IMAGINE: Getting put into the Maze with Newt

You wake up with a gasp, your eyes flying open. It's completely dark. "Hello?" You ask. A groan is the only answer. "Who's there?" You ask, your voice shaking. You don't remember anything. Your mind is like an empty pot. Panic starts to set in. Were you in an accident? Do you have amnesia? You can't even remember your name. You fumble around in the darkness. You feel crates and boxes. “Ugh...what's going on?" You hear a voice asks groggily. It's a man and he sounds young. Perhaps your age. And his voice has a cute accent. You still. It sounds familiar. Out of anything—you're nearly sure you know this voice. "Who's there?" You demand. “Where am I? What's going on?" The man replies. “I don't know. I just woke up. I don't remember anything." You walk forward and nearly trip on the man. "Whoa!" You gasp, your hands flying out to brace yourself against a crate. "Sorry." The man grasps your leg and then immediately pulls away. "Sorry. I can't see anything in this blasted darkness." He murmurs. He stands up next to you. "What's your name?" “I don't know. I don't remember." You whisper. He's silent for a moment. "Neither do I." He breathes slowly. "Your voice sounds familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" “I don't know. I'd have to see your face to be sure." He admits. Suddenly you hear a loud screech and the top of the containment opens up. Bright sunlight streams through and you squint, trying to adjust your eyes to the sudden burst of light. Little by little you see people appear above you. All men. Young men, really. They're around your age. “Two of them. They've brought two of them this time. And one's a girl." You hear one of them say in surprise. You look at the man who's in the containment with you. Your jaw drops slightly and your eyebrows furrow. He's staring at you in surprise. "I know you." You both whisper to each other. “I know I know you. I don't know your name but I've seen your face before. I remember seeing your face." You choke out. “And yours. I was dreaming about you. In the containment, I was dreaming about you. And then I woke up." He whispers. “All right you two, enough of the chitchat. Let's go." A dark skinned man frowns, reaching his hand down to help you up. ——— "And here will be your sleeping quarters." Alby, the dark skinned man and leader of the Gladers, finishes, as he completes your tour of the Glade. You've only been in the Glade for a few hours and already your mind is bursting with so much information. All these guys, and now you and your companion, are stuck in this Maze with no way to escape as of yet. It makes you sick to think that you'll be living the rest of your life here. Alby turns to your companion and you. "When you remember your names, let us now. Right now, girl, we'll just call you Girl. It's easy enough considering you're the only female here." He looks at your companion. "We'll call you Blondie for the time being." Blondie's face scrunches up into a grimace. "Really? Blondie?" He groans. Alby shrugs. "I don't know. We don't know anything about you. Except that you have blonde hair." He looks around the Glade and then back to Blondie and you. "I'll leave you two to it then. Talk. Soak in what you've learned." He walks off, leaving Blondie and you alone. You look at Blondie. "Do you think we died?" You ask suddenly. He looks at you in surprise. "What?" LI mean, think about it. We end up in this...maze. There's no way to escape. There's nothing. We're off the grid. What if-what if we died and this is our hell? Because it's for sure not heaven. And maybe that's why I don't remember. That's part of the torture. I know you. I-I don't remember where I know you from, but I know you. Your name is on the tip of my tongue. It's killing me because I can't place my finger on it. On you. We were friends. Good friends..." You trail off and blush. Blondie looks away but not before you see a flush creep into his face. You can remember that you were way more than friends with him. Obviously he remembers it too. “Maybe we're not dead. Maybe we were drugged in our sleep and taken from our homes. This might be some test of some kind." He throws in. You put your hands on your head and sigh deeply, turning around in a circle and looking at the Glade. You groan. “But this doesn't make sense. At least if we were dead, that would provide some closure, no matter how awful. If what you say is a possibility, the questions are endless." "If what you say is true, that we really are dead, then this place is endless." Blondie says quietly. You look at him as he drags his eyes up to meet yours. “That doesn't make me feel any better." You frown. He smiles and gently nudges your elbow with his. "If it helps, me neither." ——— That night it takes you hours to fall asleep. When sleep finally does come, it's blessededly deep. You feel like you've been sleeping only for a few minutes when someone