IMAGINE: You, Chris Evans’s daughter, having a crush on Tom

"Hey, kid, where are you going?" Chris Evans, your dad, asks, looking up from the first Avengers script he's reading. You stop in the trailer and look at him. "Oh, I'm going to go watch the filming. Today they're shooting the scene where Black Widow visits Loki in the holding cell on the helicarrier. It’s going to be amazing!” Chris laughs and shakes his head. "Look at you, my little nerd." "I take after my father." You wink. "All right, you have fun. Be safe." You go to him and kiss his cheek. "Thanks, dad. I love you." You say. “I love you too." You leave the trailer and start the trek to the warehouse. Your mom and dad had you when they were both 17. Both sides of your grandparents were so angry at Chris and your mom that they separated them. You lived with your mom, and your grandparents made sure you rarely saw your dad. One and a half years after you were born, your mom was killed in a car accident. Chris and your maternal grandparents fought in court over who had the right to raise you. Chris, being your dad, won. ——— You get into the warehouse and walk to the set. Tom, who's talking with someone, spots you, and grins and waves. You stop and weakly smile back, your heart pounding. You have the biggest crush on Tom. He treats you like an actual person than just some pesky kid who hangs around set. He excuses himself from the person he's talking to and rushes over to you, in full Loki-garb. “Hey, Y/N!" “Hi, Tom." You blush. You come to watch filming today?" He asks. You nod. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and starts walking with you. Your mouth goes dry and your heart feels like it's about to pull out of your chest. “So, rumor has it, you're going to be acting in some scenes." Tom states. You nod excitedly. "Yep! As an extra. My first acting gig." You say proudly. “And you'll be wonderful at it. I know it." He smiles encouragingly. "You picked a good day to come to set, Y/N. This is going to be quite an interesting scene." “Which is why I wanted to come. Dad let me read the script and I've already mentally chosen the scenes I want to watch." You grin. Tom laughs. "Do most of the scenes involve your father?" You falter slightly. Most of the scenes involve Tom, but you'd never tell him that. "Yeah, some of them." You reply vaguely. “Well I hope I'll have the honor of you watching me act." He stops at a chair. "Here–this is practically a front row seat." He gestures to the snack table. "And there'll definitely be some yummy treats over there. You can help yourself if you'd like." You smile up at him. "Thanks, Tom." You sigh happily. He smiles back at you. "You're very welcome, Y/N. I feel like when your father isn't on set, I need to take care of you." He admits. “We can't have a little kid wandering around set." He laughs. That shoots like a barb to your heart. You wince. "I'm not-I'm not a little kid." You mumble. “No, no, I suppose not little, but you’re still really young.” He chuckles. Your heart sinks. So much for Tom thinking of you as an actual person and not just some kid. “Tom, we need you on set!" Someone calls. Tom smiles at you. "Well, I have to go, Y/N.” He leaves you standing there, your heart hurting. You're not in the mood to watch him anymore. You tear out of the warehouse, your eyes pooling with tears. You walk through the rows and rows of trailers, trying to walk off the angst. Sometimes you hate being young. It really stinks. You like someone and they're way too old for you. You groan. You find a spot of grass with a tree and walk to it. You sink to the ground, your back against the tree trunk, and pull your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them. It's quiet and calming. “Well, Y/N, what are you doing here?" A voice says. You turn your head in surprise. Samuel L. Jackson. "Hey, Mr. Jackson." You sigh. He walks over to you and sits down next to you. "I told you to call me Samuel, remember?" He says. You smile and nod. "Why do you look so sad?" He asks, nudging your shoulder. "Nothing, it doesn't matter." You shake your head. “Whenever anyone says it doesn't matter, most of the time it does matter. So, Y/N, if it matters to you, it matters to me." You smile at Samuel. "When you were younger, did you ever wish that you'd already be grown up?" "Yep, all the time." "And what did you do about it?" You raise your eyebrows. “There wasn't much I could do." He laughs. He turns to face you. "Y/N, a lot of times when we're younger, we wish that we're older. We spend so much of our time wishing we are older. But then once we're actually older, we wish we were younger. We look back on all of the years we wasted and we regret it. We wish we were young again." “Really? But being an adult is, like,...amazing." Samuel laughs again. "Being an adult has its moments, but it's definitely not like being young. What has you in this mood anyways? What did your dad not let you do?" "Nothing, he didn't do anything. It's me. Me and my stupid feelings." You grumble. Samuel puts a hand on your arm. "Y/N, don't call your feelings stupid." He says sternly. "They're not stupid, okay? Your feelings make you you. They're not stupid." You nod. "Okay, okay." You sigh. “I don't what happened, Y/N, but I just want to let you know that you are special. You were created to be the exact person that you are. You are loved. You are beyond precious. Don't ever change, okay? Just because you may be young, you can and will do so much right now, right here in the present." Samuel says softly. You smile at him. "Thanks, Samuel. You made me feel a lot better." He hugs you tightly. "Come on, let's go get ice cream or something." “Okay." You laugh. “Maybe we can find some other Avengers who aren't filming." “Yeah, like my dad and Chris Hemsworth!" Samuel and you both stand up. "Tom and Scarlett are going to be jealous." He sing-songs. You grin and shrug. "Who cares?" [THE END] I hope you liked it!