IMAGINE: Killian and you being in love

You walk through the forest of Neverland with Hook. Emma, Mary Margaret, Regina, Neal, and David are in front of you, clearing the path. “So Neverland..." Hook starts. You look at him and smile. "A bit of a creepy place if you ask me. Some psycho freak teen kidnapping children is not my idea of a good time." Hook chuckles. "I'd agree with you there, lass." He replies, staring into your eyes. You smile and look away. You're David's twin sister. You met Hook when David asked you to come along to Neverland to save your sweet great-nephew, Henry. You and the rapscallion pirate hit it off immediately, much to David's chagrin. David steps off to the side and waits for Hook and you to pass. "Come along, Y/N." David grabs your arm and quickly pulls you along. “David, what are you doing?" You ask, trying not to trip. “I don't like you walking with Hook." He whispers lowly. “Why not?" “I don't trust him. He's flirty and dangerous. I don't want you near him, do you understand me? I don't even want you to talk to him." You rip your arm from his grasp angrily. Both of you stop walking. Emma, Neal, Regina, and Hook pass by, glancing at you. Mary Margaret stops. "Is everything all right?" She asks worriedly. “Yes, Mary Margaret, everything is fine." You grumble. “Snow, could you leave us alone for a little bit?" David asks. “Of course." She answers, her eyebrows drawn. She follows after the rest of the group. "David, you may be a few minutes older than me, but you cannot control me." You hiss once everyone is out of earshot. “I'm protecting you, not controlling you! Is it so bad that I want you to be safe?" David demands. “That's sweet, really it is. And I appreciate it. But, David, I'm old enough to take care of myself. I have been taking care of myself for a long time now. I grew up a lot during the Dark Curse. I was alone. I didn't have you or Snow. I was by myself. It's weird having people back in my life that care about me after 28 years of no one caring about me. It sometimes feels suffocating. So with you trying to protect me from Hook, you don't have to." David puts his hands on your shoulders and looks down at you. "Y/N, I know you can take of yourself, but I still feel obligated to protect you. And that's what I'm going to do. My gut is telling me Hook is shifty. I'm sticking with it." He says, determination setting his jaw. He quickly walks off to join the group. You stand there in the middle of the forest and sigh heavily, your shoulders dropping. “Are you serious?" You grumble. "You know, I think he is." A voice says from behind you. You whirl around. Pan. You gasp softly. He's sitting on a fallen tree, smirking at you. " took my nephew." You breathe, hatred coursing through you. "Actually I believe Greg and Tamara did that, although they were working for me." “You're going to pay for that." You hiss, before rushing for him. Pan's Lost Boys come out from the forest and surround you. You gasp in surprise, pulling up to a stop. “Oh, I don't believe so." Pan says, moving through his Lost Boys to stand in front of you. He smiles and nods at the Lost Boy behind you before your world goes dark. ——— "All right, we stop here for the night." Regina announces. Everyone stops in the grove of trees. “Where's Y/N?" Hook asks suddenly, looking around. David turns around, his eyebrows furrowing. "I thought she was following behind me." Hook steps towards him angrily. "Where is she, mate?" He asks tightly. "I don't know!" David exclaims. He sounds panicked. “What do you not understand about Neverland being dangerous?!" Hook shouts, shoving David. “Hey! Hey! Knock it off, you two!" Emma demands. “Y/N is missing and you two bickering isn't going to help anyone, much less Y/N." Regina adds. She crosses her arms and sighs. "When was the last time anyone saw Y/N?" “The last time I saw Y/N was when she and David were arguing." Hook answers, shooting a glare at David. "David, was that the last time you saw Y/N? After your talk?" Mary Margaret asks. David nods. "I walked ahead without her. I thought she was going to follow me." He answers miserably. "This is all because of you. If anything has happened to Y/N, it'll be your fault." Hook spits. “Can it, Guy-Liner. This is nobody's fault." Regina retorts. “We need to find Y/N quick. It's possible she got lost or..." Neal trails off. Everyone looks at each other. “Or Pan took her." Emma breathes in horror. ——— That night nobody rests. They're all out searching for you. Emma and Neal pair up; Mary Margaret and David are, of course, a team; and Regina and Hook go together. Regina keeps her distance from Hook, not wanting to be near him. “Y/N!" Hook calls, moving through the foliage. "Y/N, where are you?" He continues to do this for some time but there's no answer. “Ah, Hook. It's so nice to see you." Pan says. Hook whirls around and draws his sword. Pan is sitting up in a tree, smiling. “What did you do with Y/N?" Hook asks. “Automatically assuming her disappearance is my fault." Pan tsks, shaking his head. “Y/N is not one to get lost. I know that, everybody knows that. So it had to be you." Hook says. “So, I