shakes you awake. Your eyes fly open and you sit up. It's Blondie. “What are you doing?" You whisper harshly. You look around. All the other Gladers are sleeping. “I remember." Blondie whispers. Your eyebrows furrow. "Remember what?" “My name. And yours. I was dreaming about it. About you. In the life we can't remember." Your stomach drops and you absentmindely clutch his hand. "What are our names?" You whisper, looking past his head. “Newt. And you're Y/N." He answers. Tears burn in your eyes as realization dawns on you. It's like a veil is lifted from your eyes. You nod, too choked up to say anything. “You remember?" Newt asks, gently cupping your face and turning it so you're looking at him. “I remember our names. I remember..." You stop and entwine your fingers with his. "What we were together. Our relationship. Our feelings for each other." You whisper. You look up at Newt. He's smiling and tears are shining in his eyes. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you tightly. "I'm starting to think we're not dead." You whisper. Newt laughs softly and you sigh happily. "Yeah, I don't think love and happiness are allowed in hell." He states, stroking your hair. You smile. "Yeah, I don't think so either." Your smile fades. "Why is this happening to us? Why can't we remember anything about our life except each other?" “I don't know, Y/N. I don't know." Newt sighs. ——— Newt and you have been in the Glade for a couple of weeks. You've both been getting into the groove of how things work. The Gladers have taken a particular interest in you, considering that you're the only female. It makes you self conscious in everything you do. Newt has been watching over you, protecting you when he needs to. You're eating dinner one night. You're not really hungry so you just pick at your leafy vegetables. You're at a table with a couple of the other Gladers. You don't know where Newt is and you find yourself looking around for him. You just feel better when he's around. “So...Y/N, what are you doing tonight?" Ralph, one of the Gladers who has been way too interested in you, asks curiously, a flirtatious smile on his face. You feel sick to your stomach. “Um, sleeping." You frown. He leans forward towards you. "Are you sure about that? We-we could do something together." He smirks. Anger sparks to life and you clench your jaw, your fingers tightening around your fork. "We could get away from all of the other Gladers. You wouldn't have that Newt guy following you around like a lost puppy. We could...enjoy each other." He purrs. You narrow your eyes. "You say something like that again, Ralph, and this fork is going in your eye." You threaten. At first he's taken aback and then he starts laughing as if you're joking. "Oh come on, you wouldn't hurt me. You know you like me." Ralph chuckles. Suddenly you feel a hand on your tense shoulder. You glance up and see Newt, who's glaring at Ralph. “You better believe her, Ralph." He states. “Or what? What are you going to do about it?" Ralph snorts. “Grab another fork and help her." Newt says, dead serious. You feel a smile crawling on your lips at the look on Ralph's pale face. He clears his throat. “All right, all right, guys, break it off." Alby says, playing mediator. "Come on, Y/N, let's go." Newt says, reaching for your hand. You gladly take it and follow him away from the table. Newt and you walk through the Glade, hand in hand. "Thanks for covering my back back there. And all of the other times." You say to him. He smiles at you. "You've been handling it by yourself just fine." “Yeah, but it doesn't seem to deter the Gladers. It only entices them because they think I'm feisty and apparently guys like that." You roll your eyes. Newt laughs softly. You both sit on a felled log. You look up at the darkening sky. “I miss home." You sigh suddenly, your heart panging you. Newt looks at you sadly. Tears pool in your eyes and you look down, embarrassed. "I guess it's stupid to miss something I don't even remember." You laugh softly. “No, it's not." Newt says gently, squeezing your hand. You look up at him. "I miss it too, Y/N. I miss my family–the one I don't even remember." He replies. You rest your head on his shoulder. “We need to get our memories back ASAP." “At least we have memories of each other." He offers, smiling down at you. "That does makes it easier." He wraps his arms around you. "No matter what comes our way, I'll always protect you, Y/N, and we'll always be together. We'll always be a team. If Ralph is hitting on you, or any other of the Gladers won't leave you alone, we'll kick their sorry behinds together. Or stab their eyes with forks. Whatever you feel like doing." You laugh. "I like the sound of that." You murmur. He looks down at you and kisses you soundly. "I love you, Y/N." He says for the first time that you can remember. You wrap your arms around him. "I love you, Newt." You whisper. [THE END] I hope you liked it!