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IMAGINE: John and you falling in love

     You sit at your desk, going over data to see if you’ve missed any vital information. You're a data analyst at the Olduvai Research Station on Mars. The station is on lock down and being quarantined. You don't know why but you are trying to figure out. The only team that is allowed in or out of the station is the newly arrived Rapid Response Tactical Squad. You haven't met any of them yet but you're already guessing they're going to be arrogant jerks. The door to the room opens and in walks Doctor Samantha Grimm, your best friend, and a really hot guy all decked out in gear. You turn in your chair to face them fully. “Y/N, I'd like you to meet my brother, John." She says, gesturing to the cute guy. You can't stop your eyes from widening. “This is your brother?" You ask incredulously. “Yes. He's one of the members of the Rapid Response Tactical Squad." She turns to John. "This is one of my dearest friends, Doctor Y/N L/N. She's our data analyst." John steps forward and shakes your hand. "It's a pleasure, Doctor L/N. Anyone that's a friend of my sister's is a friend of mine." He smiles. You smile back with ease. "Please just call me Y/N." “Only if you'll call me John." “Understood." You nod. You like him. Being on Mars you don't really meet a lot of decent guys. Most of them are just sly pigs. But John actually seems pretty decent.       Samantha crosses her arms. "So what are you working on?" "I'm just trying to figure out why in the world are we on lock down and being quarantined." You shrug. John glances at his sister. You look between them, your eyes narrowing. "What, do you know something I don't?" "No, no, of course not." She blurts out. “Please. Don't lie to me. What is it? What's going on?" She runs a hand through her hair. "We discovered that some members of the science team have..." She trails off and swallows. Your eyebrows furrow. "Have what?" You demand. John steps forward and leans against your desk. "That some of them have changed into...hostile monsters." You stifle a laugh when you see the serious looks on their faces. "Wait, what?" “They're like mutant zombies or something. It's crazy. Crazy scary. John and his team had to kill them." Samantha says. “So that's why we're on quarantine. You don't know how it's caused, you don't know how many more are out there, and you don't know how to stop it." You murmur. Samantha is silent. You look up at her. “We-we actually have an idea on what's causing it. When they landed here on Mars, they found the remains of an ancient Martian race. They were technologically advanced and put a lot of research into genetic manipulation. They made an artificial 24th chromosome. It mixes in with a subject’s DNA and can make them turn superhuman–at least that's what the Martians wanted. Then the Olvudai tried to experiment with it..." Samantha trails off. “But then it all went wrong." You finish for her. She nods. You sigh and rub your forehead. What a nightmare. Now this whole facility is under quarantine with these killer monsters on the loose.  “Well, we better let you get back to work." Samantha states. “It was very nice meeting you, Y/N." John smiles. You smile up at him, your fears over the quarantine quickly banishing for the moment. “You too, John. I hope to see you soon. Good luck out there." "Thanks." He winks before leaving with his sister. You let out a little laugh and then turn to go through the papers you were looking at earlier. You smile drops and your shiver. ———      That night in the Mess Hall, you sit down to eat dinner at an empty table. People are talking and clearly none too concerned about the quarantine. You rub your arm. "Why can't people take this seriously?" You grumble to yourself. “Because they're trying not to think about it. I saw it all the time when I was in the Marines. Right before a big, dangerous mission we'd all try to enjoy ourselves because we never knew who was going to be there the next time we all got together." John says from behind you, making you jump. He claims the empty chair across from you. “Well that's depressing." "War is depressing." He replies sadly. You sigh and pick at your food. "I can't believe this is actually happening." You look up at him, his face intent, listening to you. It warms your heart. No wonder why Samantha speaks so highly of him. “How many of us do you think are going to die?" You ask, your voice numb. John reaches across the table and covers your hand with his. "Y/N, you can't think like that. Do you hear me? That will not get you anywhere. If you continue to think like that, you'll probably end up dead." His words sting and you wince. You know he's right though. "I know, I know." You whisper. He squeezes your hand. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect Sam and you. You have my promise." He vows. You start shaking your head. "No, John, don't make a promise like that." “Too late, I already did. And I'm a man of my word." He smiles. You smile back. "Thank you." “Now come on, let's finish our dinner." He says. He and you talk all through dinner and enjoy each other's company immensely. ———      For the next couple of weeks, John and you spend time together each night analyzing and updating data. You've come to really, really like him, and he you. Neither of you are shy about your feelings for one another and that's just the way you like it.  One night you're in your lab reading through some of your files about the chromosome expirements the science team had been working on before they died. Your eyebrows furrow in dismay and you flip through the files to make sure you're reading this correctly. Your door slides open and John walks in. "Hey, Y/N." He smiles, squeezing your shoulder. When you don't say anything, he looks at you in concern. "Is everything okay?" He asks. You slowly set the papers down and look up at him. “Did you know the Olvudai scientists were using murderers to test the superhuman chromosome?" His eyebrows draw and he pulls a chair up next to yours. "No, I didn't know that. I'm surprised Samantha didn't tell us." “Maybe Samantha didn't know." You say. "On this report it says that after they–the murderers–were injected with the 24th chromosome, the scientists were expecting them to be superhuman. But it turned out to be the opposite. They turned into those vicious monsters. They had to shut down that facility. Apparently this chromosome only works whether you're good or evil... " You trail off and frown. "That doesn't make any sense." “Maybe since the murderers were bad, they turned into monsters. But if they were good, they would have turned into superhumans...?" John suggests. “What about the scientists? Does that mean they were bad too?" He shrugs. "Maybe the murderer monsters infected them and they didn't have a choice." You shiver and rub your arms. "This is getting weirder by the minute." You mutter. John wraps his arms around you and hugs you. "This is definitely not what I signed up." You laugh humorlessly. He rubs your back. "It's going to be okay." You look at him and smile sadly. "Don't lie to me." You state. He smiles sadly back at you and then rests his forehead against yours.      