repeat my question: what did you do to Y/N?" Pan slides down the tree and lands gracefully on his feet. "Put that silly weapon away. If you injure me, you'll never find out where she is." He says. Hook glares at him. "I'll take you to Y/N but I'll have to blindfold you. I can't have you running back to your group telling them where you found Y/N." Pan says. Hook puts his sword back in his sheath and sighs deeply. "Just take me to her." He growls. Pan smiles. "Very well." Once Pan leads Hook to his camp, he takes off his blindfold. "Y/N!" Hook exclaims with relief, rushing to the cage you're in. “Hook!" You cry. You're in a small cage, your hands tied to the top of it. Your wrists are bloody from pulling at your bindings. Hook reaches through the bars and cups your face, breathing hard. “I'm so glad you're alive." He breathes. “I'm so glad you're here." You laugh, tears in your eyes. “Aww, isn't this adorable? What a sweet, little reunion." Pan says. The Lost Boys chuckle. Hook stands to his feet. "Get her out of here now." He commands. Pan tsks. "Hook, I'm disappointed. You didn't think it'd be that easy, would you?" “What do you want?" Hook grounds out. “I want you on my side. I have some things that need to be done and you're just the man for it. Swear you'll be on my side and I'll let Y/N go. I promise." Pan says. Hook looks between Pan and you, unsure of what to do. “Don't listen to this pig-faced brat, Hook! Don't listen to his lies!" You exclaim. “Shut up!" Pan shouts at you. “Make me." You taunt. Pan stomps towards you but Hook grabs him, stopping him. “Is what you say true? You'll really let her go?" Pan stops and looks at him. "Of course. On my honor." “You can't promise what you don't have!" You scream. Pan glares at you and then looks at Hook. "Please, you'll be doing me a favor in more ways than one. She's a mouthy one and it's quite annoying." He says. Hook smiles sadly at you. "Hook, please, no. Don't believe him. Don't agree to this. I'll find a way to escape. You know I will. Please." You beg. He bites his lip. "Please." You plead. “I'm sorry, Y/N." Hook starts. Your heart sinks. He's going to agree to Pan. "I'll go back and get help. We will help you escape." He tells you before dashing off into the forest. You sigh with relief. Pan steps forward and shakes his head. "Your boyfriend is a bigger fool than I thought he was." You smile at the direction of where Hook went. "Yeah, but he's my fool." You whisper to yourself. ——— A couple of hours later, Hook rejoins the group at the grove of trees. Everyone stands up at the sight of him. Regina steps forward angrily. "Where have you been? I thought Pan took you too!" She exclaims. “He took her. Pan has Y/N. He took me to her." “What?!" David asks. Hook explains everything. “Great. Now Pan has two of our family members." Emma sighs. “I should've taken Y/N's place, I know that." Hook says. “No, no. You can't trust a word Pan says. He lies about everything. He probably would have captured both of you. Then we'd have an even bigger problem." Neal says. “So what now?" Emma asks. “We go find Pan's camp. Hook knows where it is. He can lead us there.” Mary Margaret says. Regina shakes her head. "That's no good. Pan is way too clever to allow us to find his camp. He's probably already moved it." Hook sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He sits down. "So what can do?" Regina winces slightly. "We wait for Pan to move next." ——— A few days later the group is walking together, discussing the possible whereabouts of Henry and you, when Pan appears in front of them. "Well, well, well, look who it is." He says. "What did you do with Y/N?!" David shouts. Pan sombers immediately. "Actually I'm not the one who did it—she was." He answers. Everyone looks at each other. “What do you mean? What are you talking about?" Mary Margaret asks. "After we moved to our new location, the Lost Boys and I went to scout out the area. When we came back, we found Y/N...dead. She killed herself..." He says softly. Shock ripples through the group. “You lie." Hook hisses, tears burning in his eyes. Pan holds up his hands innocently. "I'm not lying. Look..." He fumbles through his pocket and pulls out a necklace that David had given you years ago in the Enchanted Forest. "She choked herself with this." He says. David steps forward and grabs it with a soft gasp. "Oh no." He whispers. "I didn't mean for things to go this way, I really didn't. Y/N pulled a card none us expected." Pan says. "So, alas, the game changes. Your move." He adds, before disappearing. David collapses to his knees. "No, no, no, no, no." He weeps. He clutches the necklace tightly. Mary Margaret puts her arm around David's shoulders, crying with him. Regina turns her back to the group, her hand clasped over her mouth. Emma stands there, pale, in total shock. Neal wraps his arms around her. Hook stumbles to a rock, feeling as if he can't breathe. He buries his face in his hands. "This is all my fault. If I would have taken her place, this never would've happened. Y/N never would have died." He whispers, his heart breaking. ——— *A couple of weeks later* The