IMAGINE: Newt comforting you

You’re walking down a long white hallway, your footsteps echoing. “Newt? Where are you? Newt?” You call softly for your best friend and crush. He appears at the end of the hall. You stop and sigh with relief. “Oh, good, you had me worried there for a second.” You laugh. Suddenly two figures appear beside him. WCKD. “Newt, look out!” You scream. He does nothing when they grab him. “Newt!” You scream. You move to run to him, but it’s like your feet are cemented into the ground. “What’s going on?! Why can’t I move?!” You shriek, trying to move your legs. It’s like your lower half is completely frozen. WCKD starts to drag Newt into a room and finally he snaps out of. He struggles against them. He looks at you. “Y/N, run! Run!” He screams. “I can’t!” You cry. They pull him into a room. “Newt!” You scream. “Run, Y/N!” You hear him. Then you hear a gunshot that echoes throughout the hall. “Newt.” You gasp in horror. You crumble to your knees and lean forward, your face in your hands. “Newt!” You sob. “No, please, please, please, Newt. No!” You scream loudly, tears streaming down your face. “Newt, no!” You scream, gilting yourself out of the nightmare. You sit up in your cot, breathing hard. That’s when you notice the other Gladers staring at you, all of them awake. Newt is closest to you, standing beside your cot, a sad, sympathetic look on his face. “Oh, no. Not again.” You breathe to yourself. This is the third night this week you’ve had nightmares and have woken up the Gladers because of them. “Yeah, but this time you were yelling my name.” Newt says softly. The memories of your nightmare come flooding back and you shiver, visibly shaken. “Do you want to talk about it?” Newt offers. You nod and swing your legs over the cot. “Yeah, but not here. I’ll only keep the Gladers up longer with my talking. We can walk just a little bit.” The Gladers take that appreciatively and go back to their cots. Newt and you walk to the garden and then sit down on a log. “So what happened?” He asks softly. He leans forward and puts his elbows on his knees. “What’s been happening, Y/N? You’ve had nightmares nearly every day this week. Three times you woke up the Gladers with your screaming. I’ve heard you whimpering and softly crying the other times. It’s breaking my heart.” He looks at you worriedly. “What’s going on?” He whispers. You take a deep breath. “All of these dreams–nightmares...they all involve death and me not being able to do anything about it. A lot of the times they’re just killing these faceless blurs that I can’t make out. But this was you. They took you and shot you.” You whisper. You shake your head and tears fill your eyes. “And I can’t do anything but listen. I can’t move, I can’t do anything. I can’t even save you from them.” You choke out. “Who is this ‘them’? Who are they?” Newt asks in confusion. “WCKD.” You whisper, staring at him. His eyebrows furrow deeply. You sniff and wipe your eyes. “Come here.” He says, pulling you into his arms. You wrap your arms around his waist and lay your head on his shoulder. He rubs your back. “I’m so scared to close my eyes, Newt. I’m so scared that I’ll have another nightmare again.” You admit in a whisper. “I won’t go to sleep if you won’t. I’ll stay up with you.” He says softly. You look at him. “No, I can’t make you–“ You start to say. He puts a finger over your lips, stopping you. “I want to.” He answers. You smile up at him and he smiles back. You lay your head back on his shoulder. “It’s going to be okay, Y/N. Honestly the only thing we have to worry about here are the Grievers.” Newt says. You scoff. “Gee, that makes me feel so much better.” You say sarcastically. He laughs and it’s such a beautiful sound. Gosh, if you never hear that sound again...your heart squeezes painfully and you involuntary let out a small whimper. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asks, looking down at you. “Nothing, nothing.” “No, come on, tell me, what is it?” You lift your head and look at him seriously. Tears burn in your eyes. “Can you promise me you’ll never die?” You ask hoarsely. “Y/N, I’m not immortal, no matter how cool that’d be.” He grins. You frown. “Okay, guessing by the look that’s on your face, that’s not what you wanted to hear.” He sighs. “Y/N, I can’t promise you that I’ll never die. That’s impossible. Everybody dies. But I will promise you this: I will do everything I can in my power to not die.” He cups your face gently. “Are you satisfied?” He smiles. You smile a little. “Not as satisfied as I’d be if you said you were immortal, but yeah.” You reply. Newt chuckles and kisses your cheek. You sigh happily, your eyes fluttering closed. He gasps softly. “Look at that, you’re closing your eyes. I thought you said you were scared to close them.” He smirks. Your eyes fly open. “I am-I mean, I was. But, I don’t know, your kiss on my cheek made me want to close them.” You stammer, blushing. “I guess I can remedy that even more.” He says, before grasping your face in his hands and kissing you passionately. [THE END] I hope you liked it!