Suddenly alarms start blaring and the red warning lights in your lab start flashing. John and you both jump to your feet. "What's going on?" You ask worriedly. “I don't know." John breathes. "Warning! Warning! There's been a breach in section B. Warning! Warning!" A robotic voice sounds over the PA. “Section B, that's us!" You exclaim. The voice sounds over the PA system again.  John grabs your hand and you both run out the door. Everything is happening in a flurry. People are running and red lights are flashing. John grabs the nearest man who's running and pulls him to a stop. “What happened?" He demands. "One of those psychotic scientists took in one of those monsters to experiment on it. The monster broke through its containment, killed the scientist, and is now running lose." He blurts out before taking off running again. Your eyes widen in horror. "Let's go!" You scream, sprinting, pulling John with you.       As you're running, you hear the gutteral screams of men and women as the monster attacks them. They're coming from about a half mile away from you. You stop running and gasp. Your eyes fill with tears. “Those poor people." You whisper.  "We have to go." John insists. You sniff and follow after him. The people you are following soon disappear into different levels and sections. “We better get into the emergency levels. That's where Samantha and my team will be. I'll drop you off there." John tells you. “You're not staying?" You ask in horror. He looks at you. "Y/N, I can't. I have a job to do." You nod slowly. "Okay." You breathe. Just as you spot the stairs to the emergency level about 20 yards away, the lights flicker and then shut off. John and you both stop. “As if this wasn't creeper enough already." You whisper. “I'm not going to turn my flashlight on. He'll spot us easier that way. I'm going to feel down the wall until we hit the stairs." John whispers in your ear. You nod, even though you know he can't see it. You clutch his hand tightly as he moves against the wall. You're both as silent as you can be while you walk. You stop when you hear something heavy walking. So heavy the ground rattles. It's coming near you quickly. “John." You warn quietly. “Hurry." He whispers harshly, pulling you along even faster. In about a minute and a half, you're at the stairs. And the noise is getting even closer. Too close. “Go!" You whisper to John. You're both up three steps when the low lights flicker on. You freeze on the step and slowly look behind you. The monster is there–about 30 feet behind you, staring straight at you. “Go!" You scream at John, bolting up the stairs. The monster lets out a horrendous screech and follows after you. John and you race up the stairs, taking four at a time. “Can't you shoot it?!" You exclaim. "I only have a pistol! It'll do nothing! We need the big guns!" You reach the last flight of stairs and practically fly up them. The monster growls and grunts as it follows up after you. The emergency door is closed. “Open it! Let us in!" You scream, racing for it. You pound on the thick glass door. Samantha looks up at John and you in horror. She starts screaming something to John's team. “Hurry!" John shouts. You're panicking. If they don't get this door open, John and you will be brutally killed right before their eyes. “We lost power! We're only running on a generator. All of the doors are closed and we can't manually open them!" Samantha exclaims, sounding panicked. “Open it with force then!" John shouts. His team comes through and starts yanking the door open. You're bouncing on your tiptoes, nervous, anxious, and scared out of your mind. John looks at you. "I love you." “I love you too." You whisper. John's team gets the door open just big enough for one person. “Go! Y/N, get inside! Now!" John screams at you. “No, you go! The team needs you!" “I need you! Now go!" He shouts. You start crying as he all but pushes you to the door. You hug him tightly, slowly turning him about towards the door. “I'm sorry." You whisper, before quickly pushing him through the door into the emergency section. He falls to his knees in surprise. You quickly lean all your weight against the door and close it. Everyone in the room is shouting and trying to get the door open again.  “Y/N, no! No! What did you do?!" John screams, pounding on the glass. You place your hand against the glass door, your eyes filling with tears. "I'm sorry. I couldn't let you sacrifice your life for mine. I love you." You say tearfully. John places his hand against yours through the glass. "I love you." He mouths, tears streaming down his cheeks. Just then the monster mounts the stairs. “Y/N, no!" John sobs. You back up against the wall to make sure you’re out of sight from your friends. You take a deep breath, never having been so terrified in all your life. You close your eyes as you weep. Then the monster lunges for you. ———       John is crying, on his knees. “Oh my gosh." Samantha sobs, burying her face in her hands. “No more of this. There will be no more of this." John seethes angrily, his tear filled eyes burning with hatred. He stands and stalks to the back of the room, grabbing a massive gun off the table. He cocks it. "These creatures are going down." He hisses. “John, you can't go out there now. Once that door is open, the creature will come in." Samantha says. “Which is why we wait for it to leave. And then we stalk it and kill it. We kill all of them." John states darkly. "We're with you." His team says.  [THE END] I hope you liked it!  



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