group has saved Henry successfully. They start the journey back to the Jolly Roger. Things aren't the same since everyone found out you died. Hook is like a brick wall, nothing fazing him or breaking past his hard façade. He feels numb. David is no better. He's even worse. While he was excited to save Henry, the light has fallen from his eyes. He's not the same person anymore. “Oh, Henry, I'm so happy you're back." Emma sighs happily, hugging him, as everyone walks through the forest, heading towards Hook's ship. "Me too, mom. It's good to be back." He frowns. "I just wish...I just wish it wasn't at the cost of Aunt Y/N's life..." He trails off. "I feel like it's my fault." “Henry, don't. The only person who is at fault is Pan, do you understand me? It's not your fault." Emma says. Henry nods sadly. Mary Margaret hangs back. “Hey, kid, why don't you go hang with your dad? I'm going to talk with Mary Margaret." Emma says. Henry nods and goes to Neal. “I don't know what to do." Mary Margaret whispers. “About David?" Emma asks. Mary Margaret nods. "He won't talk to me. It's like he's shut himself off from the world. It's breaking my heart." Emma looks at David who's ahead of them. She frowns. "I'll try talking to him." ——— They're all getting ready to board the Jolly Roger when they hear someone screaming, "Stop! Stop! Please wait for me!" Everyone turns around. You're running towards them, your hand outstretched. “It's Y/N!" Henry shrieks happily. David dashes off towards you. You both fly into each other's arms. “Oh, David." You sob, holding onto him tightly. He grasps you so tightly. "You were dead. Pan told us you killed yourself." He cries. “No, no. Pan told you that to get you off his tail for kidnapping me. There were too many things going on with you trying to find Henry and me, and then everything with Rumpelstiltskin. He was getting too distracted. He grabbed the necklace from me." “How did you escape?" David breathes in your hair. “A rogue Lost Boy. Before Pan left for Skull Island, he left a Lost Boy to watch over me. The Lost Boy happened to hate Pan so he freed me." David puts his hands on your shoulders and pulls back to look at you. His eyes are red and filled with tears. "Are you okay?" You nod. "Just happy to be back. I thought you were going to leave without me." “We were going to because we thought you were dead. We were so close to leaving you behind." He breathes. “Y/N, I'm so, so sorry for everything. I feel like this is all my fault." He whispers. You stare into his eyes. "David, this is not your fault, okay? It's not. It's Pan. It's all Pan." You insist. He sniffs and nods. He hugs you again. "I love you, sis." “I love you, David." David and you walk back to the group, his arm around your shoulders. He can't stop smiling and neither can everyone else. Everyone, save for Hook, crowds around you and hugs you. "Hey, kid." You say to Henry. “Aunt Y/N." He hugs you tightly. "It's good to have you back." “It's good to have you back." He replies. Mary Margaret goes to David and wraps her arms around him, smiling up at him. He kisses her, smiling. You look at Rumpelstiltskin. "Nice to see you again, Gold." You nod. “You as well, Y/N." He answers. The group starts to make their way on the Jolly Roger. You see Hook hanging back. You smile and make your way towards him. "Well, well, well, Mr. I'll-come-back-and-help-you escape. That really didn't work out, did it?" You smirk. A grin creeps onto Hook's face. "No, Ms. I'll-find-a-way-to-escape, it didn't." You laugh and he pulls you into his arms. "Oh, Y/N, I was so heartbroken. We all thought you had died." He whispers. “I thought I was a goner." You admit. He cups your face. "I promise nothing like this will ever happen to you again." “Don't make that promise, Killian. When you're in the family I'm in, stuff like this happens all of the time." You laugh softly. “Then I promise I will be with you on all of your adventures." He vows. "Deal." You smile. Somebody clears their throat. You both turn and look to see David. Hook's arms tighten around you. You swallow. "Here we go again." You mutter underneath your breath. "I see how much you two care for each other. While I may not be overly thrilled that you two are...together, I do give you my blessing on this relationship." David says. “Oh, David, thank you!" You say, hugging your brother. Hook smiles. "Thank you, mate." David steps forward, in all seriousness, and pokes Hook in the chest. "But if you dare hurt my sister or do anything to upset her, I swear I will kill you." He threatens. Your eyes widen. “Understood." Hook nods. “Good." David says, backing away before going onto the Jolly Roger. Hook wraps his arm around your waist. "He wasn't serious, was he?" “Yeah, he was dead serious." You answer. Hook gulps. "Now you know whose sister you're messing with." You chuckle. He smiles. "I like a challenge." He replies. You smirk up at him and gesture to the Jolly Roger. "Come on, we have to get back to Storybrooke." You say. Hook and you walk on board the Jolly Roger hand in hand, David's narrowed eyes watching Hook the whole time. [THE END] I hope you liked it!