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IMAGINE: Nathaniel asking you out

     You sit on the edge of your seat, your legs shaking. Your sweaty hands are clutched in front of you. You feel sick to your stomach. You have passed a few auditions for the role of Adina Kane on the Vampire Diaries. Adina Kane is Kol Mikaelson's new love interest. Today you are doing a chemistry test with Nathaniel Buzolic who plays Kol Mikaelson. You're beyond nervous. You know that if you have great chemistry with Nathaniel, you will most likely get the role of Adina Kane. And if you don't have great chemistry with Nathaniel, you're right back to where you started—working your side job while applying for acting jobs and binge watching Netflix. This could be your big break and everything depends on how well Nathaniel and you interact. You take a deep breath to calm your nerves and shakily release it. A door opens and a women in her 40s pokes her out head. Her eyes land on you and she squints at you. "Miss L/N?" She asks, glancing at her clipboard. You stand up and wipe your hands on your pants. "Yes, that's me." “Will you follow me, please?" She beckons, opening up the door even wider. You follow her into the room and then she leads the way down a series of hallways. "I will introduce Nathaniel and you, and then we will let you talk and get to know each other." The woman explains. You swallow and clear your throat. "Okay." You nod. You both stop at a closed door. She knocks gently and then opens it. You follow her in, nervous butterflies starting a war in your stomach. Your eyes immediately go to Nathaniel who’s casually lounging in a chair. He stares at you, surprise rippling across his face. “Nathaniel, meet Y/N. Y/N, meet Nathaniel." The woman introduces. Nathaniel stands up and walks over to you. He smiles widely and your stomach flops. Great, just what you need. Acting with a cute guy who's supposed to be your love interest. “Hey, Y/N, it's so nice to meet you." He says, holding his hand out. You shake it, some of your nerves fading away. "It's so nice to meet you too." “All right, you two, I'll be back in about ten to fifteen minutes. Get to know each other while I'm gone." The woman says before leaving the room. You stand there awkwardly for a second. “Oh, would you like to sit down?" Nathaniel asks, gesturing to a chair. "Yes, thank you." You reply, claiming a seat. He sits across from you. “So you nervous?" You stare at him and nod slowly. "First time ever doing this before. I thought I was going to be sick as I was driving here." You laugh softly. "There's nothing to be nervous about. Just be yourself. If it's meant to work out, it'll work out." He smiles at you. “Thank you. That's what I keep telling myself.” You smile back. "I'm just going to be honest and say I really want this part." You add, laughing. Nathaniel laughs, a beautiful sound you realize. "I don't blame you. You're working with me after all." He says jokingly. You start laughing, surprised but feeling totally at ease now. "How long have you been on that not-so-little high horse of yours?" You wink. Nathaniel grins at you and crosses his arms. "Just recently actually. I started reading fanfictions about me and now I'm actually starting to believe what people write about me." Your eyes widen. "Tell me you didn't start reading fanfiction about yourself." You gasp in horror. “I haven't but from the look on your face, I totally should." He smirks. “Only if you want to scar your brain forever." You snicker. “Oh, come on, they can't all be that bad." “No, no, there are some pretty good ones. But...every once in a while you come across some that make you blush." You admit, giving him a knowing look. He laughs softly. "I'll take your advice and stay off of fanfiction websites." “You do that and you'll be set for life." You smile.       "So the Vampire Diaries. How long have you been watching the show for?" Nathaniel asks curiously. You look down quickly, flushing. You pick at a snag on your pants. "Um." “You have actually seen the Vampire Diaries, haven't you?" You lift your head. "Yes, of course! I just...I have to catch up. Life's been a little busy at the moment and I have to still watch the latest seasons on Netflix." “So if you get the part of Adina Kane, you'll basically be spoiling the show for yourself." He grins. “Pretty much." You laugh, running a hand through your hair. "I promise the next time we see each other, I will have finished watching it." You vow. He leans back in his chair, staring at you. "You're so sure we'll see each other again?" He asks seriously. Your eyes go wide. You thought this chemistry test was going really good, but apparently it isn't. "Uh...." You breathe. Nathaniel grins and lightly punches your arm. “I'm kidding, of course we'll see each other again. You're totally going to get the part." He laughs. You laugh with relief. "I was panicking there for a minute. I thought this chemistry test was going good and then when you said that, I was horrified." “This has to be one of the best chemistry test I've ever been to." “Really?" You smile. “It's not every day I get to do a chemistry test with a beautiful woman like yourself." You give him a look, despite the blush creeping into your face and the pounding of your heart. "Don't lie, Nathaniel. It's not becoming of you." “I like you, Y/N. You're funny." He starts laughing, shaking his head and gazing at you. You blush harder just as the door opens. The woman returns and looks between Nathaniel and you. "I take it the chemistry test went good?" She asks. Nathaniel looks at you, a smile creeping onto his face. "I think it went perfect." He replies softly. You duck your head, smiling. ———      The woman leads you back out into the front of the building. "We'll talk it over a little more and then we'll give you a call. Things are looking pretty good though. Everyone really likes you—especially Nathaniel. I would be surprised and disappointed if they turned your application down." “Oh, great! Well thank you so much!" You exclaim. “I take it you can find your way back to your car." You nod and shake her hand. "Thank you again." You reply, before walking out. You left Nathaniel in the room. He had assured he'd see you again if he had anything to do with it. You hope it's true. You really like him and acting with him would be even better. You're walking to your car when you hear someone calling your name. You turn around and see Nathaniel running towards you. He stops to let a car pass and then he hurries over to you. Your eyebrows furrow. "What's wrong?" “I was just wondering...if you're free tonight, maybe you'd like to read fanfictions tonight.” He pants out, grinning. You laugh. “I-I would love to." “Let me give you my number and I'll text you my address." He replies, pulling out his phone. You exchange numbers and then put your phone back in your pocket. He grins at you. "So I'll see you tonight?" He asks wistfully. “I'll see you then." You reply softly. You start backing up to your car and keep glancing at Nathaniel. He is standing there so cutely, a smile on his face. You laugh softly. "Bye." You wave lightly. He waves, a smile plastered on his face [THE END] I hope you liked it! 



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