IMAGINE: Fighting Indiana while he’s in a trance

"No! Stop!" You scream as Mola Ram whips Indiana Jones, your boyfriend. Tears stream down your cheeks as you watch, helpless. Two Thugee foot-soldiers hold you, keeping you in place. "That's enough! Stop whipping him!" You cry. Mola Ram stops and looks at you. Indiana pants and winces in pain. "That's not the worst of what's to come." Mola Ram says. He snaps and three soldiers come and surround Indiana. One of them is carrying a grotesque skull. “What are you doing?!" You exclaim. "Hold him steady." Mola commands, ignoring you. The soldiers grip Indiana’s head, holding his jaw open and covering his eyes. Indiana struggles against them. “Stop resisting or we'll murder your girlfriend." Mola hisses as he grabs the skull from one of his soldiers. Indiana stops immediately. "This is the Blood of Kali. It'll make you do whatever I want." Mola continues. “No!" You scream. Indiana starts to protest as much as he can, trying to shy away from Mola. Mola laughs as he forces Indiana to drink the poison. “No, no, no! I will kill you! I will kill you!" You shout at him angrily. He looks at you, an evil smile on his face. "No, it's more like he is going to kill you." He says, pointing between Indiana and you. He turns to his men. “Release her. Let's leave these two alone. They need some privacy in their final moments together." He looks at Indiana, who's laying on the floor, his eyes wide. "Kill her." He commands, throwing a sword on the ground. His men release you and they all walk out together. You cautiously stand on your feet. Indiana stands up as well. He doesn't look like himself. "Indiana." You say. He turns and looks at you. You reach a hand out. "It's okay. It's me. It's Y/N." You say soothingly. In one quick move, Indiana swoops up the sword and rushes for you, letting out a yell. You quickly roll out of the way, panic setting in. You have no weapons. You don't have anything. There's no escape. “Snap out of it, Indiana!" You scream as he lunges for you. He takes you to the ground and lands a punch to your jaw. You gasp, pain bursting throughout your face. He grabs his sword and prepares to run it through your chest. You cry out in panic and grasp around the ground. You grasp a handful of sand in your hands and throw it into Indiana's face. He cries out in pain, dropping the sword to the side and clutching his eyes. You grab the sword and jump to your feet, breathing hard. “Indiana, don't make me hurt you anymore than I have to." You beg. He looks up at you through squinty, watery eyes. He stands to his feet and wipes his eyes. He runs for you, growling. Without a second thought, you slice his upper arm with the sword. He cries out and stumbles backwards, clutching his bleeding arm. He lands on his back, breathing hard. “Y/N?" He pants, staring at you. Your eyebrows furrow. "Indiana?" You ask softly, unsure if this is some trick. “It' It's me. I promise." He whispers, sitting up. “How can I be sure?" "Because I love you and I'd never, ever hurt you if I was in my right mind. And a few seconds ago, I wasn't in my right mind. I was possessed by the blood of Kali." He breathes. You step towards him, your heart beat slowing. You kneel beside him and stare into his eyes. "It's you." You whisper. He smiles and nods. "It's me." You smile with relief. "Oh, thank goodness." You breathe. You look at his arm. "Oh, man, I cut you. I hurt you." You state in horror. You rip the bottom piece of your shirt off before Indiana can protest. You grimace at the blood flowing down his arm. "I'm so sorry." You say, wrapping his arm. “Don't apologize, Y/N. I was trying to kill you. You were just protecting yourself." “I know, but I'm still sorry." After you're done wrapping his arm, you help him to his feet. "Are you okay?" You ask worriedly, watching him as he painfully walks. “I'm okay." He grimaces. You wrap your arm around his hip, being carefully not to touch the whip induced wounds on his back. Indiana looks at you. "We've still got a long way to go, you know." You nod. "I'm with you. Every step of the way." You whisper. He smiles slightly and kisses you softly. "Come on." He murmurs, starting to slowly walk. You follow him, one arm around him and one hand clutching the sword. [THE END] I hope you liked it!