IMAGINE: Jack meeting Hook

"Are you sure this is such a good idea, Y/N?" Killian asks unsurely as you lead him down the dock. “Of course it is, Killian. My brother has to meet you one day. It's better sooner than later." “I've heard of your brother Jack. He's famous among these seas." You look at him and roll your eyes. "And so is Captain Hook. You have nothing to worry about. He'll love you." Killian sighs. "If you say so, love." You kiss him softly. "I say so." You whisper. Killian and you are in love. You're taking him to meet your older brother, Captain Jack Sparrow, for the first time. While you don't want to admit it to Killian, you're beyond scared. You're not really sure how Jack is going to react. He's always been overprotective of you. Perhaps a little too overprotective. You stand before the Black Pearl. Killian is sizing it up, his eyes narrowed. "Not much compared to the Jolly Roger, huh?" You smile, nudging him with your hip. “It's something all right." He answers. “Come on, Jack's probably waiting for us." You nod to the ship. Killian and you board the Black Pearl. The crew all starts talking at once at the sight of you. “Oh, it's been so long!" “Look at the size of you! What happened to that little gangly thing we used to know?" “Y/N!" You laugh as they all surround you, everyone talking at once. "It's so good to see all of you! It's been too long!" You exclaim. The voices quiet down when they start to notice Killian awkwardly standing off to the side. "Who's this?" Joshamee Gibbs asks. You clear your throat. "Uh, everyone, this-this is Killian Jones. He's more properly known among these seas as Captain Hook." “And what's he doin' here?" Joshamee asks. “We're here to see Jack." "Why?" You take a deep breath. "Because Killian is my beau and I want to introduce him to Jack." You reply. Everyone looks at each other, wordless. "What?" You say, narrowing your eyes. "We better let Jack handle this one." Joshamee breathes. "Follow me. He's below deck—” "Drinking." You finish for him. Joshamee nods. "At least that'll soften the news." You mutter under your breath. Killian and you walk below deck, hand in hand. "Why did I feel like they were going to string me up in the crow's nest?" He whispers in your ear. You smile. "They're just being cautious. I'm pretty much like their little sister. They've always watched over me." “Ah, well that's sweet." He smiles at you. “Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum..." You hear someone drunkenly singing. Killian looks at you. "The man likes his rum?" “Likes is putting it lightly." “I like him already." He grins. You laugh softly. "You men. You're all the same." You shake your head, leading him to your brother. Jack is sitting on a crate, one knee propped up, nursing a nearly empty bottle of rum. You clear your throat and he looks up at you. “Y/N?" He asks as if he can't believe his eyes. “It's been a long time." You say. He moves off of the crate and goes straight to Killian. He keeps blinking, trying to get Killian's face to come into focus. "You've changed, Y/N. You don't like yourself. What's happened?" Jack asks Killian. Concern laces his tone. Killian looks at you for help and you stifle a laugh. You grab Jack's shoulders and turn him towards you. "No, wrong person. I'm over here." “Oh, there were we are!" He exclaims, grinning. You scrunch your nose up, his breath reeking of rum. “It's so good to see you, Y/N." He hugs you. You hug him back. "It's so good to see you too, Jack." You smile. "Haven't quit your drinking ways, have we?" “What fun would giving up drinking be?" He asks. You sigh and look at Killian. He's grinning. Clearly he agrees with Jack. "Wait, wait, wait." Jack says suddenly, holding up his hand. "If you're you...if you're here, then who was I just looking at?" “You go to Killian and grab his arm, smiling. "Jack, this is Killian Jones. You may know him as Hook." "Captain Hook." Killian corrects. You nod up at him. "Right, Captain Hook." Jack stares at Killian. "What is he doing on my ship?" “Jack, Killian is my beau. We're in love." Jack looks between Killian and you. "No." He shakes his head. Killian and you glance at each other. "No?" Killian asks. “No, no, I won't have it. I won't have my little sister marrying a pirate." Jack spits. “She's a pirate!" Killian exclaims. "That's completely irrelevant." Jack slurs. “How is that completely irrelevant? We're both pirates. What's the problem?" You say. “Pirates can't be trusted. And he...” Jack points to Killian and glares at him, "is a pirate." “Jack, I'm a pirate!" You sputter. Jack walks up to Killian, looking up at him. "I don't like you, Hook." Killian looks at you and then back to Jack. "Um, okay. I hope-I hope that can be changed, mate. For Y/N's sake." “It won't. Savvy?" Jack replies, before turning his back to Killian and walking away. He starts looking between the crates. "Where's the rum? Where's the rum?" He mumbles. You sigh and rub your forehead. "Jack, can we please talk about this?" “There's nothing to talk about, Y/N. If he's not off my ship in one minute, he walks the plank." Jack responds nonchalantly. “Jack, we're docked." You state. He straightens and looks at you. "Oh." He sighs with disappoint. "Well then we'll sail to some uninhabited island and drop him off there." Killian walks up to him. "I'll just find a couple of sea turtles." Jack swivels his head to stare at him in shock. "Have you tried it, mate? Sea turtles?" He asks incredulously. Killian throws a grin over his shoulder at you and then looks back at Jack. "Aye." He nods. You smile proudly at Killian. “Really. I thought I was only that clever." Jack muses. “Oh, I got the idea from you. I've heard about you and the sea turtles." “Aye?" Jack asks, eyebrows raised, sitting down on a crate. Killian sits down next to him. "Aye." He confirms. He pulls out a thing of rum from inside his jacket. "I've got some rum here." He states. Jack all but rips it from his grasp. You shake your head and come to the conclusion your brother has an alcohol problem. Jack stands up and goes to you. "I still don't trust him." He mutters, before taking a swig of rum. He walks off. “Well that went well." Killian says sarcastically. You sit down next to him. "He's softening–I can tell. The sea turtle bit is what did it. Smart thinking." Killian grins and throws his arm around your shoulders. "I have my moments." He smirks. “Aye, like all the time." You smile at him. He leans down. "Aye." He whispers against your lips before kissing you. [THE END] I hope you liked it!