you crashed your cart into earlier putting his groceries into his trunk. “Well, hello again.” He looks up at you and immediately smiles. “Hi.” He replies as he shuts his trunk. “Can I take your cart back to the corral?” He offers, reaching for your cart. “Oh, thank you.” You say in surprise. “You’re welcome.” He smiles. He takes your cart to the cart corral in the aisle next to yours. He comes back a half a minute later. “Well, it was nice meeting you...” You trail off. “Sebastian. And you are?” “Y/N.” “Well, it was nice meeting you too, Y/N. Sorry about that cart incident too.” You laugh. “Don’t worry about it. It was just an accident, remember?” You wink. He smiles. “How could I forget?” ——— You drop all of your groceries inside your apartment and then go back down the steps to go grab your mail out of the apartment’s mail boxes. You unlock your box and pull out your stack of mail. You close the box and lock it back up just as someone walks into the apartment’s hall. You look and your eyes widen in surprise. “Are you following me?” You ask Sebastian as he stops and stares at you, his jaw dropped. “No, I live here.” “You live here? In my apartment?” “Well technically it’s not your apartment. Multiple people live here, so it’s our apartment.” You squint at him. “What floor are you on?” The second. Room 203.” “No way! You lie!” You exclaim. “No. I’m serious. Why? What’s your room?” “201. We live right next to each other.” “Wow, okay, this is weird.” Sebastian breathes. “Um, yeah, this is really weird.” You confirm. “Can I help you bring your groceries up?” “If it’s not too much trouble, sure.” He smiles. You take some of his groceries and walk up the stairs. “So how long have you lived here for?” You ask. “About six months. You?” “Seven.” You smile. He laughs softly. “This is getting weirder by the minute.” ——— You don’t see Sebastian for the rest of the week. On Sunday morning you get up early to go for a run. You pull on your shoes and lace them up. You open up your door just as Sebastian opens up his, also dressed in running clothes. You close your door and lean against it, a hand on your hip. “Are you seriously following me? Do you have like peepholes in my room or something?” You ask. Sebastian starts laughing and walks over to you. “No! I swear! I like running.” He grins. “ “Would you like to go running with me?” “Sure, I’d love to!” ——— Sebastian and you get back an hour later. He stops at your door. “So...” He says. “So...” You echo. “Would you like to go out tonight?” “What?” You laugh in surprise. “I want to go out with you. Come on, Y/N, it’s like we’re destined for each other. We meet up randomly and now we’re connected in super weird ways. It has to be because we’re meant for each other.” You smile and nod. “Okay. If we were meant to find each other, then so be it. Who am I to mess with destiny?” Sebastian grins at you. “Are you free tonight?” “I am.” “Can we order pizza and have a night in?” You nudge his elbow. “I’m good with that. I’ll see you then.” You smile. He laughs. “See you then.” [THE END] I hope you liked it!